
huangapple go评论59阅读模式

Function to identify duplicate Python column names and add specific suffixes


def change_colnames(df, suffixes):
    new_columns = []
    seen_columns = {}

    for column in df.columns:
        match = re.match(r'^(.*?)(?:\.\d+)?$', column)  # 匹配基本列名和可选后缀
        base_column = match.group(1) if match else column  # 获取基本列名或保持原始列名

        if base_column in seen_columns:
            idx = seen_columns[base_column]  # 获取基本列的索引
            new_column = f"{base_column} - {suffixes[idx]}"  # 添加新后缀
            seen_columns[base_column] += 1  # 为下一次出现增加索引
            new_column = base_column
            seen_columns[base_column] = 0  # 使用索引0添加基本列


    df.columns = new_columns
    return df

I have several dataframes with certain duplicate column names (they come from Excel files). My data looks a little something like this.

original_df= pd.DataFrame({
    'ID': [True, False, True],
    'Revenue (USDm)': [1000, 2000, 1500],
    'Location': ['London', 'New York', 'Paris'],
    'Year': [2021, 2022, 2023],
    'Sold Products': [10, 20, 30],
    'Leased Products': [5, 10, 15],
    'Investments': [7, 12, 8],
    'Sold Products.1': [15, 25, 35],
    'Leased Products.1': [8, 12, 16],
    'Investments.1': [6, 9, 11],
    'Sold Products.2': [5, 10, 15],
    'Leased Products.2': [2, 5, 8],
    'Investments.2': [3, 7, 4],
    'QC Completed?': [True, True, False],

When I read the df, pandas automatically adds the .1 and .2 suffixes to the duplicate column names. I tried to write a function that identifies the duplicates and adds a new set of suffixes from a list I provide, while removing the .1 and .2 where applicable.

The new suffixes list is suffixes = ['Vehicles','Electronics','Real Estate']

The output should look like this:

desired_output = pd.DataFrame({
    'ID': [True, False, True],
    'Revenue (USDm)': [1000, 2000, 1500],
    'Location': ['London', 'New York', 'Paris'],
    'Year': [2021, 2022, 2023],
    'Sold Products - Vehicles': [10, 20, 30],
    'Leased Products - Vehicles': [5, 10, 15],
    'Investments - Vehicles': [7, 12, 8],
    'Sold Products - Electronics': [15, 25, 35],
    'Leased Products - Electronics': [8, 12, 16],
    'Investments - Electronics': [6, 9, 11],
    'Sold Products - Real Estate': [5, 10, 15],
    'Leased Products - Real Estate': [2, 5, 8],
    'Investments - Real Estate': [3, 7, 4],
    'QC Completed?': [True, True, False],

The column names without any duplicates should remain the same but the columns which are duplicated get added the suffixes in order; If they also have the .1 and .2 suffixes, those get removed.

My function is below:

def change_colnames(df, suffixes):
    new_columns = []
    seen_columns = {}

    for column in df.columns:
        match = re.match(r'^(.*?)(?:\.\d+)?$', column)  # Match the base column name and optional suffix
        base_column = match.group(1) if match else column  # Get the base column name or keep the original column name

        if base_column in seen_columns:
            idx = seen_columns[base_column]  # Get the index of the base column
            new_column = f"{base_column} {suffixes[idx]}"  # Append the new suffix
            seen_columns[base_column] += 1  # Increment the index for the next occurrence
            new_column = base_column
            seen_columns[base_column] = 0  # Add the base column with index 0


    df.columns = new_columns
    return df

Unfortunately the first set of duplicate columns (those without the .1 and .2 suffixes) stays the same. The output I get is this:

wrong_output = pd.DataFrame({
    'ID': [True, False, True],
    'Revenue (USDm)': [1000, 2000, 1500],
    'Location': ['London', 'New York', 'Paris'],
    'Year': [2021, 2022, 2023],
    'Sold Products': [10, 20, 30],
    'Leased Products': [5, 10, 15],
    'Investments': [7, 12, 8],
    'Sold Products - Vehicles': [15, 25, 35],
    'Leased Products - Vehicles': [8, 12, 16],
    'Investments - Vehicles': [6, 9, 11],
    'Sold Products - Electronics': [5, 10, 15],
    'Leased Products - Electronics': [2, 5, 8],
    'Investments - Electronics': [3, 7, 4],
    'QC Completed?': [True, True, False],

Any idea how to fix it?


得分: 1


suffixes = ['Vehicles', 'Electronics', 'Real Estate']
d = dict(enumerate(suffixes))

s = original_df.columns.to_series()

new = s.str.replace(r'\.\d+$', '', regex=True)

mapped = (new.groupby(new).cumcount()
             .radd(' - ').fillna(''))

original_df.columns = new + mapped

print (original_df)
          ID  Revenue (USDm)  Location  Year  Sold Products - Vehicles  \
    0   True            1000    London  2021                        10   
    1  False            2000  New York  2022                        20   
    2   True            1500     Paris  2023                        30   

       Leased Products - Vehicles  Investments - Vehicles  \
    0                           5                       7   
    1                          10                      12   
    2                          15                       8   

       Sold Products - Electronics  Leased Products - Electronics  \
    0                           15                              8   
    1                           25                             12   
    2                           35                             16   

       Investments - Electronics  Sold Products - Real Estate  \
    0                          6                            5   
    1                          9                           10   
    2                         11                           15   

       Leased Products - Real Estate  Investments - Real Estate  QC Completed?  
    0                              2                          3           True  
    1                              5                          7           True  
    2                              8                          4          False  

Create dictionary by enumerate and mapping duplicated values in counter by GroupBy.cumcount:

suffixes = ['Vehicles','Electronics','Real Estate']
d = dict(enumerate(suffixes))

s = original_df.columns.to_series()

new = s.str.replace(r'\.\d+$','', regex=True)

mapped = (new.groupby(new).cumcount()
             .radd(' - ').fillna(''))

original_df.columns =  new + mapped

print (original_df)
      ID  Revenue (USDm)  Location  Year  Sold Products - Vehicles  \
0   True            1000    London  2021                        10   
1  False            2000  New York  2022                        20   
2   True            1500     Paris  2023                        30   

   Leased Products - Vehicles  Investments - Vehicles  \
0                           5                       7   
1                          10                      12   
2                          15                       8   

   Sold Products - Electronics  Leased Products - Electronics  \
0                           15                              8   
1                           25                             12   
2                           35                             16   

   Investments - Electronics  Sold Products - Real Estate  \
0                          6                            5   
1                          9                           10   
2                         11                           15   

   Leased Products - Real Estate  Investments - Real Estate  QC Completed?  
0                              2                          3           True  
1                              5                          7           True  
2                              8                          4          False  


得分: 1

你可以使用正则表达式和 str.replace 进行处理,这里还有一个用于灵活性的自定义函数:

import re

# 识别重复列
dup_cols = original_df.filter(regex=r'\.\d+$').columns

# 获取重复列的基本名称
base = dup_cols.str.replace(r'\.\d+$', '').unique()
# ['Sold Products', 'Leased Products', 'Investments']

# 创建模式
pattern = fr"^({'|'.join(map(re.escape, base))})(\.\d+)?$"
# '^(Sold\\ Products|Leased\\ Products|Investments)(\\.\\d+)?$'
suffixes = ['Vehicles', 'Electronics', 'Real Estate']
dic = dict(enumerate(suffixes))

def f(m):
    suffix = m.group(2)
    if suffix:
        suffix = dic.get(int(suffix[1:]), '')
        suffix = dic[0]
    return m.group(1) + ' - ' + suffix

# 基于模式进行替换
original_df.columns = original_df.columns.str.replace(pattern, f, regex=True)


      ID  Revenue (USDm)  Location  Year  Sold Products - Vehicles  Leased Products - Vehicles  Investments - Vehicles  Sold Products - Electronics  Leased Products - Electronics  \
0   True            1000    London  2021                        10                           5                       7                           15                              8   
1  False            2000  New York  2022                        20                          10                      12                           25                             12   
2   True            1500     Paris  2023                        30                          15                       8                           35                             16   

   Investments - Electronics  Sold Products - Real Estate  Leased Products - Real Estate  Investments - Real Estate  QC Completed?  
0                          6                            5                              2                          3           True  
1                          9                           10                              5                          7           True  
2                         11                           15                              8                          4          False  

You could use a regex for that and str.replace, here with a custom function for flexibility:

import re

# identify duplicated columns
dup_cols = original_df.filter(regex=r'\.\d+$').columns

# get the base names of the duplicates
base = dup_cols.str.replace(r'\.\d+$', '').unique()
# ['Sold Products', 'Leased Products', 'Investments']

# craft a pattern
pattern = fr"^({'|'.join(map(re.escape, base))})(\.\d+)?$"
# '^(Sold\\ Products|Leased\\ Products|Investments)(\\.\\d+)?$'
suffixes = ['Vehicles','Electronics','Real Estate']
dic = dict(enumerate(suffixes))

def f(m):
    suffix = m.group(2)
    if suffix:
        suffix = dic.get(int(suffix[1:]), '')
        suffix = dic[0]
    return m.group(1) + ' - ' + suffix

# replace based on pattern
original_df.columns = original_df.columns.str.replace(pattern, f, regex=True)


      ID  Revenue (USDm)  Location  Year  Sold Products - Vehicles  Leased Products - Vehicles  Investments - Vehicles  Sold Products - Electronics  Leased Products - Electronics  \
0   True            1000    London  2021                        10                           5                       7                           15                              8   
1  False            2000  New York  2022                        20                          10                      12                           25                             12   
2   True            1500     Paris  2023                        30                          15                       8                           35                             16   

   Investments - Electronics  Sold Products - Real Estate  Leased Products - Real Estate  Investments - Real Estate  QC Completed?  
0                          6                            5                              2                          3           True  
1                          9                           10                              5                          7           True  
2                         11                           15                              8                          4          False  

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月22日 17:47:01
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76530606.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
