Express logical constraints : one constraint implies another in linear programming (open source solver)

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Express logical constraints : one constraint implies another in linear programming (open source solver)


How to express the following in linear programming with open-source solvers:

2*x + 3*y >= 15 ==> m + n <= 5

In open-source solvers, you can use the following syntax:

2*x + 3*y >= 15
m + n <= 5

This represents the same constraint without the need for if-then notation, as open-source solvers typically allow you to directly specify linear constraints like this.


How can I express the following in linear programming:

2*x + 3*y &gt;= 15 ==&gt; m + n &lt;= 5

x, y, m and n are decision variables (continuous or integer) with relevant upper and lower bounds

I know with CPLEX (OPL and with python API), we can write if-then constraints like :

2*x + 3*y &gt;= 15 =&gt; m + n &lt;= 5 (OPL)
model.add_if_then(2*x + 3*y &gt;= 15, m + n &lt;= 5) [python API, docplex]

But how to express above in an open source solver ?


得分: 1


2*x + 3*y >= 15 ==> w == 1
w == 1 ==> m + n <= 5

其中,w是一个二进制变量。指示约束通常(至少在Gurobi中)的形式是:如果二进制变量(这里是 w )为真,则将强制满足线性约束。因此,在Gurobi中,您需要表达以下关系:

2*x + 3*y >= 15 ==> w == 1


w == 0 ==> 2*x + 3*y < 15

数学规划框架中不允许严格不等式,但我们可以使用某个小的 epsilon > 0 来近似这个约束。请注意,如果所有变量都是整数,我们可以使用 epsilon = 1。因此最终得到:

w == 0 ==> 2*x + 3*y < 15 - epsilon
w == 1 ==> m + n <= 5


model.addGenConstrIndicator(w, 0, 2*x + 3*y <= 15 - epsilon)
model.addGenConstrIndicator(w, 1, m + n <= 5)

对于开源求解器,您可以使用 big M 来表达以下内容:

2*x + 3*y >= 15 ==> w == 1

a*x - (M + e) * w <= b - e
ax 表示系数和变量
如果变量是整数我们可以取 e = 1
Mbig_M2*x + 3*y - 15 的上界
b 是约束的右手边


w == 1 ==> m + n <= 5

a*x - b <= M * (1 - w)
Mbig_M是 m + n - 5 的上界

在Google OR-Tools中的线性求解器(Python API)中的实现如下:

# 请注意,代码中可能存在格式化问题,需要进一步验证。



Using indicator constraints, you can model the logic as follows:

2*x + 3*y &gt;= 15 ==&gt; w == 1
w == 1 ==&gt; m + n &lt;= 5

w is a binary variable

indicator are generally (at least in Gurobi) of the form : if binary variable (here w) is true, then that would force the linear constraint to be satisfied. So in Gurobi, you would have to express the following :
2*x + 3*y &gt;= 15 ==&gt; w == 1 with its logical contra-positive i.e.
w == 0 ==&gt; 2*x + 3*y &lt; 15

Strict inequalities aren't allowed in a math programming framework, but we can closely approximate this constraint with 2*x + 3*y &lt;= 15 - epsilon for some small epsilon &gt; 0. Note that we can use epsilon = 1 if all variables are integers.

So finally:

w == 0 ==&gt; 2*x + 3*y &lt;= 15 - epsilon
w == 1 ==&gt; m + n &lt;= 5

In Gurobi :

model.addGenConstrIndicator(w, 0, 2*x + 3*y &lt;= 15 - epsilon)
model.addGenConstrIndicator(w, 1, m + n &lt;= 5)

I am not sure whether indicator constraints are supported in open source solvers.

For open source solvers, however, you can use big M to express following:

2*x + 3*y &gt;= 15 ==&gt; w == 1

a*x - (M + e) * w &lt;= b - e
a, x represent coefficients and variables
e (read: epsilon) is some small tolerance value beyond which we will 
   regard the constraint as having been broken. 
   incase variables are integers, we can take e = 1
M (big_M) is the upper bound on 2*x + 3*y - 15
b is the RHS of the constraint
w == 1 ==&gt; m + n &lt;= 5

a*x - b &lt;= M * (1 - w)
M (big_M) is the upper bound on : m + n - 5

Below is the implementation in Google OR-Tools, linear solver (python API)

from ortools.linear_solver import pywraplp

s = pywraplp.Solver(&quot;&quot;, pywraplp.Solver.SCIP_MIXED_INTEGER_PROGRAMMING)

e = 10e-5 #epsilon

x = s.NumVar(lb = 0, ub = 5, name = &quot;x&quot;)
y = s.NumVar(lb = 0, ub = 5, name = &quot;y&quot;)

m = s.NumVar(lb = 0, ub = 10, name = &quot;x&quot;)
n = s.NumVar(lb = 0, ub = 10, name = &quot;x&quot;)

# 2*x + 3*y &gt;= 15 ==&gt; m + n &lt;= 5

# introduce w as a binary variable, then, enforce following
# 2*x + 3*y &gt;= 15 ==&gt; w == 1
# w == 1 ==&gt; m + n &lt;= 5

# to test the above, lets fix x = 3 and y = 4
# inequality : 2*x + 3*y &gt;= 15 now will be true,
# and m + n &lt;= 5 should hold true post the solve


# add w as a binary variable:
w = s.BoolVar(&quot;&quot;)

# 2*x + 3*y &gt;= 15 ==&gt; w == 1

# a*x - (M + e) * w &lt;= b - e
# a, x represent coefficients and variables
# e (read: epsilon) is some small tolerance value beyond which we will 
#   regard the constraint as having been broken 
#   is variables are integers, we can take e = 1
# M (big_M) is the upper bound on 2*x + 3*y - 15
# b is the RHS of the constraint

big_M_1 = 2*x.ub() + 3*y.ub() - 15
s.Add(2*x + 3*y - (big_M_1 + e) * w &lt;= 15 - e)

# now we express : w == 1 ==&gt; m + n &lt;= 5

# a*x - b &lt;= M * (1 - w)
# M (big_M) is the upper bound on : m + n - 5

big_M_2 = m.ub() + n.ub() - 5
s.Add(m + n - 5 &lt;= big_M_2 * (1 - w))

s.Maximize(x + y + m + n)


s.Objective().Value() # objective function value

print(&quot;x == &quot; + str(x.SolutionValue())) # x = 3
print(&quot;y == &quot; + str(y.SolutionValue())) # y = 4
print(&quot;m == &quot; + str(m.SolutionValue())) # m = 5
print(&quot;n == &quot; + str(n.SolutionValue())) # n = 0

print(&quot;w == &quot; + str(w.SolutionValue())) # w = 1

as you see since we fixed x, y to be 3 and 4 respectively, 2x + 3y >= 15 is satisfied, which forces m + n <= 5 (m = 5 and n = 0 in optimal solution). This is despite of the fact that we are maximising x + y + m + n (without the constraint, m, n would take their upper bound values.


得分: 1


import pulp

m = pulp.LpVariable('m', lowBound=0, upBound=40)
n = pulp.LpVariable('n', lowBound=0, upBound=40)
x = pulp.LpVariable('x', lowBound=2.4)
y = pulp.LpVariable('y', lowBound=3.2)  # Increase lower bound to see constraint changes
b = pulp.LpVariable('b', cat=pulp.LpBinary)
prob = pulp.LpProblem(name='conditional_demo', sense=pulp.LpMinimize)
prob.objective = x + y - m - n

# If 2x + 3y < 15, b == 0.
# If 2x + 3y >= 15, b == 1.
# Epsilon must be used for the first expression, otherwise b is unconstrained at 2x + 3y == 15
# p must be a coefficient sufficiently large that it accounts for the highest possible values of x, y
epsilon = 1e-3
p = 3
prob.addConstraint(b >= ((2*x + 3*y)/15 - 1)/p + epsilon)
prob.addConstraint(b <= (2*x + 3*y)/15)

# If b == 0, then m + n is unconstrained
# If b == 1, then m + n <= 5
# M should be sufficiently large that it will always exceed realistic values of m + n - 5
M = 100
prob.addConstraint(m + n <= 5 + (1-b)*M)

assert prob.status == pulp.LpStatusOptimal
print('m =', m.value())
print('n =', n.value())
print('x =', x.value())
print('y =', y.value())
print('b =', b.value(), 'because 2x+3y =', 2*x.value() + 3*y.value())
m = 5.0
n = 0.0
x = 2.4
y = 5.2
b = 1.0 because 2x+3y = 20.400000000000002



The proper solution is strongly dependent on the possible ranges of x, y, a, b and their integrality. The following is a demonstration only, and you'll need to tune the parameters for whatever it is you're actually doing, in particular the values of M and p for the big-M constraints.

import pulp

m = pulp.LpVariable(&#39;m&#39;, lowBound=0, upBound=40)
n = pulp.LpVariable(&#39;n&#39;, lowBound=0, upBound=40)
x = pulp.LpVariable(&#39;x&#39;, lowBound=2.4)
y = pulp.LpVariable(&#39;y&#39;, lowBound=3.2)  # Increase lower bound to see constraint changes
b = pulp.LpVariable(&#39;b&#39;, cat=pulp.LpBinary)
prob = pulp.LpProblem(name=&#39;conditional_demo&#39;, sense=pulp.LpMinimize)
prob.objective = x + y - m - n

# If 2x + 3y &lt; 15, b == 0.
# If 2x + 3y &gt;= 15, b == 1.
# Epsilon must be used for the first expression, otherwise b is unconstrained at 2x + 3y == 15
# p must be a coefficient sufficiently large that it accounts for the highest possible values of x,y
epsilon = 1e-3
p = 3
prob.addConstraint(b &gt;= ((2*x + 3*y)/15 - 1)/p + epsilon)
prob.addConstraint(b &lt;= (2*x + 3*y)/15)

# If b == 0, then m + n is unconstrained
# If b == 1, then m + n &lt;= 5
# M should be sufficiently large that it will always exceed realistic values of m + n - 5
M = 100
prob.addConstraint(m + n &lt;= 5 + (1-b)*M)

assert prob.status == pulp.LpStatusOptimal
print(&#39;m =&#39;, m.value())
print(&#39;n =&#39;, n.value())
print(&#39;x =&#39;, x.value())
print(&#39;y =&#39;, y.value())
print(&#39;b =&#39;, b.value(), &#39;because 2x+3y =&#39;, 2*x.value() + 3*y.value())
m = 5.0
n = 0.0
x = 2.4
y = 5.2
b = 1.0 because 2x+3y = 20.400000000000002

Note: since constraints on m,n are one-sided, b may also be one-sided; that is, you can loosen it from a binary variable to a singly-bounded integral variable:

import pulp

m = pulp.LpVariable(&#39;m&#39;, lowBound=0, upBound=40)
n = pulp.LpVariable(&#39;n&#39;, lowBound=0, upBound=40)
x = pulp.LpVariable(&#39;x&#39;, lowBound=6)
y = pulp.LpVariable(&#39;y&#39;, lowBound=6)  # Change lower bound to see constraint changes
b = pulp.LpVariable(&#39;b&#39;, cat=pulp.LpInteger, upBound=1)
prob = pulp.LpProblem(name=&#39;conditional_demo&#39;, sense=pulp.LpMinimize)
prob.objective = x + y - m - n

# If 2x + 3y &lt; 15, b == 0.
# If 2x + 3y &gt;= 15, b == 1.
# Epsilon must be used for the first expression, otherwise b is unconstrained at 2x + 3y == 15
# p must be a coefficient sufficiently large that it accounts for the highest possible values of x,y
epsilon = 1e-3
p = 3
prob.addConstraint(b &gt;= ((2*x + 3*y)/15 - 1)/p + epsilon)
prob.addConstraint(b &lt;= (2*x + 3*y)/15)

# If b == 0, then m + n is unconstrained
# If b == 1, then m + n &lt;= 5
# M should be sufficiently large that it will always exceed realistic values of m + n - 5
M = 100
prob.addConstraint(m + n &lt;= 5 + (1-b)*M)

assert prob.status == pulp.LpStatusOptimal
print(&#39;m =&#39;, m.value())
print(&#39;n =&#39;, n.value())
print(&#39;x =&#39;, x.value())
print(&#39;y =&#39;, y.value())
print(&#39;b =&#39;, b.value(), &#39;because 2x+3y =&#39;, 2*x.value() + 3*y.value())

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年7月6日 14:37:55
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