
huangapple go评论60阅读模式

How to set phi per group using nlme in R?


使用fixed = TRUE来指定phi的值时,如何为每个受试者设置固定值(例如,Subject 1的值为0.7,Subject 2的值为0.5等)?

mod <- gls(rate ~ pressure,
           data = Dialyzer,
           corr = corAR1(form = ~ 1 | Subject, value = c(0.7, 0.5), fixed = TRUE))



When specifying a value as phi using fixed = TRUE, how can I set a fixed value for each Subject (e. g. value = 0.7 for Subject 1, value = 0.5 for Subject 2 etc.)?

mod &lt;- gls(rate ~ pressure,
           data = Dialyzer,
           corr = corAR1(form = ~ 1 | Subject, value = 0.7, fixed = TRUE))


得分: 7



mod <- gls(rate ~ pressure,
           data = Dialyzer,
           corr = corAR1(form = ~ 1 | Subject, value = 0.7, fixed = TRUE))


trans <- function(rho) rho/sqrt(1-rho^2)
g1 <- glmmTMB(rate ~ pressure + ar1(0+factor(index)|Subject), 
        dispformula = ~ 0, 
        map = list(theta = factor(c(1, NA))), 
        start = list(theta = c(0, trans(0.7))),
        data = Dialyzer)


  • 公式中的ar1(0+factor(index)|Subject)是一个特定于主体的AR1项(请参阅相关的glmmTMB文档以获取如何工作的详细说明【"构建结构化协方差矩阵"部分】,以及支持此答案的许多技术细节)
  • trans() 是从相关性尺度到 glmmTMB 中相关系数的内部参数化的转换
  • dispformula = ~ 0 指定我们没有额外的残差方差项(如果我们添加了它,那将是一个“块状效应”)
  • map 指定在起始值时保持恒定的哪些参数,或将它们设置为相等:theta 是随机效应参数的向量(glmmTMBar1() 处理为随机效应),第一个参数是对数标准差,第二个(将保持恒定)是自相关参数
  • start 指定起始值(特别是对于其中 map 元素设置为 NA 的任何参数的固定值)

glmmTMBgls 模型的结果看起来足够接近(固定效应参数相同,协方差矩阵在2%内,残差标准差在1%内)。

现在我们如何进行修改以获得特定于主体的固定 phi 值?我们将生成20个不同ar1() 项,每个项仅适用于单个主体,方法是将每个项乘以一个0/1的哑变量(指示变量):


dummy <- lme4::dummy
ar1_terms <- sprintf("ar1(0+dummy(Subject, %d):factor(index)|Subject)",
form <- reformulate(c("pressure", ar1_terms), response = "rate")
g2 <- glmmTMB(form, dispformula = ~ 0, data = Dialyzer)


Subject    dummy(Subject, 1):factor(index)1  12.940   0.72 (ar1)
Subject.1  dummy(Subject, 2):factor(index)1  11.088   0.64 (ar1)
Subject.2  dummy(Subject, 3):factor(index)1   8.193   0.56 (ar1)
Subject.3  dummy(Subject, 4):factor(index)1   8.782   0.55 (ar1)
Subject.4  dummy(Subject, 5):factor(index)1   8.258   0.54 (ar1)


现在稍微修改一下,设置mapstart 向量,这是对应于每个Subject参数的20对(log-SD,trans(phi))。
每个map 对中的第一个元素应该是1(以便所有主体的对数标准差参数都相等),每对中的第二个元素应该是 NA(以固定值);
每个start 对中的第一个元素设置为0(对数标准差的默认起始值),每对中的第二个元素是 trans(phi_i)
我将固定的 phi 向量设为 (0.4, 0.5, 0.6, ... 0.9, 0.4, ...) 以作示范。

phivec <- rep((4:9)/10, length.out = 20)

## 用以获取交替的 (0, phi_i) 对的技巧
startvec <- c(rbind(0, trans(phivec)))
## 将所有对数标准差值设为相等,将所有 phi 值固定为起始值
mapvec <- factor(rbind(rep(1, 20), NA_integer_))


g3 <- update(g2, start = list(theta = startvec), map = list(theta = mapvec))


Groups     Name                              Std.Dev. Corr      
Subject    dummy(Subject, 1):factor(index)1  11.66    0.40 (ar1)
Subject.1  dummy(Subject, 2):factor(index)1  11.66    0.50 (ar1)
Subject.2  dummy(Subject, 3):factor(index)1  11.66    0.60 (ar1)
Subject.3  dummy(Subject, 4):factor(index)1  11.66    0.70 (ar1)
Subject.4  dummy(Subject, 5):factor(index)1  11.66    0.80 (ar1)
Subject.5  dummy(Subject


With some work I can get this done in `glmmTMB`. I don&#39;t know how to do it in `nlme`, and I doubt it&#39;s possible (but don&#39;t know for sure).

Start by fitting the original model (a single fixed value of `phi`):

mod &lt;- gls(rate ~ pressure,
           data = Dialyzer,
           corr = corAR1(form = ~ 1 | Subject, value = 0.7, fixed = TRUE))

Warming up by doing this in glmmTMB and comparing:

trans &lt;- function(rho) rho/sqrt(1-rho^2)
g1 &lt;- glmmTMB(rate ~ pressure + ar1(0+factor(index)|Subject), 
        dispformula = ~ 0, 
        map = list(theta = factor(c(1, NA))), 
        start = list(theta = c(0, trans(0.7))),
        data = Dialyzer)

What you need to know:

  • the ar1(0+factor(index)|Subject) term in the formula is a subject-specific AR1 term (see the relevant glmmTMB vignette for a detailed explanation of how this works ["Construction of structured covariance matrices" section], and generally for many of the technical details underlying this answer)
  • trans() is the transformation from the correlation scale to the internal parameterization of correlation coefficients in glmmTMB
  • dispformula = ~ 0 specifies that we have no additional residual variance term (this would be a nugget effect if we added it)
  • map specifies which parameters to hold constant at their starting values, or set equal to each other: theta is the vector of random effect parameters (glmmTMB handles ar1() as a random effect), the first parameter is a log-SD, the second (to be held constant) is the autocorrelation parameter
  • start specifies starting values (and, in particular, the fixed values for any parameters with their map element set to NA)

The results of the glmmTMB and gls models seem close enough (fixed effect parameters the same, covariance matrix within 2%, residual SD within 1%)

Now how do we hack this to get subject-specific fixed phi values? We'll generate 20 different ar1() terms, each of which applies only to a single subject, by multiplying each term by a 0/1 dummy (indicator) variable:

First fit the model with subject-specific terms, but with both SD and phi estimated and free to vary among subjects:

dummy &lt;- lme4::dummy
ar1_terms &lt;- sprintf(&quot;ar1(0+dummy(Subject, %d):factor(index)|Subject)&quot;,
form &lt;- reformulate(c(&quot;pressure&quot;, ar1_terms), response = &quot;rate&quot;)
g2 &lt;- glmmTMB(form, dispformula = ~ 0, data = Dialyzer)

Partial results:

Subject    dummy(Subject, 1):factor(index)1  12.940   0.72 (ar1)
Subject.1  dummy(Subject, 2):factor(index)1  11.088   0.64 (ar1)
Subject.2  dummy(Subject, 3):factor(index)1   8.193   0.56 (ar1)
Subject.3  dummy(Subject, 4):factor(index)1   8.782   0.55 (ar1)
Subject.4  dummy(Subject, 5):factor(index)1   8.258   0.54 (ar1)

These seem plausible (SDs varying around 11.3, phi varying around 0.6).

Now little bit of hacking to set up the map and start vectors, which are 20 pairs of (log-SD, trans(phi)) corresponding to each Subject's parameters. The first element in each map pair should be 1 (so that the log-SD parameters for all subjects are set equal), and the second in each pair should be NA (to fix the value); the first element in each start pair is set to 0 (the default starting value for log-SD) and the second element in each start pair is trans(phi_i). I set the fixed phi vector to (0.4, 0.5, 0.6, ... 0.9, 0.4, ...) for illustration.

phivec &lt;- rep((4:9)/10, length.out = 20)

## trick to get alternating (0, phi_i) pairs
startvec &lt;- c(rbind(0, trans(phivec)))
## set all log-sd values equal, all phi values fixed to start values
mapvec &lt;- factor(rbind(rep(1, 20), NA_integer_))

Now refit the model with this specification:

g3 &lt;- update(g2, start = list(theta = startvec), map = list(theta = mapvec))

The results seem to be what we expected.

Groups     Name                              Std.Dev. Corr      
Subject    dummy(Subject, 1):factor(index)1  11.66    0.40 (ar1)
Subject.1  dummy(Subject, 2):factor(index)1  11.66    0.50 (ar1)
Subject.2  dummy(Subject, 3):factor(index)1  11.66    0.60 (ar1)
Subject.3  dummy(Subject, 4):factor(index)1  11.66    0.70 (ar1)
Subject.4  dummy(Subject, 5):factor(index)1  11.66    0.80 (ar1)
Subject.5  dummy(Subject, 6):factor(index)1  11.66    0.90 (ar1)


得分: 0






fixed_values <- c(0.7, 0.5) # 用所需的每个主体的固定值替换这些值

custom_corAR1 <- function(value) {
  corStruct(AR1(form = ~ 1 | Subject),
            value = value,
            fixed = TRUE)

mod <- gls(rate ~ pressure,
            data = Dialyzer,
            corr = corClasses(corAR1 = custom_corAR1(fixed_values),
                              corFixed = "corAR1"))

I'm not an expert in R, but I believe you can use the corFixed argument and the corClasses function to achieve what you're looking for so let me explain using an example.

First, let's say you want to define a custom correlation structure function called custom_corAR1,this function takes a vector of fixed values as an argument and inside the function, you can create the corStruct with the AR1 correlation structure and set the fixed values using the value argument.

To specify the correlation structure using corClasses, you can pass the custom corAR1 function along with the fixed values vector to the corAR1 argument and additionally, you can indicate that the correlation structure is fixed by setting corFixed to "corAR1"!

check this out:


fixed_values &lt;- c(0.7, 0.5) #replace this with the desired fixed values for each subject

custom_corAR1 &lt;- function(value) {
  corStruct(AR1(form = ~ 1 | Subject),
            value = value,
            fixed = TRUE)

mod &lt;- gls(rate ~ pressure,
            data = Dialyzer,
            corr = corClasses(corAR1 = custom_corAR1(fixed_values),
                              corFixed = &quot;corAR1&quot;))

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年7月31日 21:02:58
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76803909.html



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