英文: Getting number of rows in 2D array: my function always returns 1 - Arduino 问题 我正在为在esp32上的LED项目中...
英文: Why esp32 cannot sync lcd while playing audio? 问题 我有一块由Panlee制造的sc01 plus开发板,配备了esp32-s3、16MB闪存、...
英文: Use static variable in array declaration 问题 以下是您提供的代码的翻译: // 注意:这会将onoff_pub_0隐式定义为静态变量 ESP_BLE_...
英文: Trying to encrypt communication with ESP32 (PlatformIO). esp_aes_crypt_ecb fails on the last blo...
英文: Array in Tasks make a Guru error with ESP32 问题 Here's the translation of the code and the error ...
英文: Branchless way to add two UINT while avoiding overflow? 问题 我想知道是否有一种无分支的方法来执行此操作,或者只是一种通常更好的方法: ...
Compilation error when trying to transmit and receive data to Dynamixel XL320 motors with esp32 with an active BLE connexion
英文: Compilation error when trying to transmit and receive data to Dynamixel XL320 motors with esp32 ...
英文: BLE sent String between ESP32 and Iphone 问题 我需要从iPhone通过BLE将文本发送到ESP32。 手机应用程序连接到ESP32并成功保持连接。但是...
英文: Issue with struct assign values in C using ESP-IDF 问题 Code A 使用初始化结构进行WiFi配置,而 Code B 将值分配给结构。然后...
英文: ESP32 Consistently Restarting after Closing Serial Connection 问题 我对微控制器相关的知识相对较新,而且编程经验有限,但我无法理解...