Parse error, 可能是缩进或括号不匹配。

huangapple go评论52阅读模式

Parse error, possiby identation or mismatch brackets



    mountTree :: [Char] -> FilePath -> Int -> Either IO [FilePath] String
    mountTree promatiList toScan 0 = do
        b <- getDirectoryContests(initial)
        return mountTree getDirectoryContests initial 1
    mountTree [] [] 0 = do
        print "没有要删除的内容"
    mountTree primariList toScan dir = do
        primariList <- getDirectoryContests(primariList)
            if length(primariList) == dir then
                return "完成" 
                toScan[leaf] = []
                if dir > 0 then
                    toScan ++ mapM_ (++) mountTree(initialDir, toScan(leaf), dir + 1)
                    let value = if length(toScan) == 0 
                            pop primariList
                            map (primariList, toScan(leaf), 0)
                            if length(toScan[leaf]) == initialDir then
                                leaf + 1
                                mountTree(initialDir, toScan(tmpLeaf), (dir + 1))
                                mountTree(primariList, toScan(dir + 1), (dir + 1))
    main :: IO ()
    main done = print done
    main = do
        initialPath <- getLine
        tree = mountTree(intitialPath)
        mapM_ (\x -> x) tree 



I'm writing a program in haskell but I doesn't get rid of an error:

mountTree :: [Char] -&gt; FilePath -&gt; Int -&gt; Either IO [FilePath] String
mountTree promatiList toScan 0 = do
    b &lt;- getDirectoryContests(initial)
    return mountTree getDirectoryContests initial 1

mountTree [] [] 0 = do
    print &quot;Nothing to delete&quot;

mountTree primariList toScan dir = do
    primariList &lt;- getDirectoryContests(primariList)
        if length(primariList) == dir then
            return &quot;Done&quot; 
            toScan[leaf] = []
            if dir &gt; 0 then
                toScan ++ mapM_ (++) mountTree(initialDir, toScan(leaf), dir + 1)
                let value = if length(toScan) == 0 
                        pop primariList
                        map (primariList, toScan(leaf), 0)
                        if length(toScan[leaf]) == initialDir then
                            leaf + 1
                            mountTree(initialDir, toScan(tmpLeaf), (dir + 1))
                            mountTree(primariList, toScan(dir + 1), (dir + 1))

main :: IO ()
main done = print done
main = do
    initialPath &lt;- getLine
    tree = mountTree(intitialPath)
    mapM_ (\x -&gt; x) tree 

Where are the error an how I can get rid of it error?

I've search but not found an error, including the use of pipe operator. FOrget the algorithn and focus on the parse error.


得分: 0



let value = if length(toScan) == 0

由于它出现的位置,编译器期望一个 let ... in ... 表达式,因此当 main 定义出现在第一列时,它会提前结束缩进块并扫描 in 关键字。


修复此解析错误的一种方法是删除文本 &quot;let value = &quot;。这将修复这个特定的解析错误,但您将会得到其他错误:一个关于在模式中使用 if...then...else 语法的错误,另一个关于在函数应用中出现意外的 if 表达式的错误。



出于各种原因,这对于 Haskell 来说效果不佳。当您写下以下内容时:

leaf + 1
mountTree(initialDir, toScan(tmpLeaf), (dir + 1))

编译器“理解”了这一点,但是当您认为自己正在将 leaf 增加并调用具有三个参数的 mountTree 时,编译器认为您正在将 leaf 添加到应用于两个参数 mountTree 和一个三元组的函数 1 中。在寻找将 1 转换为两个参数函数的方法时,您可能会收到一个关于非常奇怪的函数类型缺少 Num 实例的编译器错误消息。编译器无法为您提供有用的错误消息,因为您和编译器对于这段代码应该表示什么意思存在较大分歧。


最好以更自下而上的方式学习 Haskell,从一些不真正“执行”任何操作的非常简单的“程序”开始。与其尝试编写一个在文件系统上执行递归操作的完整程序,您可能应该编写一个从列表中提取前 n 个元素的函数,这是非常基础教程中会找到的程序类型。我建议您通过查看 中提到的一些初学者材料来开始学习。请注意,这个问题有一个非常高票的答案,但其他答案中也有一些很好的提示,所以也要看看那些答案。


mountTree promatiList toScan 0 = do
    b <- getDirectoryContents(initial)
    return mountTree getDirectoryContents initial 1

mountTree [] [] 0 = do
    print "Nothing to delete"

mountTree primariList toScan dir = do
    primariList <- getDirectoryContents(primariList)
    if length(primariList) == dir then
        return "Done"
    else do
        let toScan[leaf] = []
        if dir > 0 then
            toScan ++ mapM_ (++) mountTree(initialDir, toScan(leaf), dir + 1)
            if length(toScan) == 0
                pop primariList
                map (primariList, toScan(leaf), 0)
                if length(toScan[leaf]) == initialDir then
                    leaf + 1
                    mountTree(initialDir, toScan(tmpLeaf), (dir + 1))
                    mountTree(primariList, toScan(dir + 1), (dir + 1))

main :: IO ()
main done = print done
main = do
    initialPath <- getLine
    let tree = mountTree(intitialPath)
    mapM_ (\x -> x) tree



The parse error is the result of the line:

let value = if length(toScan) == 0

Because of where this appears, the compiler is expecting a let ... in ... expression, so it is scanning for the in keyword when the main definition appears in the first column and prematurely ends the indented block.

Often, this kind of error is the result of an indentation mistake or an extra parenthesis, which is why the error message says what it does.

One way to fix this parse error is to delete the text &quot;let value = &quot;. That will fix this particular parse error, but you will get additional errors: one about using if...then...else syntax in a pattern, and another about an unexpected if expression in a function application.

It's possible to fix these errors, too, to get a version that will at least parse completely (and start complaining about undefined variables). I've attached it below.

However, two people in the comments have already shared their opinion that this code cannot be made to work, and I have to agree with them. With some programming languages, you can write some draft code that's full of errors and let the compiler/interpreter error messages "guide" you to working code, and for those languages, this approach might be a good way to learn the language.

For a variety of reasons, this doesn't work well for Haskell. When you write:

leaf + 1
mountTree(initialDir, toScan(tmpLeaf), (dir + 1))

the compiler "understands this", but while you think you're incrementing leaf and then calling mountTree with three arguments, the compiler thinks you're adding leaf to the function 1 applied to two arguments, mountTree and a three-element tuple. As it searches for a way to turn 1 into a two-argument function, you're likely to get a compiler error message about a missing Num instance for a really weird function type. The compiler can't provide you with a useful error message because you and the compiler are too far from agreeing on what this code should mean.

Your program has many similar errors, with nearly every line containing code that's "valid" but means something completely different from what you intended. You will find the process of trying to turn this program into working code a frustrating and demoralizing experience.

It's probably better to learn Haskell with a more bottom-up approach, starting with really simple "programs" that don't really do anything. Instead of trying to write a full program to perform a recursive operation on a filesystem, you should maybe be writing a function to extract the first n elements from a list, the sort of programs you find in very basic tutorials. I'd suggest working through some of the beginner materials mentioned in the answers to Note that this question has one, extremely highly voted answer, but there are good tips in some of the other answers, too, so look through those as well.

Anyway, here's the version of the program that I got to parse okay, though -- as I said above -- I think getting it from here to actually working code will be very difficult:

mountTree promatiList toScan 0 = do
    b &lt;- getDirectoryContests(initial)
    return mountTree getDirectoryContests initial 1

mountTree [] [] 0 = do
    print &quot;Nothing to delete&quot;

mountTree primariList toScan dir = do
    primariList &lt;- getDirectoryContests(primariList)
    if length(primariList) == dir then
        return &quot;Done&quot;
    else do
        let toScan[leaf] = []
        if dir &gt; 0 then
            toScan ++ mapM_ (++) mountTree(initialDir, toScan(leaf), dir + 1)
            if length(toScan) == 0
                pop primariList
                map (primariList, toScan(leaf), 0)
                if length(toScan[leaf]) == initialDir then
                    leaf + 1
                    mountTree(initialDir, toScan(tmpLeaf), (dir + 1))
                    mountTree(primariList, toScan(dir + 1), (dir + 1))

main :: IO ()
main done = print done
main = do
    initialPath &lt;- getLine
    let tree = mountTree(intitialPath)
    mapM_ (\x -&gt; x) tree

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