将CSV中的节点加载到AGE中并使用提供的ID返回“label_id必须为1 … 65535”。

huangapple go评论104阅读模式

Loading nodes CSV to AGE with provided IDs returns "label_id must be 1 ... 65535"




  1. product_name,price,description,store_id,user_id,product_id
  2. iPhone 12,999,"Apple iPhone 12 - 64GB, Space Gray",1234,1001,123
  3. Samsung Galaxy S21,899,"Samsung Galaxy S21 - 128GB, Phantom Black",5678,1002,124
  4. AirPods Pro,249,"Apple AirPods Pro with Active Noise Cancellation",1234,1003,125
  5. Sony PlayStation 5,499,"Sony PlayStation 5 Gaming Console, 1TB",9012,1004,126


  1. import psycopg2
  2. import age
  3. import csv
  4. def read_csv(csv_file):
  5. with open(csv_file, 'r') as file:
  6. reader = csv.reader(file)
  7. rows = list(reader)
  8. return rows
  9. def create_csv(csv_file):
  10. new_header = ['id', 'product_name', 'description', 'price', 'store_id', 'user_id']
  11. property_order = [5, 0, 2, 1, 3, 4] # 重新排序属性。
  12. rows = read_csv(csv_file)
  13. new_csv_file = 'products.csv'
  14. with open(new_csv_file, 'w', newline='') as file:
  15. writer = csv.writer(file)
  16. writer.writerow(new_header)
  17. # 用重新排序的属性写入每一行。
  18. for row in rows[1:]:
  19. new_row = [row[i] for i in property_order]
  20. writer.writerow(new_row)
  21. print(f"已创建具有所需格式的新CSV文件 '{new_csv_file}'。")
  22. def load_csv_nodes(csv_file, graph_name, conn):
  23. with conn.cursor() as cursor:
  24. try :
  25. cursor.execute("LOAD 'age';")
  26. cursor.execute("SET search_path = ag_catalog, '$user', public;")
  27. cursor.execute("SELECT load_labels_from_file(%s, 'Node', %s)", (graph_name, csv_file,))
  28. conn.commit()
  29. except Exception as ex:
  30. print(type(ex), ex)
  31. conn.rollback()
  32. def main():
  33. csv_file = 'ProductsData.csv'
  34. create_csv(csv_file)
  35. new_csv_file = 'products.csv'
  36. GRAPH_NAME = 'csv_test_graph'
  37. conn = psycopg2.connect(host="localhost", port="5432", dbname="database", user="user", password="password")
  38. age.setUpAge(conn, GRAPH_NAME)
  39. path_to_csv = '/path/to/folder/' + new_csv_file
  40. load_csv_nodes(path_to_csv, GRAPH_NAME, conn)
  41. main()


  1. id,product_name,description,price,store_id,user_id
  2. 123,iPhone 12,"Apple iPhone 12 - 64GB, Space Gray",999,1234,1001
  3. 124,Samsung Galaxy S21,"Samsung Galaxy S21 - 128GB, Phantom Black",899,5678,1002
  4. 125,AirPods Pro,Apple AirPods Pro with Active Noise Cancellation,249,1234,1003
  5. 126,Sony PlayStation 5,"Sony PlayStation 5 Gaming Console, 1TB",499,9012,1004


  1. <class 'psycopg2.errors.InvalidParameterValue'> label_id must be 1 .. 65535



I have a csv file that is not formatted in the correct way for AGE to load. I was on the task to transform it into a new one so that AGE could read it and create nodes, like it is specified in the documentation. For that, I created a python script that creates a new file, connects to postgres, and performs the queries. I though this could be useful since if someone had csv files and wanted to create nodes and edges and send it to AGE, but it was not in the specified format, this could be used to quickly solve the problem.

Here is the old csv file (ProductsData.csv), it contains the data of products that have been purchased by other users (identified by their user_id), the store where the product was purchased from (identified by their store_id), and also the product_id, which is the id of the node:

  1. product_name,price,description,store_id,user_id,product_id
  2. iPhone 12,999,&quot;Apple iPhone 12 - 64GB, Space Gray&quot;,1234,1001,123
  3. Samsung Galaxy S21,899,&quot;Samsung Galaxy S21 - 128GB, Phantom Black&quot;,5678,1002,124
  4. AirPods Pro,249,&quot;Apple AirPods Pro with Active Noise Cancellation&quot;,1234,1003,125
  5. Sony PlayStation 5,499,&quot;Sony PlayStation 5 Gaming Console, 1TB&quot;,9012,1004,126

Here is the Python file:

  1. import psycopg2
  2. import age
  3. import csv
  4. def read_csv(csv_file):
  5. with open(csv_file, &#39;r&#39;) as file:
  6. reader = csv.reader(file)
  7. rows = list(reader)
  8. return rows
  9. def create_csv(csv_file):
  10. new_header = [&#39;id&#39;, &#39;product_name&#39;, &#39;description&#39;, &#39;price&#39;, &#39;store_id&#39;, &#39;user_id&#39;]
  11. property_order = [5, 0, 2, 1, 3, 4] # Reorder the properties accordingly.
  12. rows = read_csv(csv_file)
  13. new_csv_file = &#39;products.csv&#39;
  14. with open(new_csv_file, &#39;w&#39;, newline=&#39;&#39;) as file:
  15. writer = csv.writer(file)
  16. writer.writerow(new_header)
  17. # Write each row with reordered properties.
  18. for row in rows[1:]:
  19. new_row = [row[i] for i in property_order]
  20. writer.writerow(new_row)
  21. print(f&quot;New CSV file &#39;{new_csv_file}&#39; has been created with the desired format.&quot;)
  22. def load_csv_nodes(csv_file, graph_name, conn):
  23. with conn.cursor() as cursor:
  24. try :
  25. cursor.execute(&quot;&quot;&quot;LOAD &#39;age&#39;;&quot;&quot;&quot;)
  26. cursor.execute(&quot;&quot;&quot;SET search_path = ag_catalog, &quot;$user&quot;, public;&quot;&quot;&quot;)
  27. cursor.execute(&quot;&quot;&quot;SELECT load_labels_from_file(%s, &#39;Node&#39;, %s)&quot;&quot;&quot;, (graph_name, csv_file,) )
  28. conn.commit()
  29. except Exception as ex:
  30. print(type(ex), ex)
  31. conn.rollback()
  32. def main():
  33. csv_file = &#39;ProductsData.csv&#39;
  34. create_csv(csv_file)
  35. new_csv_file = &#39;products.csv&#39;
  36. GRAPH_NAME = &#39;csv_test_graph&#39;
  37. conn = psycopg2.connect(host=&quot;localhost&quot;, port=&quot;5432&quot;, dbname=&quot;database&quot;, user=&quot;user&quot;, password=&quot;password&quot;)
  38. age.setUpAge(conn, GRAPH_NAME)
  39. path_to_csv = &#39;/path/to/folder/&#39; + new_csv_file
  40. load_csv_nodes(path_to_csv, GRAPH_NAME, conn)
  41. main()

The generated file:

  1. id,product_name,description,price,store_id,user_id
  2. 123,iPhone 12,&quot;Apple iPhone 12 - 64GB, Space Gray&quot;,999,1234,1001
  3. 124,Samsung Galaxy S21,&quot;Samsung Galaxy S21 - 128GB, Phantom Black&quot;,899,5678,1002
  4. 125,AirPods Pro,Apple AirPods Pro with Active Noise Cancellation,249,1234,1003
  5. 126,Sony PlayStation 5,&quot;Sony PlayStation 5 Gaming Console, 1TB&quot;,499,9012,1004

But then, when running the script, it shows the following message:

  1. &lt;class &#39;psycopg2.errors.InvalidParameterValue&#39;&gt; label_id must be 1 .. 65535

The ids are set between 1 and 65535, and I don't understand why this error message is showing.


得分: 1


在调用load_labels_from_file之前,您首先需要创建Node vlabel,使用以下命令:

  1. SELECT create_vlabel('csv_test_graph','Node');



For how to use load_labels_from_file please refer to the regress testing file. It shows how to use all the commands.

You first need to create Node vlabel before calling load_labels_from_file using the following command:

  1. SELECT create_vlabel(&#39;csv_test_graph&#39;,&#39;Node&#39;);

Then run the script as it is.


得分: 0


  1. path_to_csv = '/正确的路径/' + new_csv_file

That's line is not properly written, you need to fix it with the correct path

  1. path_to_csv = &#39;/path/to/folder/&#39; + new_csv_file

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月25日 23:45:18
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76551209.html



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