使用Flexbox水平和垂直显示PHP While循环

huangapple go评论54阅读模式

Display PHP While Loop Horizontally & Vertically Using Flexbox


出现了一些问题,需要一些见解。我正在向访问我网站的用户显示用户创建的事件。我正在使用一个while循环来显示尚未过去的所有事件。我的目标是将两个不同的事件显示在一起,然后再下面显示另外两个,依此类推。目前,我正在使用flexbox CSS属性来实现这一目标,但它只以垂直方式显示输出,而不是我想要的方式,也就是每行只放置一个事件。以下是我目前用于显示事件的输出。

include 'db_connect.php';
$event_type = $_POST['event_type'];
$state = $_POST['state'];
$current_date = date("Y-m-d");
$sql = "SELECT * FROM events WHERE event_type LIKE '%".$event_type."%' AND state LIKE '%".$state."%' AND end_date > '$current_date' ORDER BY end_date ASC";
$result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql);
if (isset($_POST['search-events']) && !empty($event_type) && !empty($state)) {
    while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
        $event_name= $row['event_name'];
        $image = $row['image'];
        $start_date = $row['start_date'];
        $end_date = $row['end_date'];
        $start_time = $row['start_time'];
        $end_time = $row['end_time'];
        $street = $row['street'];
        $city = $row['city'];
        $state = $row['state'];
        $zip_code = $row['zip_code'];
        $id = $row['event_id'];
        echo '<div class="filter-wrap">';
            echo '<div id="filter-boxes">';
                echo '<div id="list_image"><img src="'.$image.'"></div>';
                echo '<div id="list_name">'.$event_name.'</div>';
                echo '<div id="list_date">'.$start_date. ' - ' .$end_date.'</div>';
                echo '<div id="list_time">'.$start_time. ' - ' .$end_time.'</div>';
                echo '<div id="list_location">'.$street.' '.$city.' '.$state.' '.$zip_code.'</div>';
            echo '</div>';
        echo '</div>';


.filter-wrap {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: row;
    padding: 10px;
    justify-content: center;
    align-items: center;

#filter-boxes {
    border: 2px solid #999;
    text-align: center;
    width: 50%;
    height: 150px;




Having a bit of an issue here. Could use some insight. I'm displaying user created events to visitors to my website. I'm using a while loop to display everything that hasn't not yet already passed. My goal is to display two separate events right next to each other, then another two below that and so on. Currently I'm using the flex box css property to achieve this, but it's only displaying the output vertically and not the way I want it to, meaning it's only putting one event per line. Here is my current output for displaying the events.

include &#39;db_connect.php&#39;;
		$event_type = $_POST[&#39;event_type&#39;];
		$state = $_POST[&#39;state&#39;];
		$current_date = date(&quot;Y-m-d&quot;);
		$sql = &quot;SELECT * FROM events WHERE event_type LIKE &#39;%&quot;.$event_type.&quot;%&#39; AND state LIKE &#39;%&quot;.$state.&quot;%&#39; AND end_date &gt; &#39;$current_date&#39; ORDER By end_date ASC&quot;;
		$result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql);
		if (isset($_POST[&#39;search-events&#39;]) &amp;&amp; !empty($event_type) &amp;&amp; !empty($state)) {
			while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
				$event_name= $row[&#39;event_name&#39;];
				$image = $row[&#39;image&#39;];
				$start_date = $row[&#39;start_date&#39;];
				$end_date = $row[&#39;end_date&#39;];
				$start_time = $row[&#39;start_time&#39;];
				$end_time = $row[&#39;end_time&#39;];
				$street = $row[&#39;street&#39;];
				$city = $row[&#39;city&#39;];
				$state = $row[&#39;state&#39;];
				$zip_code = $row[&#39;zip_code&#39;];
				$id = $row[&#39;event_id&#39;];
    			echo &#39;&lt;div class=&quot;filter-wrap&quot;&gt;&#39;;
    				echo &#39;&lt;div id=&quot;filter-boxes&quot;&gt;&#39;;
    					echo &#39;&lt;div id=&quot;list_image&quot;&gt;&lt;img src=&quot;&#39;.$image.&#39;&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&#39;;
						echo &#39;&lt;div id=&quot;list_name&quot;&gt;&#39;.$event_name.&#39;&lt;/div&gt;&#39;;
						echo &#39;&lt;div id=&quot;list_date&quot;&gt;&#39;.$start_date. &#39; - &#39; .$end_date. &#39;&lt;/div&gt;&#39;;
						echo &#39;&lt;div id=&quot;list_time&quot;&gt;&#39; .$start_time. &#39; - &#39; .$end_time. &#39;&lt;/div&gt;&#39;;
						echo &#39;&lt;div id=&quot;list_location&quot;&gt;&#39;.$street.&#39;&#39;.$city.&#39;&#39;.$state.&#39;&#39;.$zip_code.&#39;&lt;/div&gt;&#39;;
					echo &#39;&lt;/div&gt;&#39;;
				echo &#39;&lt;/div&gt;&#39;;

Then there's the css that I'm using.

.filter-wrap {
	display: flex;
	flex-direction: row;
	padding: 10px;
	justify-content: center;
	align-items: center;

#filter-boxes {
	border: 2px solid #999;
	text-align: center;
	width: 50%;
	height: 150px;

As you can see, I'm using the flex property inside the container that holds each of the individual boxes that holds each event. I have the flex direction set to row since I want it to display horizontally, then go the next line after it runs out of room on each line.

I tried a few things. I tried switching to the css column count property but didn't get the results I was expecting. I honestly probably didn't tweak with that property enough, but I have my heart set on the flex box property. I also tried setting the flex direction to column and also tried adding an inline-block display property to the boxes that are suppose to repeat on the while loop with each event. I'm finding this online that are kind of similar to my issue, but not quite. One uses javascript, but this can obviously also be accomplished somehow with php. I also found several articles talking about centering the content using flexbox, which is not the goal here.


得分: 1

尝试将.filter-wrap<div>元素移出while() {}循环外。


while() {
  echo '<div class="filter-wrap">';
    echo '<div id="filter-boxes">';
      // 内容在这里...
    echo '</div>';
  echo '</div>';


<div class="filter-wrap">
  <div id="filter-boxes"> content </div>
<div class="filter-wrap">
  <div id="filter-boxes"> content </div>
<div class="filter-wrap">
  <div id="filter-boxes"> content </div>


<div class="filter-wrap">
  <div id="filter-boxes"> content </div>
  <div id="filter-boxes"> content </div>
  <div id="filter-boxes"> content </div>


echo '<div class="filter-wrap">';

while() {
  echo '<div id="filter-boxes">';
    // 内容在这里...
  echo '</div>';

echo '</div>';



Try move your .filter-wrap div element to outside of the while() {} loop.

Your current coding:

while() {
  echo &#39;&lt;div class=&quot;filter-wrap&quot;&gt;&#39;;
    echo &#39;&lt;div id=&quot;filter-boxes&quot;&gt;&#39;;
      // content goes here...
    echo &#39;&lt;/div&gt;&#39;;
  echo &#39;&lt;/div&gt;&#39;;

will result in following structure where each .filter-wrap only container a single child .filter-boxes, which will always results in vertical presentation:

&lt;div class=&quot;filter-wrap&quot;&gt;
  &lt;div id=&quot;filter-boxes&quot;&gt; content &lt;/div&gt;
&lt;div class=&quot;filter-wrap&quot;&gt;
  &lt;div id=&quot;filter-boxes&quot;&gt; content &lt;/div&gt;
&lt;div class=&quot;filter-wrap&quot;&gt;
  &lt;div id=&quot;filter-boxes&quot;&gt; content &lt;/div&gt;

For horizontal presentation, the correct structure should be one .filter-wrap consists of multiple .filter-boxes childs:

&lt;div class=&quot;filter-wrap&quot;&gt;
  &lt;div id=&quot;filter-boxes&quot;&gt; content &lt;/div&gt;
  &lt;div id=&quot;filter-boxes&quot;&gt; content &lt;/div&gt;
  &lt;div id=&quot;filter-boxes&quot;&gt; content &lt;/div&gt;

So you can try change your coding to:

echo &#39;&lt;div class=&quot;filter-wrap&quot;&gt;&#39;;

while() {
  echo &#39;&lt;div id=&quot;filter-boxes&quot;&gt;&#39;;
    // content goes here...
  echo &#39;&lt;/div&gt;&#39;;

echo &#39;&lt;/div&gt;&#39;;

Snippet for demo to you the coding logic result. It is in JS but you just have to apply the same in your PHP

Hope it helps and Happy coding!

<!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: false -->

<!-- language: lang-js -->

var result_1 = document.getElementById(&#39;result_1&#39;);
var result_2 = document.getElementById(&#39;result_2&#39;);

var content_1 = &#39;&#39;;
var content_2 = &#39;&#39;;

content_2 = &#39;&lt;div class=&quot;filter-wrap&quot;&gt;&#39;;

for (var i = 1; i &lt;= 5; i++)
  // result 1
  content_1 += &#39;&lt;div class=&quot;filter-wrap&quot;&gt; &lt;div class=&quot;filter-boxes&quot;&gt;content &#39; + i + &#39;&lt;/div&gt; &lt;/div&gt;&#39;;
  // result 2
  content_2 += &#39;&lt;div class=&quot;filter-boxes&quot;&gt;content &#39; + i + &#39;&lt;/div&gt;&#39;;

content_2 += &#39;&lt;/div&gt;&#39;;

result_1.insertAdjacentHTML(&#39;beforeend&#39;, content_1);
result_2.insertAdjacentHTML(&#39;beforeend&#39;, content_2);

<!-- language: lang-css -->

.filter-wrap {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: row;
  flex-wrap: wrap;
  padding: 10px;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;

.filter-boxes {
  border: 2px solid #999;
  text-align: center;
  width: 50%;
  height: 50px;
  /* for two columns display */
  max-width: 49%;

#result_2 {
  background-color: lightgray;
  border: 1px dashed black;
  margin: 3px;

<!-- language: lang-html -->

result 1
&lt;div id=&quot;result_1&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt;

result 2
&lt;div id=&quot;result_2&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt;

<!-- end snippet -->

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月19日 10:34:24
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75497656.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
