PHP SimpleXML Xpath 仅相对于当前节点的路径

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PHP SimpleXML Xpath Relative to Current Node Only


我正在尝试运行一个简单的PHP SimpleXML命令,使用xpath。但是,我的//w:pStyle XPath选择了整个文档中的所有节点,而不是相对于正在循环的//w:p节点。**注意:**我希望保持两个xpaths的循环分开。我不想将它们放在一个xpath下,即如果段落中存在样式节点,则首先循环段落节点,然后仅循环该段落中的样式节点。解决方法是什么?


I am trying to run a simple PHP SimpleXML command using xpath. But, my //w:pStyle Xpath is getting all nodes in the entire document and not the ones relative to the node //w:p thats being looped. Note: I want to keep the loop for both xpaths separate. I do not want to have both under one xpath i.e. loop through the paragraph nodes and then loop the styles nodes only in that paragraph if they exist.

 foreach($file->xpath('//w:p') as $p){
  echo 'Paragraph';
  foreach($styles as $style){echo 'Style';}

The xpath //w:pStyle selects all the w:pStyle nodes. I would like instead for it to select the ones that are relative to the paragraph node. What is the solution here?


得分: 1

你的错误在于,在表达式前面加上 // 来选择整个文档中的元素。你应该使用 .// 替代,像这样:


这样会选择 w:p 元素的所有 w:pStyle 后代。

如果你只想选择 w:p 的直接子元素,可以使用:


因为 w:pStylew:pPr 的子元素,而 w:pPrw:p 的子元素,所以你可以使用:


Your mistake is, that you are selecting elements from the whole document by prefixing the expression with //. You should prefix it with .// instead, like this


which will select all w:pStyle descendants of the w:p element.
If you only want direct children of w:p, use


since w:pStyle is a child of w:pPr which is a child of w:p, you could use


  • 本文由 发表于 2023年7月3日 10:37:35
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