英文: Find all permutations of words from list that fits in given word 问题 def letterCombinations(word,...
英文: How to save previous "output" or a state of the previous output in a recursive functio...
英文: How can I find the time complexity? 问题 The correct time complexity for the given code is O(n^2),...
Boost Depth First Visit with avoidance and early exit
英文: Boost Depth First Visit with avoidance and early exit 问题 Consider the following (directed) tree ...
英文: Minimum Edge required to connect a unconnected directed graph 问题 我正在尝试编写一个算法,该算法可以找到连接有向非连接图中所有起...
最小距离使用深度优先搜索 (DFS)
英文: minimum distance using dfs 问题 // 修改 void dfs(int current_node_index, int end_node_index, int num...
英文: Shortest Path DFS 问题 继续我的图论学习,我开始解决迷宫II问题。 有一个球在一个迷宫里,迷宫由空格(表示为0)和墙壁(表示为1)组成。球可以通过向上、向下、向左或向右滚动穿...
英文: Finding cyclic product relations with TypeORM/SQL/NestJS 问题 Here is the translated content witho...
英文: Build dependency tree object from flat array in javascript with child_id references 问题 I have tr...
英文: C Implementation of Depth First Search Algorithm Without Pointers (Graph as Adjacency Matrix) 问题...