ASP.NET 中是否有一种方法可以获取所有的单例对象?

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Is there a way in ASP.NET to get all singletons?


In ASP.NET 中,有没有一种方法可以获取所有的单例对象?


我尝试从 IServiceProvider 获取所有的单例对象,但似乎只有一个方法,即 object? GetService(Type serviceType);

所以,也许有人知道在 C# 中获取所有单例对象的方法?


  .Where(service => _servicesProvider.GetService(service.GetType()) == service)



return new HealthCheckResult(HealthStatus.Healthy);



Is there a way in ASP.NET to get all singletons?

I want to implement a health check which would instantiate all the registered singletons and only after that return a healthy status.

I am trying to get all the singletons from the IServiceProvider, but it seems to have only one method, i.e. the object? GetService(Type serviceType);.

So, maybe someone knows a way in C# to get all singletons?

I am trying to do like so:

  .Where(service =&gt; _servicesProvider.GetService(service.GetType()) == service)

But it seems to also give me back scoped services.

Seems like this:

return new HealthCheckResult(HealthStatus.Healthy);

should work. But I am still hoping for a more optimal solution.


得分: 2


这个答案 对类似的问题表示同意,并建议使用反射作为可能的解决方案。


var serviceCollection = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService&lt;IServiceCollection&gt;();
var singletons = serviceCollection
    .Where(descriptor =&gt; descriptor.Lifetime == ServiceLifetime.Singleton)
    .Select(descriptor =&gt; serviceProvider.GetRequiredService(descriptor.ServiceType))

foreach(object singleton in singletons)
    // 对单例执行某些操作



I don't believe there is a built in way to do this.

This answer to a similar question agrees, and suggest reflection as a possible solution.

Another option is to register your ServiceCollection with itself via .AddSingleton&lt;IServiceCollection&gt;(serviceCollection). You can then inject this or request it from the IServiceProvider and query it to get all the service descriptions with singleton lifetime:

var serviceCollection = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService&lt;IServiceCollection&gt;();
var singletons = serviceCollection
    .Where(descriptor =&gt; descriptor.Lifetime == ServiceLifetime.Singleton)
    .Select(descriptor =&gt; serviceProvider.GetRequiredService(descriptor.ServiceType))

foreach(object singleton in singletons)
    // do something with the singleton

Depending on your use case it may be better to make your own implemention with a reduced interface, rather than exposing all of IServiceCollection to the consumer of the DI container.


得分: 2


IEnumerable&lt;object&gt; singletons = (
    from service in services
    group service by service.ServiceType into g
    where g.Any(descriptor =&gt; descriptor.Lifetime == ServiceLifetime.Singleton)
    from pair in serviceProvider.GetServices(g.Key).Zip(g)
    where pair.Second.Lifetime == ServiceLifetime.Singleton
    select pair.First)


  1. 如果存在同一服务类型的多个注册,其中注册除了单例之外还包含瞬态和/或作用域注册,那些注册也将从容器中解析。它们将被过滤掉,不会成为单例列表的一部分,但它们仍然会被创建。这可能会导致性能问题,因为健康检查现在可能会导致大量的内存分配(取决于应用程序的大小)。
  2. 当与插入到MS.DI基础结构中的DI容器(如Autofac或Lamar)结合使用时,此解决方案可能不会产生正确的结果。它们支持诸如动态拦截和装饰之类的功能,特别通过这些容器的API进行的更改可能会被忽略。



@DisplayName already gave an answer that might work as a starting point. Here is a different solution:

IEnumerable&lt;object&gt; singletons = (
    from service in services
    group service by service.ServiceType into g
    where g.Any(descriptor =&gt; descriptor.Lifetime == ServiceLifetime.Singleton)
    from pair in serviceProvider.GetServices(g.Key).Zip(g)
    where pair.Second.Lifetime == ServiceLifetime.Singleton
    select pair.First)

Compared to @DisplayName's answer, this solution will retrieve all registered singletons, even those that are part of a collection. This solution, however, exhibits a few unfortunate downsides that might not exist in @DisplayName's answer:

  1. If multiple registrations for the same service type exist, where the registrations contain -besides singletons- transient and/or scoped registrations, those registrations will be resolved from the container as well. They will be filtered out and not be part of the list of singletons, but they will still be created nonetheless. This might cause performance issues as the health check can now cause a lot of memory allocation (depending on the size of the application).
  2. This solution might not yield the correct results when used in combination with a DI Container that plugs into the MS.DI infrastructure (such as Autofac or Lamar). They enable features like Dynamic Interception and Decoration, and changes made specifically through the API of those containers might be missed.

Pick the solution that works best for your situation.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年7月5日 00:46:04
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