英文: How to Send Data to the Activity from a Foreground Service in Android? 问题 我需要找到一种方法,从前台服务发送数据到主活...
“Value is never used as Publisher”的中文翻译是:”值从未被用作发布者”。
英文: "Value is never used as Publisher" 问题 我目前正在开发一个Spring Boot项目。我已经连接到了Couchbase,并想要向其ups...
英文: Get applicationContext in JUnit tests for RoomDB 问题 I can help you with the translation. Here's ...
英文: How to update Android UI on Firestore result? 问题 以下是你要翻译的内容: I am trying to write a database que...
英文: How to call apis with Kotlin coroutines in chain 问题 我对Kotlin和协程还很陌生。我正在尝试使用WebClient发送API请求。但是这些...
英文: Disable start to end swipe on SwipeToDismiss within a SwipeToDismissBox with wear in Compose 问题 ...
无法从 Retrofit API 接收数据。
英文: cant recieve data from the api retrofit 问题 作为一名志向成为Android开发者的人,我成功地创建了一个简单的MVVM字典应用,充分利用了诸如Retr...
在Android Kotlin中获取WiFi信号强度(以dBm为单位)
英文: Android Kotlin Get WiFi Signal Strength in dBm 问题 我正在开发一个需要获取WiFi信号强度(以dBm为单位)的Flutter应用程序。我的Flu...
Android BLE : Weight data from the BLE Scale – Need to convert byte array to decimal weight value in Kotlin
英文: Android BLE : Weight data from the BLE Scale - Need to convert byte array to decimal weight valu...
Recyclerview 数据回收
英文: Recyclerview data recycling 问题 我正在开发一个Android的电子商务应用程序,我使用RecyclerView来显示产品。在每张卡片上都有一个计数器来增加/减少数...