Why are the significance levels incorrect when presenting survival analysis results in terms of hazard ratios and exporting to LaTeX using stargazer?

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Why are the significance levels incorrect when presenting survival analysis results in terms of hazard ratios and exporting to LaTeX using stargazer?


我正在R中复现一些刊物上发布的生存分析结果。原始结果是在Stata中生成的。以下是原始结果:Why are the significance levels incorrect when presenting survival analysis results in terms of hazard ratios and exporting to LaTeX using stargazer?。以下是我在R中用于复现这些结果的代码。

# 载入所需包

# 载入Svolik的原始数据
data = read_stata("leaders, institutions, covariates, updated tvc.dta")

# 为每行设置t0
data = mutate(data, t0 = lag(t, default = 0), .by = leadid)

# 原始政变生存对象
survobj_coup = Surv(data[["t0"]], data[["_t"]], data$c_coup)

# 原始政变模型
coups_original <- coxph(survobj_coup ~ legislature + lgdp_1 + growth_1 + exportersoffuelsmainlyoil_EL2008 + ethfrac_FIXED + communist + mil + cw + age, 
                        data = data, ties = "breslow")

# 原始叛乱生存对象
survobj_revolt = Surv(data[["t0"]], data[["_t"]], data$c_revolt)

# 原始叛乱模型
revolt_original <- coxph(survobj_revolt ~ legislature + lgdp_1 + growth_1 + exportersoffuelsmainlyoil_EL2008 + ethfrac_FIXED + mil + cw + age, 
                          data = data, ties = "breslow")

# 原始自然生存对象
survobj_natural = Surv(data[["t0"]], data[["_t"]], data$c_natural)

# 原始自然模型
natural_original <- coxph(survobj_natural ~ legislature + lgdp_1 + growth_1 + exportersoffuelsmainlyoil_EL2008 + ethfrac_FIXED + communist + mil + cw + age, 
                          data = data, ties = "breslow")

# 定义指数化系数的函数
exp_coef <- function(x) { round(exp(x), 3) }

# 使用stargazer创建表格
stargazer(natural_original, coups_original, revolt_original, apply.coef = exp_coef)


Why are the significance levels incorrect when presenting survival analysis results in terms of hazard ratios and exporting to LaTeX using stargazer?


I am reproducing in R some survival analysis results published in a journal. The original results were produced in Stata. Here are the original results: Why are the significance levels incorrect when presenting survival analysis results in terms of hazard ratios and exporting to LaTeX using stargazer?. Here is the code I use to reproduce these results in R.

# load packages

# load Svolik&#39;s original data 
data = read_stata(&quot;leaders, institutions, covariates, updated tvc.dta&quot;)

# set a t0 for each row
data = mutate(data,t0 = lag(t,default=0), .by=leadid)

# coup survival object original
survobj_coup = Surv(data[[&quot;t0&quot;]], data[[&quot;_t&quot;]], data$c_coup)

# coup model original
coups_original &lt;- coxph(survobj_coup~legislature +  lgdp_1+ growth_1 +exportersoffuelsmainlyoil_EL2008+ ethfrac_FIXED+ communist+ mil+ cw+ age, 
      data=data, ties=&quot;breslow&quot;)

# revolt survival object original 
survobj_revolt = Surv(data[[&quot;t0&quot;]], data[[&quot;_t&quot;]], data$c_revolt)

# revolt model original 
revolt_original &lt;- coxph(survobj_revolt~legislature +  lgdp_1+ growth_1 +exportersoffuelsmainlyoil_EL2008+ ethfrac_FIXED+ mil+ cw+ age, 
                        data=data, ties=&quot;breslow&quot;)

# natural survival object original
survobj_natural = Surv(data[[&quot;t0&quot;]], data[[&quot;_t&quot;]], data$c_natural)

# natural model original
natural_original &lt;- coxph(survobj_natural~legislature +  lgdp_1+ growth_1 +exportersoffuelsmainlyoil_EL2008+ ethfrac_FIXED+ communist+ mil+ cw+ age, 
                        data=data, ties=&quot;breslow&quot;)

# Define a function to exponentiate coefficients
exp_coef &lt;- function(x) { round(exp(x), 3) }

# Create the table using stargazer
stargazer(natural_original, coups_original, revolt_original, apply.coef = exp_coef)

Here is the output. Look at Models 1, 3, and 5 (disregard the others). Notice that while the coefficients are the same, the stars are all wonky. Does anyone know what's going on? Interestingly, when I present the results without exponentiating the coefficients (i.e., when I don't present the results in terms of hazard ratios), the stars are correct. But I need to present the results in terms of hazard ratios. Any advice would be appreciated!

Why are the significance levels incorrect when presenting survival analysis results in terms of hazard ratios and exporting to LaTeX using stargazer?


得分: 1



要保留coxph()计算的p值,您需要指定p.auto = FALSE。以下是一个可重现的示例:

library(stargazer) |&gt; suppressPackageStartupMessages()

fit &lt;- coxph(Surv(futime, fustat) ~ age + factor(ecog.ps), data = ovarian)
#&gt; Call:
#&gt; coxph(formula = Surv(futime, fustat) ~ age + factor(ecog.ps), 
#&gt;     data = ovarian)
#&gt;                     coef exp(coef) se(coef)     z       p
#&gt; age              0.16150   1.17527  0.04992 3.235 0.00122
#&gt; factor(ecog.ps)2 0.01866   1.01884  0.59908 0.031 0.97515
#&gt; Likelihood ratio test=14.29  on 2 df, p=0.000787
#&gt; n= 26, number of events= 12


stargazer(fit, apply.coef = exp, type = &quot;text&quot;)
#&gt; ================================================
#&gt;                          Dependent variable:    
#&gt;                      ---------------------------
#&gt;                                futime           
#&gt; ------------------------------------------------
#&gt; age                           1.175***          
#&gt;                                (0.050)          
#&gt; factor(ecog.ps)2               1.019*           
#&gt;                                (0.599)          
#&gt; ------------------------------------------------
#&gt; Observations                     26             
#&gt; R2                              0.423           
#&gt; Max. Possible R2                0.932           
#&gt; Log Likelihood                 -27.838          
#&gt; Wald Test                10.540*** (df = 2)     
#&gt; LR Test                  14.295*** (df = 2)     
#&gt; Score (Logrank) Test     12.261*** (df = 2)     
#&gt; ================================================
#&gt; Note:                *p&lt;0.1; **p&lt;0.05; ***p&lt;0.01


stargazer(fit, apply.coef = exp, type = &quot;text&quot;, p.auto = FALSE)
#&gt; ================================================
#&gt;                          Dependent variable:    
#&gt;                      ---------------------------
#&gt;                                futime           
#&gt; ------------------------------------------------
#&gt; age                           1.175***          
#&gt;                                (0.050)          
#&gt; factor(ecog.ps)2                1.019           
#&gt;                                (0.599)          
#&gt; ------------------------------------------------
#&gt; Observations                     26             
#&gt; R2                              0.423           
#&gt; Max. Possible R2                0.932           
#&gt; Log Likelihood                 -27.838          
#&gt; Wald Test                10.540*** (df = 2)     
#&gt; LR Test                  14.295*** (df = 2)     
#&gt; Score (Logrank) Test     12.261*** (df = 2)     
#&gt; ================================================
#&gt; Note:                *p&lt;0.1; **p&lt;0.05; ***p&lt;0.01

The stargazer() function has an argument called p.auto which defaults to
TRUE. The documentation states:

> a logical value that indicates whether stargazer should calculate the p-values,
> using the standard normal distribution, if coefficients or standard errors are
> supplied by the user (from arguments coef and se) or modified by a function
> (from arguments apply.coef or apply.se).

That is, if you transform the coefficients the default behaviour is to recalculate
p-values from the transformed coefficients and untransformed standard errors
based on the standard normal distribution. In other words: nonsense.

You’ll need to specify p.auto = FALSE to keep using the p-values calculated by coxph().
Here’s a reproducible example:

library(stargazer) |&gt; suppressPackageStartupMessages()

fit &lt;- coxph(Surv(futime, fustat) ~ age + factor(ecog.ps), data = ovarian)
#&gt; Call:
#&gt; coxph(formula = Surv(futime, fustat) ~ age + factor(ecog.ps), 
#&gt;     data = ovarian)
#&gt;                     coef exp(coef) se(coef)     z       p
#&gt; age              0.16150   1.17527  0.04992 3.235 0.00122
#&gt; factor(ecog.ps)2 0.01866   1.01884  0.59908 0.031 0.97515
#&gt; Likelihood ratio test=14.29  on 2 df, p=0.000787
#&gt; n= 26, number of events= 12

stargazer reported p-value indicators don’t match:

stargazer(fit, apply.coef = exp, type = &quot;text&quot;)
#&gt; ================================================
#&gt;                          Dependent variable:    
#&gt;                      ---------------------------
#&gt;                                futime           
#&gt; ------------------------------------------------
#&gt; age                           1.175***          
#&gt;                                (0.050)          
#&gt; factor(ecog.ps)2               1.019*           
#&gt;                                (0.599)          
#&gt; ------------------------------------------------
#&gt; Observations                     26             
#&gt; R2                              0.423           
#&gt; Max. Possible R2                0.932           
#&gt; Log Likelihood                 -27.838          
#&gt; Wald Test                10.540*** (df = 2)     
#&gt; LR Test                  14.295*** (df = 2)     
#&gt; Score (Logrank) Test     12.261*** (df = 2)     
#&gt; ================================================
#&gt; Note:                *p&lt;0.1; **p&lt;0.05; ***p&lt;0.01

… unless you specifically tell it not to recalculate them:

stargazer(fit, apply.coef = exp, type = &quot;text&quot;, p.auto = FALSE)
#&gt; ================================================
#&gt;                          Dependent variable:    
#&gt;                      ---------------------------
#&gt;                                futime           
#&gt; ------------------------------------------------
#&gt; age                           1.175***          
#&gt;                                (0.050)          
#&gt; factor(ecog.ps)2                1.019           
#&gt;                                (0.599)          
#&gt; ------------------------------------------------
#&gt; Observations                     26             
#&gt; R2                              0.423           
#&gt; Max. Possible R2                0.932           
#&gt; Log Likelihood                 -27.838          
#&gt; Wald Test                10.540*** (df = 2)     
#&gt; LR Test                  14.295*** (df = 2)     
#&gt; Score (Logrank) Test     12.261*** (df = 2)     
#&gt; ================================================
#&gt; Note:                *p&lt;0.1; **p&lt;0.05; ***p&lt;0.01

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月9日 04:31:01
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76435497.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
