英文: Jira REST API v3 throwing 404 Error (Issue not Found) when issue exists 问题 我能够在使用指定的工单号时添加评论,但当我...
Write a JQL query for an issue that has issue links of type defect and with the status open.
英文: Write a JQL query for an issue that has issue links of type defect and with the status open 问题 我...
SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED 证书验证失败: 证书链中存在自签名证书 (_ssl.c:992)
英文: SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED certificate verify failed : self signed certificate in certificat...
英文: Write JQL to find an issue that has subissues 问题 JQL用于检查类型为“Fix”的问题,这些问题具有非空的问题链接。我需要在下面的截图中显示的已...
如何使用Cypress更新Zephyr Scale测试周期执行?
英文: How to update Zephyr Scale Test Cycle Execution using Cypress? 问题 以下是翻译好的部分: 我试图找到一种方法将我的Cypress...
英文: my excel becomes unresponsive while running a macro, it gets all the issues from JIRA using api ...
UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode character '\u03a3' in position 409: character maps to <undefined>
英文: UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode character '\u03a3' in posit...
Folder as python String wit \_
英文: Folder as python String wit \_ 问题 I want to print a foldername as a Python 3.9 string. It looks ...
ScriptRunner Merge Check for Bitbucket 获取关联的 Jira 问题
英文: ScriptRunner Merge Check for Bitbucket Get Associated Jira Issue 问题 我想设置一个合并检查,如果关联的Jira问题有任何阻塞任...
Spring Boot和Java 8:是否有一种动态构建字符串的方式?
英文: Spring boot and java 8: Is there a way to build a string dynamically? 问题 有没有一种方法在Java 8和/或Spring...