英文: Why esp32 cannot sync lcd while playing audio? 问题 我有一块由Panlee制造的sc01 plus开发板,配备了esp32-s3、16MB闪存、...
英文: what library to use with ESP32 to configure a telegram bot? 问题 抱歉,以下是您的代码的翻译部分: #include <Key...
英文: How to return a variable from a function in a multi core environment? 问题 所以我有一个必须在系统中对其他任务可用的变量。...
英文: Save live video stream to a video file 问题 I see you want to save live streaming video data into ...
英文: How to play pcm through I2S? 问题 I have ESP32-WROOM-32D板和MAX98357A I2S板,需要播放8KHz 8位PCM音频。 PCM音频缓冲...
How can I store in an struct member and after that print them using Serial.println() if the data to store is a stringstream?, framework arduino ESP32
英文: How can I store in an struct member and after that print them using Serial.println() if the data...
英文: ESP32 Connected to GPS module. No serial out unless holding down reset button 问题 我是新手使用Arduino,遇...