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How do I cleanly update a large element's content in HTML?



  1. function stepTwo() {
  2. document.getElementById("mainText").innerHTML = `
  3. <h3>第二个问题</h3>
  4. <select id="gender">
  5. <option value="male">男性</option><option value="female">女性</option>
  6. <option value="non-binary">非二元</option>...
  7. </select>
  8. <a 大量更多的行>
  9. `
  10. }



I'm working on a website that lets the user go through several stages of a generator, and I want to do it on one HTML page. The current way I'm trying to do this is by updating a div's innerHTML, but that gets very long and complicated fast. Is there a way to write the content in a separate HTML file, then import it & update the element when a javascript function is called?

  1. function stepTwo() {
  2. document.getElementById(&quot;mainText&quot;).innerHTML = `
  3. &lt;h3&gt;Question two&lt;/h3&gt;
  4. &lt;select id = &quot;gender&quot;&gt;
  5. &lt;option value = &quot;male&quot;&gt;Male&lt;/option&gt;&lt;option value = &quot;female&quot;&gt; Female&lt;/option&gt;
  6. &lt;option value = &quot;non-binary&quot;&gt;Non-binary&lt;/option&gt;...
  7. &lt;/select&gt;
  8. &lt;a LOT more lines&gt;
  9. `
  10. }

Obviously this is very ugly. I'm looking for any way to clean it up, be it by importing another HTML file or some other way. Thanks for your help!


得分: 1


  1. 为生成器的每个阶段创建单独的HTML文件

  2. 在您的主HTML文件中,创建一个<div>或任何其他容器元素

  3. 您可以使用AJAX从单独的HTML文件加载内容,并在调用函数时更新内容容器。

  1. function loadStage(stageNumber) {
  2. $.ajax({
  3. url: 'stage' + stageNumber + '.html', // 替换为正确的文件名
  4. dataType: 'html',
  5. success: function(data) {
  6. $('#contentContainer').html(data);
  7. },
  8. error: function() {
  9. console.log('无法加载第' + stageNumber + '阶段的内容。');
  10. }
  11. });
  12. }
  13. loadStage(1);



Yes, you can separate the content into separate HTML files and dynamically load them into your main HTML page using JavaScript.

  1. Create separate HTML files for each stage of the generator

  2. In your main HTML file, create a <div> or any other container element

  3. you can use AJAX to load the content from the separate HTML files and update the content container when a function is called.

  1. function loadStage(stageNumber) {
  2. $.ajax({
  3. url: &#39;stage&#39; + stageNumber + &#39;.html&#39;, // Replace with the correct file name
  4. dataType: &#39;html&#39;,
  5. success: function(data) {
  6. $(&#39;#contentContainer&#39;).html(data);
  7. },
  8. error: function() {
  9. console.log(&#39;Failed to load stage &#39; + stageNumber + &#39; content.&#39;);
  10. }
  11. });
  12. }
  13. loadStage(1);

This helps simplify your code and makes it easier to manage the content for each stage of your generator

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月5日 23:04:34
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76407752.html



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