ALC – 本体一致性检查

huangapple go评论41阅读模式

ALC - Ontology consistency checking


I have to check whether the following ontology is correct using the ALC tableux algorithm.

A ⊑ ∃s.¬B
C ⊑ A ⊓ B

So first i use 'C ⊑ A ⊓ B' to label x and y with A and B. So x and y now have the labels A, B, and C. Then i use the ⊑-rule for 'A ⊑ ∃s.¬B':

¬A ⊔ ∃s.¬B

Since ¬A can't be true for x and y, ∃s.¬B must be true. So i use ∃-rule that says that if there is no successor of s with label ¬B, you add this node. So there is now a node, e.g., z, that is a successor of x and y and has the label ¬B.

Am i right with applying the ∃-rule here? So in my considerations, the ontology is consistent.


I have to check whether the following ontology is correct using the ALC tableux algorithm.

A ⊑ ∃s.¬B
C ⊑ A ⊓ B

So first i use C ⊑ A ⊓ B to label x and y with A and B. So x and y now have the lables A,B and C. Then i use the ⊑-rule for A ⊑ ∃s.¬B:

¬A ⊔ ∃s.¬B

Since ¬A cant be true for x and y, ∃s.¬B musst be true. So i use ∃-rule that says that if there is no successor of s with label ¬B you add this node. So there is now a node e.g. z that is a sucessor of x and y and has the label ¬B.

Am i right with appyling the ∃-rule here? So in my conisderations the ontology is consistent.


得分: 1

是的,本体是一致的。你对∃-规则的应用几乎是正确的,确实,你需要引入一个新的命名个体作为xs-后继,比如说z - 正如你所做的。而且你还需要引入一个新的命名个体作为ys-后继,比如说w



Yes, the ontology is consistent. Your application of ∃-rule is almost correct in that yes, you need to introduce a new named individual as s-successor of x, say z - as you have done. And you have to also introduce a new named individual as s-successor of y, say w.

Thus, you have to introduce 2 new named individuals. You cannot reuse an introduced named individual as successor for 2 different individuals. The reason for this is that in a larger ontology, x and y may have other assertions or axioms that place additional constraints on them which may cause an inconsistency if you assume they have the same s-successor.

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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
