Pyomo: 如何在ConcreteModel中对列表进行排序

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Pyomo: how to sequence a list in a ConcreteModel




I need to make a complex optimization problem. I have tryed some solution for calculating the average of n highest values but I am not reaching the correct solution. The vector that I want to calculate the average of n highest values is Cenpd_VP_TTL. This average will be addressed to CVaR_TTL that will be used in obj.


得分: 0


(a) 找出变量的前n个最高值,
(b) 通过添加另一个变量来计算它们的平均值。



import pyomo.environ as pyo

m = pyo.ConcreteModel()

m.I = pyo.Set(initialize=range(5))

num_highs_to_select = 2

# 变量
m.x = pyo.Var(m.I)  # 你想考虑平均值的值
m.high_x = pyo.Var(m.I, domain=pyo.Binary)  # 如果选择为前n个最高值之一,则为1
m.x_contribution = pyo.Var(m.I, domain=pyo.NonNegativeReals)  # 此变量对平均值的贡献

# 目标:最小化前n个最高x值的平均值...
high_avg = sum(m.x_contribution[i] for i in m.I) / num_highs_to_select
m.obj = pyo.Objective(expr=high_avg, sense=pyo.minimize)

# 一些怪异的x值限制以模拟其他模型约束....
def limit_x(m, i):
    return m.x[i] == i**2

# 限制选择的值的数量
m.high_select_limit = pyo.Constraint(expr=pyo.sum_product(m.high_x) == num_highs_to_select)

# 现在棘手的部分,我们可以使用大M表示法来选择最高值
M = 100
@m.Constraint(m.I, m.I)
def compare(m, i, ii):
    # 基本上,这表示如果选择了x[i]并且其他x[ii]没有选择,则每个x[i]必须大于等于每个其他x[ii]
    return m.x[i] >= m.x[ii] - (1 - m.high_x[i] + m.high_x[ii]) * M

# 收集x值的贡献,如果它们被选择,再次使用大M约束
def contribute(m, i):
    return m.x_contribution[i] >= m.x[i] - (1 - m.high_x[i]) * M

solver = pyo.SolverFactory('cbc')
res = solver.solve(m)



As stated in comment, you cannot use comparison or logical operators on the variables during the construction of the model as their values are unknown. You can, however, with a little creativity, usually add some variables (likely binary variables) to work through the logic.

The example below uses some binary logic to (a) figure out the n-highest values of a variable, (b) compute the average of them by adding another variable. Recall, we want to avoid multiplying variables together because that is a non-linear operation.

This example hinges on a couple of big-M formulations. If you aren't familiar, you should google it or look for a good explanation in an entry-level LP book.

You didn't have much context in your example about what was being maximized or minimized and the types of constraints, some modifications to the approach below might be needed. This assumes there is some "downward pressure" on the average, so restricting the contribution of each x value in m.x_contribution by limiting the domain to non-negatives works hand-in-hand with the constraint.


import pyomo.environ as pyo

m = pyo.ConcreteModel()

m.I = pyo.Set(initialize=range(5))

num_highs_to_select = 2

m.x = pyo.Var(m.I)  # the values that you want to consider for the avg
m.high_x = pyo.Var(m.I, domain=pyo.Binary)  # 1 if selected as one of the n highest values
m.x_contribution = pyo.Var(m.I, domain=pyo.NonNegativeReals)  # the contribution from this variable to the average

# OBJ:  minimize the average of the n highest x values...
high_avg = sum(m.x_contribution[i] for i in m.I) / num_highs_to_select
m.obj = pyo.Objective(expr=high_avg, sense=pyo.minimize)

# some goofy enforcement of x vals to simulate other model constraints....
def limit_x(m, i):
	return m.x[i] == i**2

# limit the number of selected vals
m.high_select_limit = pyo.Constraint(expr=pyo.sum_product(m.high_x) == num_highs_to_select)

# now the tricky part, we can use a big-M formulation with a suitably large value of M to pick the highest vals
M = 100
@m.Constraint(m.I, m.I)
def compare(m, i, ii):
	# this basically says that every x[i] must be >= every other x[ii] if x[i] is selected AND the other is not selected
	return m.x[i] >= m.x[ii] - (1 - m.high_x[i] + m.high_x[ii]) * M

# gather the contributions for the x values, if they are selected, again with a big-M constraint
def contribute(m, i):
	return m.x_contribution[i] >= m.x[i] - (1 - m.high_x[i]) * M

solver = pyo.SolverFactory('cbc')
res = solver.solve(m)


- Name: unknown
  Lower bound: 12.5
  Upper bound: 12.5
  Number of objectives: 1
  Number of constraints: 15
  Number of variables: 9
  Number of binary variables: 5
  Number of integer variables: 5
  Number of nonzeros: 4
  Sense: minimize
- Status: ok
  User time: -1.0
  System time: 0.0
  Wallclock time: 0.0
  Termination condition: optimal
  Termination message: Model was solved to optimality (subject to tolerances), and an optimal solution is available.
    Branch and bound: 
      Number of bounded subproblems: 0
      Number of created subproblems: 0
    Black box: 
      Number of iterations: 4
  Error rc: 0
  Time: 0.008842945098876953
- number of solutions: 0
  number of solutions displayed: 0

x : Size=5, Index=I
    Key : Lower : Value : Upper : Fixed : Stale : Domain
      0 :  None :   0.0 :  None : False : False :  Reals
      1 :  None :   1.0 :  None : False : False :  Reals
      2 :  None :   4.0 :  None : False : False :  Reals
      3 :  None :   9.0 :  None : False : False :  Reals
      4 :  None :  16.0 :  None : False : False :  Reals
high_x : Size=5, Index=I
    Key : Lower : Value : Upper : Fixed : Stale : Domain
      0 :     0 :   0.0 :     1 : False : False : Binary
      1 :     0 :   0.0 :     1 : False : False : Binary
      2 :     0 :   0.0 :     1 : False : False : Binary
      3 :     0 :   1.0 :     1 : False : False : Binary
      4 :     0 :   1.0 :     1 : False : False : Binary
x_contribution : Size=5, Index=I
    Key : Lower : Value : Upper : Fixed : Stale : Domain
      0 :     0 :   0.0 :  None : False : False : NonNegativeReals
      1 :     0 :   0.0 :  None : False : False : NonNegativeReals
      2 :     0 :   0.0 :  None : False : False : NonNegativeReals
      3 :     0 :   9.0 :  None : False : False : NonNegativeReals
      4 :     0 :  16.0 :  None : False : False : NonNegativeReals
obj : Size=1, Index=None, Active=True
    Key  : Active : Value
    None :   True :  12.5
[Finished in 276ms]

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年3月31日 22:55:36
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