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GEKKO (Python) giving incorrect solution


  1. 为什么 results.json 文件与提示中显示的内容不匹配?


    • 检查GEKKO模型的设置,包括求解器、参数和约束条件是否正确设置。确保模型的目标函数和约束条件与你的预期一致。

    • 检查代码中的随机数生成部分,确保随机数生成的方式和范围是正确的。np.random.randintnp.random.random 的使用应该是符合你的需求的。

    • 检查结果文件 results.json 是否包含了正确的输出数据。如果结果文件不正确,可能是代码中输出结果的部分存在问题。

  2. 为什么我得到了错误的解决方案?


    • 模型的约束条件可能不正确或不完整,导致求解器找到了一个满足约束条件的局部最优解,但这个解并不是全局最优解。你应该仔细检查模型的约束条件,确保它们涵盖了问题的所有限制。

    • 求解器选择和参数设置可能会影响结果。你可以尝试不同的求解器、不同的求解器选项或参数来寻找更好的解决方案。

    • 模型的目标函数可能不正确。确保你的目标函数正确地描述了问题的优化目标。

    • 代码中的数据生成部分可能存在问题,导致输入数据不符合预期。



Consider the following GEKKO code:

<!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: false -->

<!-- language: lang-html -->

import numpy as np
from gekko import GEKKO
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Build model

#initialize GEKKO model
m = GEKKO()
m.options.solver = 1

# Seed

max_r = 5
min_r = 2

b = 2
b_r = {}

for i in range(b):
    b_r[i] = np.random.randint(low=min_r,high=max_r)

u = 2

br = np.random.random((b,u))

lv = m.Array(m.Var,(b, u),lb=0,ub=1, integer=True)

av = {}
for i in range(b):
    av[i] = m.Array(m.Var,(b_r[i], u),lb=0,ub=1, integer=True)

## Constraints
for i in range(u):
    lv_sum = m.Const(value=0, name=&#39;Link Sum &#39; + str(i))
    for j in range(b):
        lv_sum += lv[j][i]
    m.Equation(lv_sum &lt;= 1)

for i in range(b):
    for j in range(b_r[i]):
        av_sum = m.Const(value=0, name=&#39;Alloc Sum &#39; + str((i,j)))
        for k in range(u):
            av_sum += av[i][j][k]
        m.Equation(av_sum &lt;= 1)

# Objective function
obj_u = m.Const(value=0, name=&#39;Final Objective&#39;)
for i in range(u):
    obj_b = m.Const(value=0, name=&#39;Objective &#39;+str(i))
    for j in range(b):
        for k in range(b_r[j]):
            obj_b += lv[j][i]*av[j][k][i]*br[j][i]
    obj_u += m.log(1+obj_b)

# Maximize/Minimize objective

#Set global options
m.options.IMODE = 3 #steady state optimization

# m.options.IMODE = 6 #Dynamic optimization

#Solve simulation

<!-- end snippet -->

Quite obviously the solution to this piece of code will always be non-negative as we are maximizing log(1+x) where 0 &lt;= x. Yet somehow GEKKO gives the following output:

<!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: false -->

<!-- language: lang-html -->

apm &lt;br&gt;&lt;pre&gt; ----------------------------------------------------------------
 APMonitor, Version 1.0.1
 APMonitor Optimization Suite
 Warning: there is insufficient data in CSV file
 --------- APM Model Size ------------
 Each time step contains
   Objects      :            0
   Constants    :           10
   Variables    :           21
   Intermediates:            0
   Connections  :            0
   Equations    :            8
   Residuals    :            8
 Number of state variables:             21
 Number of total equations: -            7
 Number of slack variables: -            7
 Degrees of freedom       :              7
 Steady State Optimization with APOPT Solver
Iter:     1 I:  0 Tm:      0.00 NLPi:    7 Dpth:    0 Lvs:    0 Obj: -2.26E+00 Gap:  0.00E+00
 Successful solution
 Solver         :  APOPT (v1.0)
 Solution time  :   1.460000000952277E-002 sec
 Objective      :   -2.26374259105544     
 Successful solution

<!-- end snippet -->

The model file is as follows:

<!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: false -->

<!-- language: lang-html -->

	link_sum_0 = 0
	link_sum_1 = 0
	alloc_sum_0_0_ = 0
	alloc_sum_0_1_ = 0
	alloc_sum_1_0_ = 0
	alloc_sum_1_1_ = 0
	alloc_sum_1_2_ = 0
	final_objective = 0
	objective_0 = 0
	objective_1 = 0
End Constants
	int_v1 = 0, &lt;= 1, &gt;= 0
	int_v2 = 0, &lt;= 1, &gt;= 0
	int_v3 = 0, &lt;= 1, &gt;= 0
	int_v4 = 0, &lt;= 1, &gt;= 0
	int_v5 = 0, &lt;= 1, &gt;= 0
	int_v6 = 0, &lt;= 1, &gt;= 0
	int_v7 = 0, &lt;= 1, &gt;= 0
	int_v8 = 0, &lt;= 1, &gt;= 0
	int_v9 = 0, &lt;= 1, &gt;= 0
	int_v10 = 0, &lt;= 1, &gt;= 0
	int_v11 = 0, &lt;= 1, &gt;= 0
	int_v12 = 0, &lt;= 1, &gt;= 0
	int_v13 = 0, &lt;= 1, &gt;= 0
	int_v14 = 0, &lt;= 1, &gt;= 0
End Variables
	maximize ((final_objective+log((1+(((((objective_0+((((int_v1)*(int_v5)))*(0.8442657485810173)))+((((int_v1)*(int_v7)))*(0.8442657485810173)))+((((int_v3)*(int_v9)))*(0.8472517387841254)))+((((int_v3)*(int_v11)))*(0.8472517387841254)))+((((int_v3)*(int_v13)))*(0.8472517387841254))))))+log((1+(((((objective_1+((((int_v2)*(int_v6)))*(0.8579456176227568)))+((((int_v2)*(int_v8)))*(0.8579456176227568)))+((((int_v4)*(int_v10)))*(0.6235636967859723)))+((((int_v4)*(int_v12)))*(0.6235636967859723)))+((((int_v4)*(int_v14)))*(0.6235636967859723))))))
End Equations

End Model

<!-- end snippet -->

And the results.json file is as follows:

<!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: false -->

<!-- language: lang-html -->

  &quot;time&quot; : [0.00],
  &quot;link_sum_0&quot; : [ 0.00              ],
  &quot;link_sum_1&quot; : [ 0.00              ],
  &quot;alloc_sum_0_0_&quot; : [ 0.00              ],
  &quot;alloc_sum_0_1_&quot; : [ 0.00              ],
  &quot;alloc_sum_1_0_&quot; : [ 0.00              ],
  &quot;alloc_sum_1_1_&quot; : [ 0.00              ],
  &quot;alloc_sum_1_2_&quot; : [ 0.00              ],
  &quot;final_objective&quot; : [ 0.00              ],
  &quot;objective_0&quot; : [ 0.00              ],
  &quot;objective_1&quot; : [ 0.00              ],
  &quot;int_v1&quot; : [ 0.00              ],
  &quot;int_v2&quot; : [   1.0000000000E+00],
  &quot;int_v3&quot; : [   1.0000000000E+00],
  &quot;int_v4&quot; : [ 0.00              ],
  &quot;int_v5&quot; : [ 0.00              ],
  &quot;int_v6&quot; : [   1.0000000000E+00],
  &quot;int_v7&quot; : [ 0.00              ],
  &quot;int_v8&quot; : [   1.0000000000E+00],
  &quot;int_v9&quot; : [   1.0000000000E+00],
  &quot;int_v10&quot; : [ 0.00              ],
  &quot;int_v11&quot; : [   1.0000000000E+00],
  &quot;int_v12&quot; : [ 0.00              ],
  &quot;int_v13&quot; : [   1.0000000000E+00],
  &quot;int_v14&quot; : [ 0.00              ],
  &quot;slk_1&quot; : [ 0.00              ],
  &quot;slk_2&quot; : [ 0.00              ],
  &quot;slk_3&quot; : [ 0.00              ],
  &quot;slk_4&quot; : [ 0.00              ],
  &quot;slk_5&quot; : [ 0.00              ],
  &quot;slk_6&quot; : [ 0.00              ],
  &quot;slk_7&quot; : [ 0.00              ]

<!-- end snippet -->

I am confused of the folllowing:

  1. Why does the results.json not match with what is being displayed in the prompt?
  2. More importantly why am I getting an incorrect solution?


得分: 1

m.Const() 是一个常数声明,而不是一个约束。然后,像以下的循环会重新定义这个常数:

for i in range(u):
    lv_sum = m.Const(value=0, name='Link Sum ' + str(i))
    for j in range(b):
        lv_sum += lv[j][i]
    m.Equation(lv_sum <= 1)

相反,可以这样定义 lv_sum 和约束:

for i in range(u):
    lv_sum = m.Var(value=0, ub=1, name='Link Sum ' + str(i))
    m.Equation(lv_sum == sum(lv[1:b][i]))

使用 m.Var() 定义变量,使用 m.Equation() 定义方程,或者使用 m.Equations() 一次性定义多个方程。不要使用 +=,因为它会重新定义 gekko 变量。不要使用循环,可以尝试使用列表推导、矩阵操作和向量求和。这里有示例(参见。一旦修复了问题定义,它应该会给你一个正确的问题陈述,然后求解器可以解决。


The m.Const() is a constant declaration, not a constraint. Loops such as the following then redefine the constant:

for i in range(u):
    lv_sum = m.Const(value=0, name=&#39;Link Sum &#39; + str(i))
    for j in range(b):
        lv_sum += lv[j][i]
    m.Equation(lv_sum &lt;= 1)

Instead, define lv_sum and the constraint this way:

for i in range(u):
    lv_sum = m.Var(value=0, ub=1, name=&#39;Link Sum &#39; + str(i))
    m.Equation(lv_sum = sum(lv[1:b][i]))

Use m.Var() to define the variable and m.Equation() to define the equation or m.Equations() to define multiple equations at once. Don't use += because it redefines the gekko variable. Instead of loops, try list comprehensions, matrix operations, and vector summations. Here are examples (see,, Once you fix the problem definition, it should give you a correct problem statement that the solver can then solve.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月29日 19:27:49
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
