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Adding multiple tags in one result in BeautifulSoup


adress = company.find_all('span')[1].text + company.find_all('span')[2].text + company.find_all('span')[3].text + company.find_all('span')[4].text


In the line when defining adress I want to add 4 results from different <span> tags into 1. But I cannot figure out how to do so.

`from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests, openpyxl

#excel =  openpyxl.Workbook()
#sheet = excel.active
#sheet.title = &#39;KNX manufacturers&#39;
#sheet.append([&#39;name&#39;, &#39;description&#39;, &#39;country&#39;, &#39;website&#39;, &#39;phone&#39;, &#39;CEO&#39;, &#39;adress&#39;])

	source = requests.get(&#39;https://www.knx.org/knx-en/for-professionals/community/manufacturers/&#39;)

	soup = BeautifulSoup(source.text,&#39;html.parser&#39;)

	companys = soup.find(&#39;div&#39;, class_=&quot;accordion&quot;).find_all(&#39;li&#39;)
	for company in companys:

		name = company.find(&#39;span&#39;, class_=&quot;desktop_only&quot;).text

		description = company.find(&#39;div&#39;, class_=&quot;col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-xs-12&quot;).text.strip()

		country = company.find(&#39;div&#39;, class_=&quot;col-lg-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-6 item&quot;).span.text

		website = company.find(&#39;div&#39;, class_=&quot;col-sm-6 col-xs-12&quot;).a.text

		phone = company.find(&#39;div&#39;, class_=&quot;col-sm-6 col-xs-12&quot;).find_all(&#39;span&#39;)[5].text.strip(&#39;Phone: &#39;)

		CEO = company.find(&#39;div&#39;, class_=&quot;col-sm-6 col-xs-12&quot;).find_all(&#39;strong&#39;)[0].text.strip()

		adress = company.find(&#39;div&#39;, class_=&quot;col-sm-6 col-xs-12&quot;).find_all(&#39;span&#39;)[1, 2, 3, 4].text

		#print(name, description, country, website, phone, CEO, adress)
		#sheet.append([name, description, country, website, phone, CEO, adress])

except Exception as e:

#excel.save(&#39;KNX manufacturers | Bemsiq.xlsx&#39;)`

I tried adding find_all('span')[1, 2, 3, 4] but it can only show one of these results at the time.


得分: 1

要将所有数据从表格提取到pandas DataFrame中您可以尝试

import re
import requests
import pandas as pd
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

url = 'https://www.knx.org/knx-en/for-professionals/community/manufacturers/'

soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).content, 'html.parser')

def get_text(tag):
    return re.sub(r'\s{2,}', ' ', tag.text.strip())

all_data = []
for a in soup.select('.accordion-body'):
    name = a.select_one('.mobile_only').text
    phone = a.select_one('strong:-soup-contains("Phone:")')
    phone = phone.find_next_sibling(string=True) if phone else '-'

    web = a.select_one('strong:-soup-contains("Website:") + a')
    web = web['href'] if web else '-'

    email = a.select_one('strong:-soup-contains("Email:") + a')
    email = email['href'] if email else '-'

    person = a.strong
    line1 = person.find_next_sibling("span")
    line2 = line1.find_next_sibling("span")
    line3 = line2.find_next_sibling("span")

    address = f'{get_text(line1)}, {get_text(line2)}, {get_text(line3)}'
    person = person.text

    all_data.append((name, phone, web, email, person, address))

df = pd.DataFrame(all_data, columns=['Name', 'Phone', 'Web', 'Email', 'Person', 'Address'])


Name Phone Web Email Person Address
[mn]medianet +49.6103697784 https://www.medianet-home.de/ mailto:info@medianet-home.de Bernhard Hnida Am Taubhaus 29, 63303 Dreieich, Germany
1Home Solutions GmbH +386.51300606 http://www.1home.io mailto:dejan.bukovnik@voxior.com Dejan Bukovnik Wattstrasse 11, 13355 Berlin, Germany
3domotic Global Systems, S.L. +34.610991993 - mailto:software@3atel.com Santiago Ribas Roca Enric Granados 153, Pral Bis - 1, 08008 Barcelona, Spain
4ba GmbH +49.6461980440 http://www.4ba-gmbh.de mailto:oh@dacom-homeautomation.de Oliver Herrmann Am Roten Stein 9A, 35216 Biedenkopf, Germany
ABB France +33.561151845 http://www.abb.com mailto:cathy.zotti@fr.abb.com Serge Le Men rue Paul Gauguin 33, 31100 Toulouse, France
ABB LV Installation Materials Company Limited, Beijing +86.1058085086 http://www.abb.com.cn mailto:yuwei.dai@cn.abb.com Yuwei Dai Kangding Street No. 17, 100176 Beijing, China
ABB S.p.A. +39.35395269 http://www.abb.com/it mailto:marco.simonella@it.abb.com Marco Simonella Via delle Industrie 18, 20010 Vittuone, Italy
ABB Schweiz Ltd. +41 58/5864566 http://www.levyfils.ch mailto:tudor.baiatu@ch.abb.com Tudor Baiatu Fulachstrasse 150, 8201 Schaffhausen, Switzerland
ABB Stotz-Kontakt GmbH +49.62217011357 http://www.abb.com/knx mailto:volker.biewendt@de.abb.com Volker Biewendt Eppelheimer Straße 82, 69123 Heidelberg, Germany
ABB Xiamen Smart Technology Co., Ltd. +86.5927616016 https://new.abb.com/ mailto:sylvia-shanshan.wang@cn.abb.com Sylvia Wang FangShanXiEr Road No.881, 361000 Xiamen, China


To get all data from the table to pandas DataFrame you can try:

import re
import requests
import pandas as pd
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

url = &#39;https://www.knx.org/knx-en/for-professionals/community/manufacturers/&#39;

soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).content, &#39;html.parser&#39;)

def get_text(tag):
    return re.sub(r&#39;\s{2,}&#39;, &#39; &#39;, tag.text.strip())

all_data = []
for a in soup.select(&#39;.accordion-body&#39;):
    name = a.select_one(&#39;.mobile_only&#39;).text
    phone = a.select_one(&#39;strong:-soup-contains(&quot;Phone:&quot;)&#39;)
    phone = phone.find_next_sibling(string=True) if phone else &#39;-&#39;

    web = a.select_one(&#39;strong:-soup-contains(&quot;Website:&quot;) + a&#39;)
    web = web[&#39;href&#39;] if web else &#39;-&#39;

    email = a.select_one(&#39;strong:-soup-contains(&quot;Email:&quot;) + a&#39;)
    email = email[&#39;href&#39;] if email else &#39;-&#39;

    person = a.strong
    line1 = person.find_next_sibling(&quot;span&quot;)
    line2 = line1.find_next_sibling(&quot;span&quot;)
    line3 = line2.find_next_sibling(&quot;span&quot;)

    address = f&#39;{get_text(line1)}, {get_text(line2)}, {get_text(line3)}&#39;
    person = person.text

    all_data.append((name, phone, web, email, person, address))

df = pd.DataFrame(all_data, columns=[&#39;Name&#39;, &#39;Phone&#39;, &#39;Web&#39;, &#39;Email&#39;, &#39;Person&#39;, &#39;Address&#39;])


Name Phone Web Email Person Address
[mn]medianet +49.6103697784 https://www.medianet-home.de/ mailto:info@medianet-home.de Bernhard Hnida Am Taubhaus 29, 63303 Dreieich, Germany
1Home Solutions GmbH +386.51300606 http://www.1home.io mailto:dejan.bukovnik@voxior.com Dejan Bukovnik Wattstrasse 11, 13355 Berlin, Germany
3domotic Global Systems, S.L. +34.610991993 - mailto:software@3atel.com Santiago Ribas Roca Enric Granados 153, Pral Bis - 1, 08008 Barcelona, Spain
4ba GmbH +49.6461980440 http://www.4ba-gmbh.de mailto:oh@dacom-homeautomation.de Oliver Herrmann Am Roten Stein 9A, 35216 Biedenkopf, Germany
ABB France +33.561151845 http://www.abb.com mailto:cathy.zotti@fr.abb.com Serge Le Men rue Paul Gauguin 33, 31100 Toulouse, France
ABB LV Installation Materials Company Limited, Beijing +86.1058085086 http://www.abb.com.cn mailto:yuwei.dai@cn.abb.com Yuwei Dai Kangding Street No. 17, 100176 Beijing, China
ABB S.p.A. +39.35395269 http://www.abb.com/it mailto:marco.simonella@it.abb.com Marco Simonella Via delle Industrie 18, 20010 Vittuone, Italy
ABB Schweiz Ltd. +41 58/5864566 http://www.levyfils.ch mailto:tudor.baiatu@ch.abb.com Tudor Baiatu Fulachstrasse 150, 8201 Schaffhausen, Switzerland
ABB Stotz-Kontakt GmbH +49.62217011357 http://www.abb.com/knx mailto:volker.biewendt@de.abb.com Volker Biewendt Eppelheimer Straße 82, 69123 Heidelberg, Germany
ABB Xiamen Smart Technology Co., Ltd. +86.5927616016 https://new.abb.com/ mailto:sylvia-shanshan.wang@cn.abb.com Sylvia Wang FangShanXiEr Road No.881, 361000 Xiamen, China


得分: 0



from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests

    source = requests.get('https://www.knx.org/knx-en/for-professionals/community/manufacturers/')

    soup = BeautifulSoup(source.text, 'html.parser')

    companies = soup.find('div', class_='accordion').find_all('li')

    for company in companies:

        name = company.find('span', class_='desktop_only').text
        description = company.find('div', class_='col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-xs-12').text.strip()
        country = company.find('div', class_='col-lg-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-6 item').span.text
        website = company.find('div', class_='col-sm-6 col-xs-12').a.text
        phone = company.find('div', class_='col-sm-6 col-xs-12').find_all('span')[5].text.strip('Phone: ')
        CEO = company.find('div', class_='col-sm-6 col-xs-12').find_all('strong')[0].text.strip()

        # 将地址组件单独提取出来
        address_parts = company.find('div', class_='col-sm-6 col-xs-12').find_all('span')[1:5]
        address = ', '.join(part.text for part in address_parts)

        # 进行进一步处理或保存到Excel

except Exception as e:

通过这种修改,地址组件(span元素1到4)将被单独提取,然后使用', ' .join()连接在一起,创建一个包含所有地址部分的单一地址字符串。



The reason you're getting an error is that you cannot pass a list of indices directly inside find_all() as you attempted. Instead, you should use a list comprehension or separate find_all() calls to extract the results from different tags and then concatenate them into a single string.

Here's how you can modify your code to achieve that:

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests

    source = requests.get(&#39;https://www.knx.org/knx-en/for-professionals/community/manufacturers/&#39;)

    soup = BeautifulSoup(source.text,&#39;html.parser&#39;)

    companys = soup.find(&#39;div&#39;, class_=&quot;accordion&quot;).find_all(&#39;li&#39;)
    for company in companys:

        name = company.find(&#39;span&#39;, class_=&quot;desktop_only&quot;).text
        description = company.find(&#39;div&#39;, class_=&quot;col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-xs-12&quot;).text.strip()
        country = company.find(&#39;div&#39;, class_=&quot;col-lg-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-6 item&quot;).span.text
        website = company.find(&#39;div&#39;, class_=&quot;col-sm-6 col-xs-12&quot;).a.text
        phone = company.find(&#39;div&#39;, class_=&quot;col-sm-6 col-xs-12&quot;).find_all(&#39;span&#39;)[5].text.strip(&#39;Phone: &#39;)
        CEO = company.find(&#39;div&#39;, class_=&quot;col-sm-6 col-xs-12&quot;).find_all(&#39;strong&#39;)[0].text.strip()

        # Extract the address components separately
        address_parts = company.find(&#39;div&#39;, class_=&quot;col-sm-6 col-xs-12&quot;).find_all(&#39;span&#39;)[1:5]
        address = &#39;, &#39;.join(part.text for part in address_parts)

        # Do further processing or saving to Excel

except Exception as e:

With this modification, the address components (span elements 1 to 4) are extracted separately and then joined together with a comma using ', '.join(), creating a single address string containing all the address parts.

Now you should see the complete address printed for each company, and you can proceed with further processing or saving to an Excel file as desired.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年7月27日 19:14:08
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76779189.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
