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sql default time zone set problem facing please solve


1st ..

  1. 设置时区 = 'Asia/Kolkata'

2nd .

  1. 设置 `time_zone` = 'Asia/Kolkata'

3rd .

  1. 设置全局 time_zone = '+05:30'


  1. 设置全局 time_zone = "Asia/Kolkata"


  1. #1227 - 拒绝访问;您需要(至少之一)进行此操作的 SUPER 权限

im trying to change the current timezone to Asia/Kolkata by using the following query in phpmyadmin. But its not working..

1st ..

  1. set time_zone = '+5:30'

2nd .

  1. SET `time_zone` = 'Asia/Kolkata'

3rd .

  1. SET GLOBAL time_zone = '+05:30';


  1. SET GLOBAL time_zone = "Asia/Kolkata";

But this not working showings this error

  1. #1227 - Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation


得分: 2



您没有说您的前两个示例是否成功。如果 SET SESSION time_zone='Asia/Kolkata' 失败而 SET SESSION time_zone='+05:30' 成功,这意味着您的DBMS的时区表尚未由系统管理员加载。请那个人阅读此文档:链接。请注意,许多托管提供商拒绝加载这些表,尽管它们是MySQL和MariaDb的标准配置的一部分。


对于仅适用于印度的应用程序,不可用的时区表不是问题,因为印度不使用夏令时。但对于许多地方来说,本地时间与UTC之间的偏移每年变化两次。时区表实现了这些变化。例如,America/Halifax 在夏季切换为 -03:00,而在冬季切换为 -04:00


Setting the global timezone does in fact require administrative privilege on the DBMS: it affects all the database's users, and could cause confusion to other software if it changes. Your error message makes it clear you don't have that privilege. It's considered a good practice to keep a DBMS's global timezone set to UTC.

Setting the session time zone (your first two examples) does not require privilege, as it affects only your session. Many applications set the time zone every time they connect to the DBMS, as this allows the current time zone setting to be handled as a user preference.

You didn't say whether your first two examples succeeded. If SET SESSION time_zone='Asia/Kolkata' fails and SET SESSION time_zone='+05:30' succeeds, it means your DBMS's time zone tables have not been loaded by your system administrator. Ask that person to read this. Be aware that many hosting providers refuse to load these tables, even though they're part of the standard configuration for MySQL and MariaDb.

(If both your first two examples failed, something else is wrong.)

For India-only apps, not having the time zone tables available isn't a problem because India does not use daylight time. But for many places, the offset between local time and UTC changes twice a year. The time zone tables implement those changes. For example, America/Halifax switches between -03:00 in summer and -04:00 in winter.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年8月10日 20:21:24
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76875696.html



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