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Why is the dereferencing operator not used with a string pointer?




#include <stdio.h>

int main()
  char *a, *b;

  *a = 'A';
  b = "Computer";

  printf("%c %s", *a, b);

  return 0;



Why the indirection/dereferencing operator (*) is used with a pointer of any data type except a string? 'char'

In the following program the letter 'A' and the string "Computer" are stored using the character pointers but only for the pointer 'a' the dereferencing operator (*) is used. Why is that?

#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;

int main()
  char *a, *b;

  *a = &#39;A&#39;;
  b = &quot;Computer&quot;;

  printf(&quot;%c %s&quot;, *a, b);

  return 0;

Why is the * operator not needed while assigning a string to a pointer?


得分: 2

因为 b = &quot;Computer&quot;; 不会复制字符串。&quot;Computer&quot; 被称为 "字符串字面量",它是一个字符数组。

你将指针 b 分配给了指向第一个字符串字面量字符的引用。


    char *b;
    const char literal[] = {&#39;C&#39;, &#39;o&#39;, &#39;m&#39;, &#39;p&#39;, &#39;u&#39;, &#39;t&#39;, &#39;e&#39;, &#39;r&#39;, 0};
    b = &amp;literal[0];

Because b = &quot;Computer&quot;; does not copy the string. &quot;Computer&quot; is called "string literal" and it is a char array.

You assign pointer b with reference to the first string literal character.

It is an equivalent of:

    char *b;
    const char literal[] = {&#39;C&#39;, &#39;o&#39;, &#39;m&#39;, &#39;p&#39;, &#39;u&#39;, &#39;t&#39;, &#39;e&#39;, &#39;r&#39;, 0};
    b = &amp;literal[0];


得分: 2







b = "Computer";





> Why the indirection/dereferencing operator (*) is used with a pointer of any data type except a string?

The question is moot, because its premise is incorrect. The dereferencing operator is applied to a pointer when one wants to refer to the object to which the pointer points. It is omitted to refer to the pointer itself. Both alternatives are used with pointers of every type.

Additionally, in C, "string" is not a data type. It is a description of a (part of a) value that arrays of char can hold: a sequence of one or more chars, the last having value zero, and all others being nonzero.

> In the following program the letter 'A' and the string "Computer" are stored using the character pointers but only for the pointer 'a' the dereferencing operator (*) is used. Why is that?

Again, moot because the premise is incorrect. This ...
&gt; *a = &#39;A&#39;;

... attempts to store the value &#39;A&#39; (an int in C; a char in C++) in the char object to which pointer a points. If a actually pointed to a char then the result would be to set the value of that pointed-to char, but a does not point to anything, having never been assigned a valid pointer value, so the behavior is undefined.

On the other hand, this ...
&gt; b = &quot;Computer&quot;;

... assigns a (pointer) value to b itself. In this case, that value points to the first char of an unmodifiable static array of char containing the chars expressed by the string literal, including a string terminator. This is a consequence of the language's definition of string literals (as representing arrays) and of the standard rules for the behavior of arrays where they appear in expressions.

> Why is the * operator not needed while assigning a string to a pointer?

Because you never need or want * to assign to (or read from) an lvalue designating a pointer. Its use is rather to access the object to which the value of a pointer points. Remember always that these are different things, with separate identity and storage (when they have identity and storage at all).


得分: 0


char *b;
b = "Computer";


const char *b;
const char str[] = {'C', 'o', 'm', 'p', 'u', 't', 'e', 'r', '
const char *b;
const char str[] = {'C', 'o', 'm', 'p', 'u', 't', 'e', 'r', '\0'};
b = &str[0];
b = &str[0];


printf("%c", *b)期望一个char%c),通过使用*b,我们向printf提供了字符串(或char数组)"Computer"的第一个char

printf("%s", b)期望一个指针(%s)。因此,我们提供了指向"Computer"b。为什么?因为在底层,printf从一个位置开始,读取一个字符,然后转到下一个位置(即b + 1)。它一直这样做,直到printf在其路径上读取到值0





To answer your question, we need to get rid of some syntactic sugar first and know exactly what b is:

  char *b;
  b = &quot;Computer&quot;;

is (almost) equivalent to

  const char *b;
  const char str[] = {&#39;C&#39;, &#39;o&#39;, &#39;m&#39;, &#39;p&#39;, &#39;u&#39;, &#39;t&#39;, &#39;e&#39;, &#39;r&#39;, &#39;
  const char *b;
const char str[] = {&#39;C&#39;, &#39;o&#39;, &#39;m&#39;, &#39;p&#39;, &#39;u&#39;, &#39;t&#39;, &#39;e&#39;, &#39;r&#39;, &#39;\0&#39;};
b = &amp;str[0];
&#39;}; b = &amp;str[0];

Meaning b is a pointer to the first element in an array of char elements. Or simpler, b just points to a char

printf(&quot;%c&quot;, *b) expects a char (%c), and by using *b we are giving printf the first char from the string (or char array) &quot;Computer&quot;

printf(&quot;%s&quot;, b) expects a pointer (%s). We are thus providing b which points to &quot;Computer&quot;. Why? Because under the hood, printf starts at a location, reads a character and goes to the next location (which is b + 1). It does that until printf reads the value 0 somewhere along its path.

So the core idea is that you're indeed dealing with a pointer, but printf needs itself a pointer to go through an array of char

Note that the charatcer &#39;0&#39; is not the number 0, but the number 0 is equal to the character &#39;\0&#39; which is what you sometimes see in char arrays like in my example.

As an extra on why the above snippets are not exactly the same: A string in code is stored in a read-only location, whereas the assignment as an array of characters is stored in modifiable memory. The const keyword ensures immutability, but both of these strings are still stored in entirely different locations and thus behaviour might not be the same.


得分: 0


char Var1 = 'A';
char Var2[9] = {'C','o','m','p','u','t','e','r','\n'};

char* a = &Var1;
char* b = Var2;
printf("%c %s\n", *a, b);


char *a = malloc(1);
char *b = malloc(8);

*a = 'A';
b = "Computer";

printf("%c %s\n", *a, b);



Whenever you use the char* data type and assign a string to it, you are actually making a pointer to an array of characters, but whenever you assign a single character to it, you are making a pointer to a single character for example:

    char Var1 = &#39;A&#39;;
    char Var2[9] = {&#39;C&#39;,&#39;o&#39;,&#39;m&#39;,&#39;p&#39;,&#39;u&#39;,&#39;t&#39;,&#39;e&#39;,&#39;r&#39;,&#39;\n&#39;};
    char* a = &amp;Var1;
    char* b = Var2;
    printf(&quot;%c %s\n&quot;,*a,c);

does (about) the same thing as

char *a = malloc(1);
  char *b = malloc(8);

  *a = &#39;A&#39;;
  b = &quot;Computer&quot;;

  printf(&quot;%c %s\n&quot;, *a, b);

(please take note that the code you originally provided does not function on its own and I had to change it a bit) I hope this helps you understand the char pointers data type a better

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年7月24日 18:51:25
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