Docker镜像中缺少适用于OpenJDK 19的maven。

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Docker Image for maven with OpenJDK 19 is missing


我正在查看,它似乎表明自 2022 年 9 月 20 日起,OpenJDK 现在已经普遍可用。然而,当我查看当前的 Maven 镜像(时,我发现了 OpenJDK 17(和 OpenJDK 18(,但我没有看到 OpenJDK-19。我在 上搜索了 'openjdk' 并查看了 'newest',但我找不到 Java 19。也许在不同的命名方案下有一个名为 openjdk 的 Maven 构件吗?我是否漏掉了什么?


I am looking at which seems to indicate that OpenJDK is now Generally Availible as of September 20th 2022. However, when I look at the current maven images ( , I find openJDK 17 ( and openJDK 18 ( but I do not see openJdk-19. I searched 'openjdk' and looked at 'newest' but I cannot find a Java 19. Is there such a openjdk maven artifact perhaps under a different naming scheme? Is there something that I am missing?


得分: 3

这个项目似乎已经停止使用OpenJDK构建Linux镜像,原因是基于那些镜像构建的OpenJDK已经停止维护。现在它只提供使用Eclipse Temurin和Amazon Corretto等替代JDK分发版本的镜像。Temurin镜像对于大多数用户来说是一个合适的替代品。

还要注意,尽管有一些历史上使用Java 19构建的镜像可用,但Java 19已经被Java 20取代,因此不会基于Java 19和最新的Maven版本创建新的镜像。通常更倾向于使用Java的LTS版本,比如Java 17。如果您的项目需要比最新的LTS版本更新的Java版本,那么使用最新版本是一个好主意,因为诸如Java 18和19之类的临时版本可能在有更新版本时不再受支持。我写这篇文章时,下一个即将发布的Java版本是2023年9月的版本21,将是一个LTS版本。


It appears that this project has stopped building Linux images using OpenJDK, due to discontinuation of the OpenJDK builds those images were based on. It now only provides images using alternative JDK distributions such as Eclipse Temurin and Amazon Corretto. The Temurin images are a suitable replacement for most users.

Also note that, although there are historical images built with Java 19 available, Java 19 has since been superseded by Java 20 and therefore there will not be new images based on Java 19 and the most recent Maven releases. It is generally preferable to use an LTS release of Java such as Java 17. If your project requires a Java version newer than the most recent LTS release, then it’s a good idea to use the most recent version, as interim releases such as Java 18 and 19 may not be supported once a newer version is available. The next upcoming Java release at the time I write this—version 21, due in September 2023—will be an LTS release.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月26日 07:58:16
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