Cosmos查询Item子集合时的Continuation Token/MaxItems

huangapple go评论134阅读模式

Cosmos Continuation Token/MaxItems when querying Item sub collection



   "OrderItems": [{
     "ProductId": 100, 
     "Qty": 3



var result = await container.GetItemLinqQueryable<Order>(continuationToken: continuationToken,
 requestOptions: new QueryRequetOptions() 
 PartitionKey = new PartitionKey("someKey"), 
 MaxItems = paginationNumber
}).Where(o => o.AgencyId == agencyId).ToFeedIterator().ToListyAsycnWithContinue();




Cosmos newbie question here. I have a Container called Orders and each Order Item in the Collection has a structure like

   &quot;OrderItems&quot;: [{
     &quot;ProductId&quot;: 100, 
     &quot;Qty&quot;: 3

Something like

//agencyId, continuationToken, paginationNumber came in via API call. Cosmos generated the tokens

var result = await container.GetItemLinqQueryable&lt;Order&gt;(continuationToken: continuationToken,
 requestOptions: new QueryRequetOptions() 
 PartitionKey = new PartitionKey(&quot;someKey&quot;), 
 MaxItems = paginationNumber
}).Where(o =&gt; o.AgencyId == agencyId).ToFeedIterator().ToListyAsycnWithContinue();

I've seen examples that show how to query this Collection where it returns a list of the Item type, ie Orders and a continuationToken which could be exposed via an API to allow a client of that API a means to paginate results by adding the continuationToken to any future requests and Cosmos could then resume the query observing a MaxCount items.

I'd like to query this Collection to return all the OrderItems that were placed by a particular AgentId. Where does the continuationToken/maxItems values come into play here as my intent would be that they'd be referring to the OrderItems not at the Order level. So if maxItems was 20 for example, I'm saying restrict this to 20 OrderItems not 20 Orders.


得分: 0



由于理想情况下您的文档很小,您还可以选择检索所有的OrderItems,并在客户端进行过滤,以便一次只显示一页,但所有的OrderItems都在单个请求中检索并保存在内存中。使用点读取和小型文档,您可以将 RU 使用量最小化。



The continuationToken isn't useful for that. It's purely for retrieving additional documents from a query and not subelements within a documents. The continuationToken is used to keep track of the state of query so you can continue from the last document in the query without logicaly iterating over all documents queried before it.

If you want to paginate over information within a document you'll need to write a query for that yourself (e.g. having the client passing the offset and limit and using ARRAY_SLICE to retrieve the relevant OrderItems).

Since you ideally have kept your documents small you could also opt to retrieve all OrderItems and filter client side so only one page is viewable at a time, but all are retrieved in a single request and kept in memory. Using point reads and small documents you can keep your RU usage to a minimum this way.

Lastly you can also opt to change your structure and save each OrderItem as individual document. That'll of course have a lot of other effects on querying data. When pagination is your only issue then this likely isn't the best option.

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