
huangapple go评论43阅读模式

awk to search a pattern and print lines with pattern and one more condition




SR  policy name    state             error code
1   backup01       successful         0
2   backup01       fail               13
3   backup01       fail               58
4   backup02       successful         0
5   backup02       successful         0
6   backup02       successful         0


2   backup01       fail               13
3   backup01       fail               58
4   backup02       successful         0
5   backup02       successful         0
6   backup02       successful         0


awk '{if ($4 == 0) {print $0} else if($4 !=0 && $4 == 0) {print $0}}' input_file.txt



I have a input file as shown below:

SR  policy name    state             error code
1   backup01       successful         0
2   backup01       fail               13
3   backup01       fail               58
4   backup02       successful         0
5   backup02       successful         0
6   backup02       successful         0

I want to have an output where if any line for a particular policy (example backup01 has a line with "fail" state, it will only show "fail" state lines and will not show the "success" lines. Similarly where all lines of a policy (example backup02) have a state "successful" it will print all the "successful" state lines.

2   backup01       fail               13
3   backup01       fail               58
4   backup02       successful         0
5   backup02       successful         0
6   backup02       successful         0

I have tried using awk with little success, but not able to get ahead with a final solution.

awk '{if ($4 == 0) {print $0} else if($4 !=0 && $4 == 0) {print $0}}' input_file.txt

any other way using sed or other tool is also fine. ALso header from input file can also be ignored.


得分: 2

我将以以下方式利用GNU AWK,假设file.txt的内容如下:

SR  policy name    state             error code
1   backup01       successful         0
2   backup01       fail               13
3   backup01       fail               58
4   backup02       successful         0
5   backup02       successful         0
6   backup02       successful         0


awk 'NR>1{arr[$2][$3]=arr[$2][$3] RS $0}END{for(i in arr){print substr(arr[i]["fail" in arr[i]?"fail":"successful"],2)}}' file.txt


2   backup01       fail               13
3   backup01       fail               58
4   backup02       successful         0
5   backup02       successful         0
6   backup02       successful         0

解释:对于第1行之后的行,我填充一个二维数组,第一个键是策略名称,第二个键是状态,我使用行分隔符附加整个行,以便值以新行分隔。当文件处理完毕后,我遍历该数组并打印对于给定策略名称下的 fail(如果存在)或 successful 下的内容。我从第二个字符开始打印,因为在填充数组时会出现前导换行符。免责声明:此解决方案假设您接受输出中的任何行顺序,如果不成立,请不要使用它。

(在GNU Awk 5.1.0中测试过)


I would harness GNU AWK following way, let file.txt content be

SR  policy name    state             error code
1   backup01       successful         0
2   backup01       fail               13
3   backup01       fail               58
4   backup02       successful         0
5   backup02       successful         0
6   backup02       successful         0


awk 'NR>1{arr[$2][$3]=arr[$2][$3] RS $0}END{for(i in arr){print substr(arr[i]["fail" in arr[i]?"fail":"successful"],2)}}' file.txt

gives output

2   backup01       fail               13
3   backup01       fail               58
4   backup02       successful         0
5   backup02       successful         0
6   backup02       successful         0

Explanation: for lines beyond 1st I populate 2D array, with first key being policy name and second state, I append whole line using row separator so values are lines separated by newlines. When file is processed I go through said array and print what is under fail if it is is available for given policy name else what is under successful. I start printing at 2nd character due to leading newline which appear due to way I populate array. Disclaimer: this solution assumes you are accepting any order of lines in output, if this does not hold do not use it.

(tested in GNU Awk 5.1.0)


得分: 2


awk '
NR>1 { # keep track of "fail" and "successful" entries in different arrays

       if ($3 == "fail"       ) fail[$2]    = fail[$2]    (fail[$2]    == "" ? "" : ORS) $0
       if ($3 == "successful" ) success[$2] = success[$2] (success[$2] == "" ? "" : ORS) $0
END  { for (state in fail) {                # loop through fail[] array indices ...
           print fail[state]                # print the fail[] entry and ...
           delete success[state]            # delete any success[] entry for the same state
       for (state in success)               # loop through remaining success[] array indices ...
           print success[state]             # print the success[] entry
' input_file.txt



One awk idea:

awk '
NR>1 { # keep track of "fail" and "successful" entries in different arrays

       if ($3 == "fail"       ) fail[$2]    = fail[$2]    (fail[$2]    == "" ? "" : ORS) $0
       if ($3 == "successful" ) success[$2] = success[$2] (success[$2] == "" ? "" : ORS) $0
END  { for (state in fail) {                # loop through fail[] array indices ...
           print fail[state]                # print the fail[] entry and ...
           delete success[state]            # delete any success[] entry for the same state
       for (state in success)               # loop through remaining success[] array indices ...
           print success[state]             # print the success[] entry
' input_file.txt

This generates:

2   backup01       fail               13
3   backup01       fail               58
4   backup02       successful         0
5   backup02       successful         0
6   backup02       successful         0


  • while all lines for a given state will be successive, this solution does not guarantee the output will be ordered by state
  • if OP needs the output ordered by state one approach would be to pipe the output to sort (eg, awk '<see_script_above>' input_file.txt | sort -k2,2)

NOTE: original answer before OP provided additional details ...


  • file is already sorted by the policy name (2nd) column
  • if the state (2nd) column contains any values other than fail or successful then the associated line is ignored

One awk idea requiring a single pass through the data file:

awk '
function print_lines() {
         if ( fail    != "" ) print fail
    else if ( success != "" ) print success
    fail = success = ""

NR>1 { if (prev != $2) print_lines()          # print previous policy
       prev = $2
       if ($3 == "fail"       ) fail    = fail    (fail    == "" ? "" : ORS) $0
       if ($3 == "successful" ) success = success (success == "" ? "" : ORS) $0
END  { print_lines() }                        # print last policy
' input_file.txt

This generates:

2   backup01       fail               13
3   backup01       fail               58
4   backup02       successful         0
5   backup02       successful         0
6   backup02       successful         0


得分: 1


awk '
  FNR == NR && NR > 1 { 
    t = key[$2]
    if ( $3 == "fail" || t == "fail" ) { 
      key[$2] = "fail" 
    } else {
      key[$2] = $3
  key[$2] == $3
' file file

It can be done in two-stage processing of the same file. First pass, build up the status of the policy if it is going to be a "fail" or a "successful" and then exclude the contradicting lines in the next pass

awk '
  FNR == NR && NR > 1 { 
    t = key[$2]
    if ( $3 == "fail" || t == "fail" ) { 
      key[$2] = "fail" 
    } else {
      key[$2] = $3
  key[$2] == $3
' file file


得分: 1


awk '
NR == 1 {
!fail {
   fail = ($3 == "fail")
fail {
   gsub(/[^\n]+ successful [^\n]+\n/, "", s)
p != $2 {
   printf "%s", s
   s = fail = ""
   s = s $0 ORS
   p = $2
   printf "%s", s
}' file

SR  策略名称    状态             错误代码
2   backup01       失败               13
3   backup01       失败               58
4   backup02       成功         0
5   backup02       成功         0
6   backup02       成功         0

Here is a single pass awk to solve the problem:

awk '
NR == 1 {
!fail {
   fail = ($3 == "fail")
fail {
   gsub(/[^\n]+ successful [^\n]+\n/, "", s)
p != $2 {
   printf "%s", s
   s = fail = ""
   s = s $0 ORS
   p = $2
   printf "%s", s
}' file

SR  policy name    state             error code
2   backup01       fail               13
3   backup01       fail               58
4   backup02       successful         0
5   backup02       successful         0
6   backup02       successful         0


得分: 1

这可能对你有用(GNU sed):

sed -E '1d;:a;$!{N;/^(\S+\s+){2}.*[^\n]+$/ba};$!{h;s/\n[^\n]+$//} /fail/{s/.*successful.*//mg;s/(^\n|(\n))\n*//gp} /successful/p;$d;x;s/^.*\n//;ba' file










This might work for you (GNU sed):

sed -E '1d;:a;$!{N;/^(\S+\s+){2}.*[^\n]+$/ba};$!{h;s/\n[^\n]+$//}
        /successful/p;$d;x;s/^.*\n//;ba' file

Ditch the header.

Continue to fetch lines until the end-of-file or a change in the second field.

If it is not the end-of-file, make a copy and remove the last line (the change in the second field).

If the lines contain fail, then remove any lines (and their linefeeds) that contain the word successful and print the result.

Otherwise, print all the lines as they are successful

If it end-of-file, no further processing is needed.

Otherwise, swap to the copy and remove all the lines other that the last (lines already processed) and repeat.

N.B. This expects the second field i.e. the key, to be in sorted order.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年7月10日 22:29:57
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
