Running multiple simulation from Simulation Page and capture & show final result in Simulation Page

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Running multiple simulation from Simulation Page and capture & show final result in Simulation Page





  1. 在哪里编写循环以运行多个模拟模型。是在模拟页面配置中还是在模拟页面中的按钮内部,其语法是什么?
  2. 当我们运行主模型时,当前会弹出主页面,但不需要向用户显示。它应该根据for循环一次运行所有模拟模型,对输出进行调和并显示在模拟页面中。

a. 不想向用户显示主模型,因为他对此不感兴趣。
b. 所有模拟应该一次性运行(依次)在按钮点击时,用户可以等待。
c. 对于每个模拟,我需要传递一些输入,比如一个字符串和一个双精度数。
d. 作为每个模拟的输出,我需要数据集、双精度数和字符串变量。


I build an experiment with Parameters Variation and need to upload on AnyLogic cloud. But unfortunately there is no feature of uploading the Parameter Variation experiment in cloud ( If somebody know the trick how to upload PV experiment in Cloud, let me know).

So now I am converting Parameter Variation Experiment in General Simulation Model. In that I am developing a dashboard in Simulation Page, from there it will call Main Simulation Model multiple times and store output for each Simulation. Finally at the end it will reconcile all output and will show final result in Simulation page.

Here I have following issues

  1. Where to write for loop to run multiple Simulation Model. Is it in Simulation page configuration or inside a button in Simulation page and what would be its syntax
  2. Currently when we run Main Model, Main page pop up, Which don't need to show to user. It should run all Simulation model at once according to for loop, reconcile output and show in Simulation Page

I also want to mention few more requirements
a. Dont want to show Main Model to user because he will not be interested.
b. All Simulation should run at once ( one by one) at a button click, till that user can wait.
c. For each Simulation I need to pass some input, like one string and one double.
d. As output from each simulation, I need Dataset, double and string variable.


得分: 2

> 如果有人知道如何在云端上传PV实验的诀窍,请告诉我。

Running multiple simulation from Simulation Page and capture & show final result in Simulation Page


这种方法比您尝试的方法好100%,请遵循这个路线 Running multiple simulation from Simulation Page and capture & show final result in Simulation Page


> If somebody know the trick how to upload PV experiment in Cloud, let me know).

There is none. You need to recreate it manually in the cloud as a "Variation" experiment. In the experiment properties there, you can decide which parameters to vary how (using the "Varied in range" option as below):
Running multiple simulation from Simulation Page and capture & show final result in Simulation Page

Check the help for more info on that.

This approach is 100% better than what you try so please follow that route Running multiple simulation from Simulation Page and capture & show final result in Simulation Page

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月1日 16:08:18
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