如何在Spring Batch RetryContext中设置值

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How to set values in Spring Batch RetryContext



  RetryContextCache retryContextCache;

  public Step correctionStep(JpaTransactionManager transactionManager) {

    return new StepBuilder("correction-step", jobRepository)
        .<String, List<BookingInfo>>chunk(10, transactionManager)


  RetryContextCache retryContextCache() {
    return new MapRetryContextCache();

  RetryContext retryContext() {
    return new RetryContextSupport(null);


public class CorrectionProcessor implements ItemProcessor <String, List <BookingInfo>> {

  RetryContextCache retryContextCache;

  RetryContext retryContext;

  public List<BookingInfo> process(String bookingId) throws Exception {

    List<BookingInfo> list = new ArrayList <> ();

    if (retryContextCache.containsKey(bookingId)) {
      list = (List<BookingInfo>) retryContextCache.get(bookingId).getAttribute(bookingId);
    } else {
      // fetch and populate list from database.

    try {
      // do something with the list.
    } catch (Exception e) {
      // modify something in the list.
      retryContext.setAttribute(bookingId, list);
      retryContextCache.put(bookingId, retryContext);
      throw e;






I have the below step definition for a batch job:

  RetryContextCache retryContextCache;

  public Step correctionStep(JpaTransactionManager transactionManager) {

    return new StepBuilder("correction-step", jobRepository)
        .<String, List<BookingInfo>>chunk(10, transactionManager)

I have bean definitions for RetryContext and RetryContextCache:

  RetryContextCache retryContextCache() {
    return new MapRetryContextCache();

  RetryContext retryContext() {
    return new RetryContextSupport(null);

Now, I use them in the processor like below:

public class CorrectionProcessor implements ItemProcessor <String, List <BookingInfo>> {

  RetryContextCache retryContextCache;

  RetryContext retryContext;

  public List<BookingInfo> process(String bookingId) throws Exception {

    List<BookingInfo> list = new ArrayList <> ();

    if (retryContextCache.containsKey(bookingId)) {
      list = (List<BookingInfo>) retryContextCache.get(bookingId).getAttribute(bookingId);
    } else {
      // fetch and populate list from database.

    try {
      // do something with the list.
    } catch (Exception e) {
      // modify something in the list.
      retryContext.setAttribute(bookingId, list);
      retryContextCache.put(bookingId, retryContext);
      throw e;


You can see that I try to set some values in the retryContextCache before I re-throw the exception for the retry mechanism to work.

When retry happens, it goes inside the if condition mentioned in the above code.
But, the value of retryContextCache.get(bookingId).getAttribute(bookingId) is always null.

Am I setting the value in retry context incorrectly? Why is this not working?


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我想在重试开始之前保存对象状态。RetryContext 的作用范围从错误抛出后立即开始。所以,我无法在 RetryContext 中设置值。

因此,我创建了一个带有 StepScope 的 bean:

public Map<String, BookingInfo> objectStateMap() {
 return new ConcurrentHashMap<>();



然后,我为我的用例创建了一个 SkipListener。这将在失败时捕获被跳过的对象。然后,它将根据需要执行它们各自的任务。

public class CustomSkipListener {

  Map<String, List<BookingInfo>> objectStateMap;

  public void onSkipInRead(Throwable t) {
    log.error("Read has skipped because of error : " + t.getMessage());

  public void onSkipInWrite(List<BookingInfo> item, Throwable t) {
    log.error("Write has skipped because of error : " + t.getMessage());

  public void onSkipInProcess(String bookingId, Throwable t) {
    List<BookingInfo> bookingInfos = objectStateMap.get(bookingId);
    // do some tasks..


只需将这个 listener 注册到主要的作业中。


Here is how I resolved the issue.

I wanted to save object state before the retry starts. The scope for RetryContext starts right after the error is thrown. So, I was not able to set the value in RetryContext.

So, I created a bean with StepScope:

public Map&lt;String,BookingInfo&gt; objectStateMap() {
 return new ConcurrentHashMap&lt;&gt;();

And then, I autowired this hash wherever required.

Then, I wrote the modified objects to this hash before the error is re-thrown in the catch block.

Then, I created a SkipListener for my usecase. This will capture the skipped object in case of failure. And then, it will do their respective task accordingly.

public class CustomSkipListener {

  Map&lt;String, List&lt;BookingInfo&gt;&gt; objectStateMap;

  public void onSkipInRead(Throwable t) {
    log.error(&quot;Read has skipped because of error : &quot; + t.getMessage());

  public void onSkipInWrite(List&lt;BookingInfo&gt; item, Throwable t) {
    log.error(&quot;Write has skipped because of error : &quot; + t.getMessage());

  public void onSkipInProcess(String bookingId, Throwable t) {
    List&lt;BookingInfo&gt; bookingInfos = objectStateMap.get(bookingId);
    // do some tasks..


Just registered this listener into the main job.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月15日 02:07:58
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76476432.html



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