ScriptRunner Merge Check for Bitbucket 获取关联的 Jira 问题

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ScriptRunner Merge Check for Bitbucket Get Associated Jira Issue



在我来这里之前,我已经搜索了解决方案,并找到了以下示例。但是,就在import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor的地方,我遇到了"无法解析类"的错误。我正在运行最新版本的Scriptrunner for Bitbucket Server v.7.10.0。

我尝试使用AppLinks,就像以下示例中所示,我发现我可以通过这种方式访问Jira API,但我不确定如何实际确定与触发合并分支关联的问题的任务ID。



I would like to set up a Merge Check that will block a merge if the associated Jira Issue has any blocking tasks.

I have searched for the solution before coming here and found the following example. However, right at import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor I get an "unable to resolve class" error. I am running the latest version of Scriptrunner for Bitbucket Server v.7.10.0.

I have attempted to use AppLinks as shown in the following example and see that I am able to access the Jira Api this way, however I am unsure of how to actually determine the Task Id of the issue linked to the triggering Merge Branch.

I am having a hard time finding any up to date documentation that doesn't involve random Adaptavist or Atlasian forumn posts. Does anyone have any insight for how I can get started?


得分: 1


"The ComponentAccessor is no longer supported, and my non-descript errors were a result of lower permissions. Once being promoted to admin I was able to access the Script Editor window which allowed me to perform the following..."

"To replace the provided 'Is Blocked on Jira' example I instead created a Jira Issue Controller class that is responsible for accessing the information using appLinks and Jira API calls."

"import com.atlassian.applinks.api.ApplicationLinkResponseHandler
import com.atlassian.applinks.api.ApplicationLinkService
import com.atlassian.applinks.api.application.jira.JiraApplicationType
import com.atlassian.sal.api.component.ComponentLocator
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper

import static

// This class is responsible for retrieving specific issues from the Jira AppLink (api)
class IssueController{
private static String issueEndpoint = '/rest/api/2/issue/'

  1. // doc -
  2. private static ApplicationLinkResponseHandler<Map> handler = new ApplicationLinkResponseHandler<Map>() {
  3. // Triggered when a call to a remote server failed because the caller does not have an established session
  4. // with the server and will need to authorize requests first by visiting the authorization URL provided by
  5. // AuthorisationURIGenerator.
  6. @Override
  7. Map credentialsRequired(Response response) throws ResponseException {
  8. return null
  9. }
  10. @Override
  11. Map handle(Response response) throws ResponseException {
  12. assert response.statusCode == 200
  13. new JsonSlurper().parseText(response.getResponseBodyAsString()) as Map
  14. }
  15. }
  16. static RestObjects.JiraIssue GetJiraIssue(String issueKey){
  17. def appLinkService = ComponentLocator.getComponent(ApplicationLinkService)
  18. def appLink = appLinkService.getPrimaryApplicationLink(JiraApplicationType)
  19. def appLinkUrl = appLink.getDisplayUrl().toString()
  20. // doc -
  21. def applicationLinkRequestFactory = appLink.createAuthenticatedRequestFactory()
  22. // doc - https://docs.atlassian.applinks.api/3.2/com/atlassian/applinks/api/ApplicationLinkRequest.html
  23. def linkRequest = applicationLinkRequestFactory.createRequest(GET, issueEndpoint + issueKey )
  24. def response = linkRequest.execute(handler)
  25. return new RestObjects.JiraIssue(response);
  26. }


"This class returns a custom object RestObjects.JiraIssue I use to parse the specific API response Map into custom Classes. A short example of the JiraIssue class and how I am able to access the linked blocking issues is shown below."

"package JiraApp.RestObjects

class JiraIssue
String key
Fields fields

  1. //public
  2. JiraIssue(keyStr){
  3. this.key = keyStr
  4. }
  5. JiraIssue(Map apiResponseMap)
  6. {
  7. this.key = apiResponseMap['key']
  8. this fields = new Fields(apiResponseMap['fields'] as Map)
  9. }
  10. //Returns list of the keys linked blocking issues
  11. String[] blockingIssueKeys(){
  12. String[] keys = []
  13. fields.issueLinks.each {
  14. link -&gt;
  15. if( == 'Blocks' &amp;&amp; link.getInwardIssue() != null)
  16. {
  17. def inwardIssue = link.getInwardIssue()
  18. keys += inwardIssue.key
  19. }
  20. }
  21. return keys;
  22. }
  23. class Fields{
  24. Fields(Map fieldsMap){....."

"The rest of this class uses nested classes to parse the input Maps for their fields into usable objects. It also contains objects/functions I have created for my specific application."

"I hope this answer is helpful to someone, the documentation on ScriptRunner for bitbucket is limited."


The ComponentAccessor is no longer supported, and my non-descript errors were a result of lower permissions. Once being promoted to admin I was able to access the Script Editor window which allowed me to perform the following...

To replace the provided "Is Blocked on Jira" example I instead created a Jira Issue Controller class that is responsible for accessing the information using appLinks and Jira API calls.

  1. import com.atlassian.applinks.api.ApplicationLinkResponseHandler
  2. import com.atlassian.applinks.api.ApplicationLinkService
  3. import com.atlassian.applinks.api.application.jira.JiraApplicationType
  4. import com.atlassian.sal.api.component.ComponentLocator
  5. import
  6. import
  7. import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
  8. import static
  9. // This class is responsiblefor retrieving specific issues from the JiraAppLink (api)
  10. class IssueController{
  11. private static String issueEndpoint = &quot;/rest/api/2/issue/&quot;
  12. // doc -
  13. private static ApplicationLinkResponseHandler&lt;Map&gt; handler = new ApplicationLinkResponseHandler&lt;Map&gt;() {
  14. // Triggered when a call to a remote server failed because the caller does not have an established session
  15. // with the server and will need to authorize requests first by visiting the authorization URL provided by
  16. // AuthorisationURIGenerator.
  17. @Override
  18. Map credentialsRequired(Response response) throws ResponseException {
  19. return null
  20. }
  21. @Override
  22. Map handle(Response response) throws ResponseException {
  23. assert response.statusCode == 200
  24. new JsonSlurper().parseText(response.getResponseBodyAsString()) as Map
  25. }
  26. }
  27. static RestObjects.JiraIssue GetJiraIssue(String issueKey){
  28. def appLinkService = ComponentLocator.getComponent(ApplicationLinkService)
  29. def appLink = appLinkService.getPrimaryApplicationLink(JiraApplicationType)
  30. def appLinkUrl = appLink.getDisplayUrl().toString()
  31. // doc -
  32. def applicationLinkRequestFactory = appLink.createAuthenticatedRequestFactory()
  33. // doc -
  34. def linkRequest = applicationLinkRequestFactory.createRequest(GET, issueEndpoint + issueKey )
  35. def response = linkRequest.execute(handler)
  36. return new RestObjects.JiraIssue(response);
  37. }
  38. }

This class returns a custom object RestObjects.JiraIssue I use to parse the specific API response Map into custom Classes. A short example of the JiraIssue class and how I am able to access the linked blocking issues is shown below.

  1. package JiraApp.RestObjects
  2. class JiraIssue
  3. {
  4. String key
  5. Fields fields
  6. //public
  7. JiraIssue(keyStr){
  8. this.key = keyStr
  9. }
  10. JiraIssue(Map apiResponseMap)
  11. {
  12. this.key = apiResponseMap[&quot;key&quot;]
  13. this.fields = new Fields(apiResponseMap[&quot;fields&quot;] as Map)
  14. }
  15. //Returns list of the keys linked blocking issues
  16. String[] blockingIssueKeys(){
  17. String[] keys = []
  18. fields.issueLinks.each {
  19. link -&gt;
  20. if( == &quot;Blocks&quot; &amp;&amp; link.getInwardIssue() != null)
  21. {
  22. def inwardIssue = link.getInwardIssue()
  23. keys += inwardIssue.key
  24. }
  25. }
  26. return keys;
  27. }
  28. class Fields{
  29. Fields(Map fieldsMap){.....

The rest of this class uses nested classes to parse the input Maps for their fields into usable objects. It also contains objects/functions I have created for my specific application.

I hope this answer is helpful to someone, the documentation on ScriptRunner for bitbucket is limited.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月18日 01:38:29
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