Java 子包(subpackages)是做什么用的,考虑到它们不提供特殊的访问关系呢?

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What do Java subpackages do, given that they don't provide a special access relationship?


我在Stack Overflow和其他地方看到过许多帖子声称Java没有子包的概念。经常指出的一点是包和其“子包”之间缺乏任何特殊的访问关系。例如,没有办法将com.example包中的类或方法暴露给com.example.subpackage包中的类(反之亦然),而不将其暴露给所有其他包。然而,尽管有这些说法,我发现Java语言规范实际上在第7章 包和模块中定义了“子包”的概念。




I have seen a number of posts on Stack Overflow and elsewhere assert that Java does not have the concept of subpackages. One thing often pointed out is the lack of any special access relationship between a package and its "subpackage". For instance, there is no way to expose a class or method in com.example to classes in com.example.subpackage (or vice versa) without exposing it to all other packages. However, despite these assertions, I see that the Java Language Specification does in fact define the concept of "subpackage" in Chapter 7. Packages and Modules.

> The members of a package are class and interface types, which are declared in compilation units of the package, and subpackages, which may contain compilation units and subpackages of their own.

What, therefore, is a subpackage in Java, and what does it do?


得分: 4



子包是直接嵌套在另一个包内的任何包。例如,com.example.subpackagecom.example 的子包:


例如,在Java SE平台API中:

  • java有子包awtappletiolangnetutil,但没有编译单元。
  • java.awt有一个名为image的子包,还有一些包含类和接口类型声明的编译单元。




  • 因为包java.awt有一个子包image,所以它不能(也不会)包含名为image的类或接口类型声明。
  • 如果存在一个名为mouse的包,以及该包中的成员类型Button(可以称为mouse.Button),那么就不能有任何名为mouse.Buttonmouse.Button.Click的包。
  • 如果是类型的完全限定名,则不能有任何完全限定名为的包。





Subpackages exist to allow code to be conveniently organized. They impose a restriction on class/interface naming (a class cannot have the same fully qualified name as a subpackage), but are otherwise no different than two unrelated packages.

The Java Language Specification defines what subpackages are in section 7.1, Package Members.

A subpackage is any package directly nested within another package. For instance, com.example.subpackage is a subpackage of com.example:

> The members of a package are its subpackages and all the top level class types and top level interface types declared in all the compilation units of the package.
> For example, in the Java SE Platform API:
> * The package java has subpackages awt, applet, io, lang, net, and util, but no compilation units.
> * The package java.awt has a subpackage named image, as well as a number of compilation units containing declarations of class and interface types.

Subpackages enforce naming constraints between subpackages and classes/interfaces within the package. Namely, a subpackage and a class/interface cannot share the same name within the same package:

> A package may not contain two members of the same name, or a compile-time error results.
> Here are some examples:
> * Because the package java.awt has a subpackage image, it cannot (and does not) contain a declaration of a class or interface type named image.
> * If there is a package named mouse and a member type Button in that package (which then might be referred to as mouse.Button), then there cannot be any package with the fully qualified name mouse.Button or mouse.Button.Click.
> * If is the fully qualified name of a type, then there cannot be any package whose fully qualified name is either or

The subpackage concept primarly exists for organizational purposes. The restriction against name conflicts is the only significance afforded to subpackages by the language:

> The hierarchical naming structure for packages is intended to be convenient for organizing related packages in a conventional manner, but has no significance in itself other than the prohibition against a package having a subpackage with the same simple name as a top level type declared in that package.
> For example, there is no special access relationship between a package named oliver and another package named oliver.twist, or between packages named evelyn.wood and evelyn.waugh. That is, the code in a package named oliver.twist has no better access to the types declared within package oliver than code in any other package.

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