英文: Set is keeping old object even after the new insertion 问题 以下是翻译好的部分: 我一直以为,当插入新值以维护其唯一性属性时,`Set`...
NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveTopLevelObjectWithData deprecated – Array loads as nil even though it's in the archive
英文: NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveTopLevelObjectWithData deprecated - Array loads as nil even though it...
英文: Query() in view with model container attached shows error saying it does not have a model contai...
Use Location wrapper to decode CLLocation variable
英文: Use Location wrapper to decode CLLocation variable 问题 我目前正在尝试创建一个扩展来使 CLLocation 可编码。为此,我试图复制此线程...
英文: On onLongPressGresture navigate to another SwiftUI screen 问题 以下是翻译好的部分: Parent View Controller w...
iOS UIkit ViewDidLayout 调用在处理拖动时
英文: iOS UIkit ViewDidLayout Calls On Handle Drag 问题 应用程序有两个不同的部分。一个是矩形视图(Rectangle view),另一个是按钮(Butt...
逃逸自动闭包捕获 ‘inout’ 参数 ‘self’
英文: Escaping autoclosure captures 'inout' parameter 'self' 问题 我一直在使用枚举类型编写一个简化版的堆栈: ...
How do I add the cell I created in different xib to the table view I created in the uiview controller?
英文: How do I add the cell I created in different xib to the table view I created in the uiview contr...
你可以如何设置项目的 “lifecycle” 选项?
英文: How can I set the "lifecycle" option for my project? 问题 I am currently in the process ...
英文: How to draw a vertical linear Gauge in SwiftUI nicely? 问题 我是新手学习SwiftUI,并最近开始着手我的第一个项目(关于可视化一些数据...