
huangapple go评论65阅读模式

Randomly generate all unique pair-wise combination of elements between two list in set time


def _unique_combinations(a: List, b: List, max_iterations: int):
    Creates a generator that yields unique combinations of elements from a and b
    in the form of (a_element, b_element) tuples in a random order, up to a maximum
    number of iterations specified by max_iterations.
    len_a, len_b = len(a), len(b)
    generated = set()
    iterations = 0

    while iterations < max_iterations:
        # Choose random elements from a and b
        element_a = random.choice(a)
        element_b = random.choice(b)
        if (element_a, element_b) not in generated:
            generated.add((element_a, element_b))
            yield (element_a, element_b)
            iterations += 1

I have two lists:

a = [1, 2, 3, 5]
b = [&quot;a&quot;, &quot;b&quot;, &quot;c&quot;, &quot;d&quot;]

And would like to generate all possible combinations with a python generator. I know I could be doing:

combinations = list(itertools.product(a,b))

But that one has an extreme memory cost as i would have to hold in memory all possible combinations, even if only wanted two random unique combinations.

My target is to get a python generator that has its memory cost increase with the more iterations are requested from it, getting to the same O memory cost as itertools at max iterations.

I had this for now:

def _unique_combinations(a: List, b: List):
    Creates a generator that yields unique combinations of elements from a and b
    in the form of (a_element, b_element) tuples in a random order.
    len_a, len_b = len(a), len(b)
    generated = set()
    for i in range(len_a):
        for j in range(len_b):
            while True:
                # choose random elements from a and b
                element_a = random.choice(a)
                element_b = random.choice(b)
                if (element_a, element_b) not in generated:
                    generated.add((element_a, element_b))
                    yield (element_a, element_b)

But its flawed as it can theoretically run forever if the random.choice lines are unlucky.

I'm looking to modify that existing generator so it generates the indexes randomly within a fix set of time, it will be okay to keep them track of as this will be linear increase in memory cost and not exponential.

How could i modify that random index generator to be bound in time?


得分: 1


import itertools
import random
from typing import Iterator, TypeVar

_A = TypeVar("_A")
_B = TypeVar("_B")

def unique_product(a: list[_A], b: list[_B]) -> Iterator[tuple[_A, _B]]:
    total = len(a) * len(b)
    results: set[tuple[_A, _B]] = set()

    # 对于结果的前半部分,使用随机猜测。
    # 在我们用尽一半的可能性之前,我们应该平均每个元素 &lt; 2 次猜测,
    # 因此,我们可以将其视为每个元素的摊销 O(1)。
    result = random.choice(a), random.choice(b)
    while len(results) < total // 2:
        while result in results:
            result = random.choice(a), random.choice(b)
        yield result

    # 对于后半部分,构建剩余结果的详尽集合。
    # 我们需要付出 O(n) 的代价来执行此操作,
    # 但在整个生成器生命周期内,它的摊销代价是 O(1) 每个元素。
    # 这之后,我们的空间使用量会减少,而不是增加。
    remaining: list[tuple[_A, _B]] = []
    for result in itertools.product(a, b):
        if result in results:
    while remaining:
        yield remaining.pop()

这种方法的主要潜在问题是,您在中间部分付出了 O(n) 的代价,因此,即使在查看整个运行时会摊销,对于某些用例来说,让中间的单个调用者一次性支付整个代价可能是不可取的,而不是在一开始支付它,或者在所有调用者之间均匀分摊它。(我可以想到一些方法可以尝试通过在另一个线程中执行交换来避免这个问题,但这会增加很多复杂性。也许有更好的方法?)



Random picking is cheap at the beginning and expensive at the end, and exhaustive listing is expensive at the beginning and cheap at the end. Here's a "best of both worlds" approach where we switch strategies halfway through:

import itertools
import random
from typing import Iterator, TypeVar

_A = TypeVar(&quot;_A&quot;)
_B = TypeVar(&quot;_B&quot;)

def unique_product(a: list[_A], b: list[_B]) -&gt; Iterator[tuple[_A, _B]]:
    total = len(a) * len(b)
    results: set[tuple[_A, _B]] = set()

    # For the first half of the results, use random guessing.
    # Until we&#39;ve exhausted half of the possibility
    # space, we should average &lt; 2 guesses per element, so
    # we can consider this to be amortized O(1) per element.
    result = random.choice(a), random.choice(b)
    while len(results) &lt; total // 2:
        while result in results:
            result = random.choice(a), random.choice(b)
        yield result

    # For the second half, build the exhaustive set of
    # remaining results.  We pay an O(n) cost to do this but
    # amortized over the entire generator life it&#39;s O(1) per
    # element.  Our space usage goes down after this, not up.
    remaining: list[tuple[_A, _B]] = []
    for result in itertools.product(a, b):
        if result in results:
    while remaining:
        yield remaining.pop()

The main potential problem with this approach is that you're paying a big O(n) cost right in the middle, so even though it washes out when you're looking at the entire run, for some use cases it might be undesirable to have a single arbitrary caller in the middle paying that entire cost all at once, as opposed to paying it up front, or evenly spreading it out among all callers. (I can think of ways you might try to avoid this by doing the swap in another thread, but that adds a lot of complexity. Maybe there's a better way?)

Note that as far as space goes this is pretty optimal, since you max out the space halfway through (with half of the elements in memory) and then the space usage decreases back toward zero since it's now cheaper to keep track of the elements you haven't allocated than the ones you have.


得分: 1



import random
from math import gcd
import math

def next_prime(number):
    if number < 0:
        raise ValueError('负数不能是质数')
    if number <= 1:
        return 2
    if number % 2 == 0:
        number -= 1
    while True:
        number += 2
        max_check = int(math.sqrt(number)) + 2
        for divider in range(3, max_check, 2):
            if number % divider == 0:
            return number

def is_primitive_root(a, n):
    phi = n - 1
    factors = set()
    for i in range(2, int(phi ** 0.5) + 1):
        if phi % i == 0:
            factors.add(phi // i)
    for factor in factors:
        if pow(a, factor, n) == 1:
            return False
    return True

def find_random_primitive_root(n):
    while True:
        a = random.randint(2, n - 1)
        if gcd(a, n) == 1 and is_primitive_root(a, n):
            return a

def sampler(l):
    close_prime = next_prime(l)
    state = root = find_random_primitive_root(close_prime)
    while state > l:
        state = (state * root) % close_prime  # 内联计算可以提高20%的速度

    yield state - 1
    for i in range(l - 1):
        state = (state * root) % close_prime
        while state > l:
            state = (state * root) % close_prime
        yield state - 1


def _unique_combinations(a, b):
    cartesian_product_cardinality = len(a) * len(b)
    sequence = sampler(cartesian_product_cardinality)
    len_b = len(b) # Python中的函数调用是昂贵的,这一行可以提高总速度10%
    for state in sequence:
        yield a[state // len_b], b[state % len_b)]

from itertools import product

a = [1, 2, 3, 5]
b = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
u = _unique_combinations(a, b)

assert sorted(u) == sorted(product(a, b))


kelly took 0.9156949520111084 seconds
divmod took 41.20149779319763 seconds
prime_roots took 0.5146901607513428 seconds
samwise took 0.698538064956665 seconds
fisher_yates took 0.902874231338501 seconds


import pandas as pd
import timeit
import random
from itertools import combinations
from math import gcd

# 定义要进行基准测试的列表长度
list_lengths = [10,20,30,100,300,500,1000,1500,2000,3000,5000]

num_repetitions = 2

results_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['方法', '列表长度', '执行时间'])

for approach, function in approaches.items():
    for length in list_lengths:
        a = list(range(length))
        b = list(range(length))

        execution_time = timeit.timeit(lambda: list(function(a, b)), number=num_repetitions)

        results_df = results_df.append({
            '方法': approach,
            '列表长度': length,
            '执行时间': execution_time 
        }, ignore_index=True)






We create a sequence using a prime number and one of its primitive roots modulo n that visits each number in an interval exactly once.
More specifically we are looking for a generator of the multiplicative group of integers modulo n.

We have to pick our prime number a little larger than the product len(a)*len(b), so we have to account for the cases in which we'd get index errors.

import random
from math import gcd
import math

def next_prime(number):
    if number &lt; 0:
        raise ValueError(&#39;Negative numbers can not be primes&#39;)
    if number &lt;= 1:
        return 2
    if number % 2 == 0:
        number -= 1
    while True:
        number += 2
        max_check = int(math.sqrt(number)) + 2
        for divider in range(3, max_check, 2):
            if number % divider == 0:
            return number

def is_primitive_root(a, n):
    phi = n - 1
    factors = set()
    for i in range(2, int(phi ** 0.5) + 1):
        if phi % i == 0:
            factors.add(phi // i)
    for factor in factors:
        if pow(a, factor, n) == 1:
            return False
    return True

def find_random_primitive_root(n):
    while True:
        a = random.randint(2, n - 1)
        if gcd(a, n) == 1 and is_primitive_root(a, n):
            return a

def sampler(l):
    close_prime = next_prime(l)
    state = root = find_random_primitive_root(close_prime)
    while state &gt; l:
        state = (state * root) % close_prime  # Inlining the computation leads to a 20% speed up

    yield state - 1
    for i in range(l - 1):
        state = (state * root) % close_prime
        while state &gt; l:
            state = (state * root) % close_prime
        yield state - 1

Then we use a mapping from 1D -> 2D to "translate" our sequence number into a tuple and yield the result.

def _unique_combinations(a, b):
    cartesian_product_cardinality = len(a) * len(b)
    sequence = sampler(cartesian_product_cardinality)
    len_b = len(b) # Function calls are expensive in python and this line yields a 10% total speed up
    for state in sequence:
        yield a[state // len_b], b[state % len_b)]

from itertools import product

a = [1, 2, 3, 5]
b = [&quot;a&quot;, &quot;b&quot;, &quot;c&quot;, &quot;d&quot;]
u = _unique_combinations(a, b)

assert sorted(u) == sorted(product(a, b))

I started benchmarking the various approaches. For merging two lists of length 1000, the divmod solution by @gog already underperforms terrible so i'm going to exclude it from further testing:

kelly took 0.9156949520111084 seconds
divmod took 41.20149779319763 seconds
prime_roots took 0.5146901607513428 seconds
samwise took 0.698538064956665 seconds
fisher_yates took 0.902874231338501 seconds

For the remaining algorithms I benchmarked the following

import pandas as pd
import timeit
import random
from itertools import combinations
from math import gcd
# Define the list lengths to benchmark
list_lengths = [10,20,30,100,300,500,1000,1500,2000,3000,5000]

num_repetitions = 2

results_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=[&#39;Approach&#39;, &#39;List Length&#39;, &#39;Execution Time&#39;])

for approach, function in approaches.items():
    for length in list_lengths:
        a = list(range(length))
        b = list(range(length))

        execution_time = timeit.timeit(lambda: list(function(a, b)), number=num_repetitions)

        results_df = results_df.append({
            &#39;Approach&#39;: approach,
            &#39;List Length&#39;: length,
            &#39;Execution Time&#39;: execution_time 
        }, ignore_index=True)

All in all, I think all of the approaches are somewhat similar. All tested approaches fall in O(|a|*|b|) time-complexity wise.

Memory-wise the prime roots approach wins just because all other approaches need to keep track of O(|a|*|b|) elements, whereas the prime roots doesn't require that.

Distribution wise the prime roots approach is absolutely the worst because it's not actually random but rather a difficult-to-predict-deterministic sequence. In practice the sequences should be "random" enough.

Credit to this stack overflow answer which inspired the solution.


得分: 0

import random

def _unique_combinations(a, b):
    sa = len(a)
    sb = len(b)
    sx = sa * sb
    seen = set()
    while len(seen) < sx:
        n = random.randint(0, sx - 1)
        while n in seen:
            n = (n + 1) % sx
        p, q = divmod(n, sa)
        yield a[q], b

b = ["a", "b", "c", "d"] u = list(_unique_combinations(a, b)) print(u) # confirm everything has been generated from itertools import product assert sorted(u) == sorted(product(a, b))


Represent each combination by a number (position_in_a * len_a) + position_in_b. Keep generating these numbers randomly, once a number has been hit, just increment it mod len_a * len_b:

import random

def _unique_combinations(a, b):
    sa = len(a)
    sb = len(b)
    sx = sa * sb
    seen = set()
    while len(seen) &lt; sx:
        n = random.randint(0, sx - 1)
        while n in seen:
            n = (n + 1) % sx
        p, q = divmod(n, sa)
        yield a[q], b

## a = [1, 2, 3, 5] b = [&quot;a&quot;, &quot;b&quot;, &quot;c&quot;, &quot;d&quot;] u = list(_unique_combinations(a, b)) print(u) # confirm everything has been generated from itertools import product assert sorted(u) == sorted(product(a, b)) # [(3, &#39;c&#39;), (1, &#39;c&#39;), (5, &#39;c&#39;), (2, &#39;b&#39;), (5, &#39;b&#39;), (1, &#39;b&#39;), (2, &#39;c&#39;), (3, &#39;d&#39;), (2, &#39;a&#39;), (3, &#39;b&#39;), (1, &#39;d&#39;), (2, &#39;d&#39;), (1, &#39;a&#39;), (5, &#39;d&#39;), (3, &#39;a&#39;), (5, &#39;a&#39;)]


得分: 0



def get_combination(x, values):

    digits = []
    for items in reversed(values):
        base = len(items)
        i = int(x % base)
        x = x // base


    return digits

values = [[1, 2, 3, 5], ["a", "b", "c", "d"]]
assert(get_combination(0, values) == [1, 'a'])
assert(get_combination(1, values) == [1, 'b'])
assert(get_combination(15, values) == [5, 'd'])


import numpy as np

rng = np.random.default_rng()

def shuffled_combinations(values):
    counts = [len(x) for x in values]
    n = np.array(counts).prod()
    index = np.arange(n, dtype='uint')
    for i in index:
        yield get_combination(i, values)

for c in shuffled_combinations(values):


[1, 'd']
[2, 'c']
[3, 'a']
[5, 'a']
[5, 'd']
[5, 'b']
[3, 'c']
[2, 'b']
[1, 'a']
[1, 'b']
[5, 'c']
[1, 'c']
[3, 'b']
[2, 'a']
[2, 'd']
[3, 'd']

Does this do what you wanted?

You can generate any combination from the list of all possible combinations using an integer index:

def get_combination(x, values):

    digits = []
    for items in reversed(values):
        base = len(items)
        i = int(x % base)
        x = x // base


    return digits

values = [[1, 2, 3, 5], [&quot;a&quot;, &quot;b&quot;, &quot;c&quot;, &quot;d&quot;]]
assert(get_combination(0, values) == [1, &#39;a&#39;])
assert(get_combination(1, values) == [1, &#39;b&#39;])
assert(get_combination(15, values) == [5, &#39;d&#39;])

Therefore you don't need to generate the shuffled list of combinations. I don't think there is any way to iteratively sample the integers in a range without repetition without generating the list (as explained in the answers to this question) but at least now you only need to generate an array of integers, which takes less memory:

import numpy as np

rng = np.random.default_rng()

def shuffled_combinations(values):
    counts = [len(x) for x in values]
    n = np.array(counts).prod()
    index = np.arange(n, dtype=&#39;uint&#39;)
    for i in index:
        yield get_combination(i, values)

for c in shuffled_combinations(values):


[1, &#39;d&#39;]
[2, &#39;c&#39;]
[3, &#39;a&#39;]
[5, &#39;a&#39;]
[5, &#39;d&#39;]
[5, &#39;b&#39;]
[3, &#39;c&#39;]
[2, &#39;b&#39;]
[1, &#39;a&#39;]
[1, &#39;b&#39;]
[5, &#39;c&#39;]
[1, &#39;c&#39;]
[3, &#39;b&#39;]
[2, &#39;a&#39;]
[2, &#39;d&#39;]
[3, &#39;d&#39;]


得分: 0

A variation of Samwise's, but avoiding the large middle cost to create remaining by spreading its creation over the first half of the process and the cost to randomize it over the second half of the process. The conversion from set to list is relatively fast.

我对 Samwise 的 变种,但是避免了在创建 remaining 时产生大量中间成本,通过将其创建分散在过程的前半部分并将随机化成本分布在过程的后半部分来实现。从集合转换为列表相对较快。

I suspect it's slower than Samwise's overall (and it does use more memory). It just might be better if the delay in the middle is unacceptable.

我怀疑它的整体速度比 Samwise 的要慢(而且它确实使用更多内存)。如果中间的延迟不可接受,它可能会更好。

import random
import itertools

def random_order_product(a, b):
    yielded = set()
    remaining = set()

    for i, pair in enumerate(itertools.product(a, b)):
        if pair not in yielded:
        if i % 2:
             pair = random.choice(a), random.choice(b)
             while pair in yielded:
                 pair = random.choice(a), random.choice(b)
             yield pair

    remaining = list(remaining)
    while remaining:
        i = random.randrange(len(remaining))
        yield remaining[i]
        remaining[i] = remaining[-1]

# Demo showing the frequencies of the 4!=24 possible orders
from collections import Counter
    tuple(random_order_product('ab', 'cd'))
    for _ in range(100000)

演示显示了 4! = 24 种可能的顺序的频率。

Sample output of the order frequencies (Attempt This Online!):


[4045, 4078, 4107, 4112, 4113, 4113,
 4127, 4131, 4131, 4135, 4136, 4142,
 4149, 4164, 4172, 4186, 4188, 4196,
 4212, 4235, 4245, 4260, 4279, 4344]

A variation of Samwise's, but avoiding the large middle cost to create remaining by spreading its creation over the first half of the process and the cost to randomize it over the second half of the process. The conversion from set to list is relatively fast.

I suspect it's slower than Samwise's overall (and it does use more memory). It just might be better if the delay in the middle is unacceptable.

import random
import itertools

def random_order_product(a, b):
    yielded = set()
    remaining = set()

    for i, pair in enumerate(itertools.product(a, b)):
        if pair not in yielded:
        if i % 2:
             pair = random.choice(a), random.choice(b)
             while pair in yielded:
                 pair = random.choice(a), random.choice(b)
             yield pair

    remaining = list(remaining)
    while remaining:
        i = random.randrange(len(remaining))
        yield remaining[i]
        remaining[i] = remaining[-1]

# Demo showing the frequencies of the 4!=24 possible orders
from collections import Counter
    tuple(random_order_product(&#39;ab&#39;, &#39;cd&#39;))
    for _ in range(100000)

Sample output of the order frequencies (Attempt This Online!):

[4045, 4078, 4107, 4112, 4113, 4113,
 4127, 4131, 4131, 4135, 4136, 4142,
 4149, 4164, 4172, 4186, 4188, 4196,
 4212, 4235, 4245, 4260, 4279, 4344]


得分: -3



The code snippet has a limitation in terms of scalability. It is utilizing a set to track generated combinations, the memory usage and performance become problematic as the total number of possible combinations increases.


得分: -3

在你着手编写这样的程序之前,请让我介绍一下'排列和组合'。假设你有一个名为fruits的列表(fruits = ['apples', 'mangoes', 'grapes'])。你可以排列这个列表的次数称为排列。这在数学上表示为(!)。现在,我们的列表包含三个项目。我们可以通过(3!)来找到可能的排列数量,这等于6。现在,你只有六个移动或可能的洗牌方式。另一方面,组合基本上是从列表中选择特定数量的排列,例如,在我们的列表中,你想找出只有两个项目的组合数量。这可以数学表示为(2C3),其中2是项目数量,3是总项目数量。这将给你3。然而,在Python中,我建议你使用itertools。这是一个很棒的模块,可以让你的工作更容易。不过,我建议你访问以下链接以获取更多见解。https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/permutation-and-combinatios-in-python


Kindly, before you engage in writing such a program, let me introduce you to 'Permutations and Combinations'. Let's say, you have a list names fruits (fruits = ['apples','mangoes','grapes']). The number of times you can arrange the list is called permutation. This is expressed mathematically as (!). Now, our list contains three items. We can find the number of possible arrangements by (3!) which is equal to 6. Now, you have only six moves or possible shuffles. Combinations on the other hand is basically choosing from a list a certain number of permutations from specific items for example, let's say in our list, you want to find out the number of combinations of just two items. This can be expressed mathematically as (2C3) where 2 is the number of items and 3 is the total number of items. This will give you 3. However, in python, I would advise you to use itertools. This is an amazing module which will make your work easier. However, I would like you to visit the following link for more insight. https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/permutation-and-combinatios-in-python

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月18日 23:29:02
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76501267.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
