I'm building this double bouncing ball simulation with vpython and am running into a weird rubber banding issue
I understand that you want a translation of the provided code snippet. Here is the translated code:
# 这是图形
g1 = graph(xtitle="t 展开收缩", ytitle="y [m]", width=500, height=150)
fp = gcurve(color=color.green)
g2 = graph(xtitle="t 展开收缩", ytitle="v [m/s]", width=500, height=150)
fv = gcurve(color=color.red)
g3 = graph(xtitle="t 展开收缩", ytitle="E [J]", width=500, height=150)
fK = gcurve(color=color.blue)
fU = gcurve(color=color.red)
fE = gcurve(color=color.magenta)
g4 = graph(xtitle="t 展开收缩", ytitle="y [m]", width=500, height=150)
fyA = gcurve(color=color.green)
fyB = gcurve(color=color.orange)
R = 0.02
floor = box(pos=vector(0,-0.005-R,0), size=vector(0.1,0.01,0.1))
h = .3
#g = vector(0,-9.8,0)
g = 9.8
c = 0.5
t = 0
dt = 0.01
bt = 0
mA = 2
x0A = 0
y0A = h
vx0A = 0
vy0A = 0
dtA = 0.01
btA = 0
mB = .05
x0B = 0
y0B = h + .1
vx0B = 0
vy0B = 0
dtB = 0.01
btB = 0
ball = sphere(pos=vector(0,h,0), radius=R, color=color.green, make_trail=True, trail_type="points",
interval=10, retain=10)
ball2 = sphere(pos=vector(0,h,0), radius=R, color=color.orange, make_trail=True, trail_type="points",
interval=10, retain=10)
#t<x; x定义了多少秒
while t < 2:
#rate(x); x定义了更新速率
xA = x0A + vx0A * btA
yA = y0A + vy0A * btA - .5 * g * btA**2
vxA = vx0A
vyA = vy0A - g * btA
vA = sqrt(vxA**2 + vyA**2)
xB = x0B + vx0B * btB
yB = y0B + vy0B * btB - .5 * g * btB**2
vxB = vx0B
vyB = vy0B - g * btB
vB = sqrt(vxB**2 + vyB**2)
ball.pos = vector(xA, yA, 0)
ball2.pos = vector(xB, yB, 0)
#pos.y<x; x定义了球弹跳的高度
if ball.pos.y < -0.005 - R:
vyA = -sqrt(c) * vyA
vxA = sqrt(c) * vxA
vy0A = vyA
vx0A = vxA
x0A = xA
y0A = yA
bt = 0
btA = 0
#pos.y<x; x定义了球弹跳的高度
if ball2.pos.y < -0.005 - R:
vyB = -sqrt(c) * vyB
vxB = sqrt(c) * vxB
vy0B = vyB
vx0B = vxB
x0B = xB
y0B = yB
bt = 0
btB = 0
if ball.pos.y >= ball2.pos.y: ##
vyA = -sqrt(c) * vyA
vxA = sqrt(c) * vxA
vy0A = vyA
vx0A = vxA
x0A = xA
y0A = yA
bt = 0
btA = 0
if ball2.pos.y <= ball.pos.y: ##
vyB = -sqrt(c) * vyB
vxB = sqrt(c) * vxB
vy0B = vyB
vx0B = vxB
x0B = xB
y0B = yB
bt = 0
btB = 0
if vyA <= 0.01:
vyA = 0
if vyB <= 0.01:
vyB = 0
#如果ball2.pos.y < = ball.pos.y:
K = .5 * mA * (vxA**2 + vyA**2)
U = mA * g * yA
E = K + U
fp.plot(t, yA)
Im trying to make a pair of balls bounce in 1D space and let them colide. I'm running it on glowscript which uses webVPython, should be the same as VPython from what I can tell.
I keep running into this issue where the balls tend to rubber band causing some weird collision issues where they can slowly phase through other objects, also I'm too stupid to figure out how to calculate the momentum change, not sure if thats relavent to the rubber banding but if anyone knows an eqation I could use or a fix that would be appricated.
link to code: https://www.glowscript.org/#/user/amirdmgazzali/folder/bouncingballs/program/bouncingballs1
this is the code:
\` Web VPython 3.2
#these are the graphs
g1 = graph(xtitle="t 展开收缩",ytitle="y [m]", width=500, height=150)
fp = gcurve(color=color.green)
g2 = graph(xtitle="t 展开收缩",ytitle="v [m/s]", width=500, height=150)
fv = gcurve(color=color.red)
g3 = graph(xtitle="t 展开收缩",ytitle="E [J]", width=500, height=150)
fK = gcurve(color=color.blue)
fU = gcurve(color=color.red)
fE = gcurve(color=color.magenta)
g4 = graph(xtitle="t 展开收缩",ytitle="y [m]", width=500, height=150)
fyA = gcurve(color=color.green)
fyB = gcurve(color=color.orange)
#g5 = graph(xtitle="t 展开收缩",ytitle="y [m]", width=500, height=150)
#fyB = gcurve(color=color.red)
#defining a floor to bounce on
R = 0.02
floor = box(pos = vector(0,-0.005-R,0),size=vector(0.1,0.01,0.1))
#some basic perameters/initial conditions
h = .3
#g = vector(0,-9.8,0)
g = 9.8
c = 0.5
t = 0
dt = 0.01
bt = 0
#ball definitions
mA = 2
dtA = 0.01
btA = 0
#ball2 definitions
mB = .05
dtB = 0.01
btB = 0
#defining a ball
ball = sphere(pos=vector(0,h,0), radius=R, color=color.green, make_trail=True, trail_type="points",
interval=10, retain=10)
ball2 = sphere(pos=vector(0,h,0), radius=R, color=color.orange, make_trail=True, trail_type="points",
interval=10, retain=10)
#physics behind the ball
#t<x; x defines how many seconds
while t<2:
#rate(x); x defines update rate
#just the basic physics equations for the ball
xA = x0A + vx0A*btA
yA = y0A + vy0A*btA - .5*g*btA**2
vxA = vx0A
vyA = vy0A - g*btA
vA = sqrt(vxA**2 + vyA**2)
#just the basic physics equations for the ball2
xB = x0B + vx0B*btB
yB = y0B + vy0B*btB - .5*g*btB**2
vxB = vx0B
vyB = vy0B - g*btB
vB = sqrt(vxB**2 + vyB**2)
#defines ball new position based of the generated vector
ball.pos = vector(xA,yA,0)
ball2.pos = vector(xB,yB,0)
#ball bounce phyics
#pos.y<=x; x defines the height at which the ball bounces
if ball.pos.y<-.005-R:
#Ball bounce vector changes
vyA = -sqrt(c)*vyA
vxA = sqrt(c)*vxA
vy0A = vyA
vx0A = vxA
x0A = xA
y0A = yA
bt = 0
btA = 0
#pos.y<=x; x defines the height at which the ball bounces
if ball2.pos.y<-.005-R:
#Ball2 bounce vector changes
vyB = -sqrt(c)*vyB
vxB = sqrt(c)*vxB
vy0B = vyB
vx0B = vxB
x0B = xB
y0B = yB
bt = 0
btB = 0
if ball.pos.y>=ball2.pos.y: ##
vyA = -sqrt(c)*vyA
vxA = sqrt(c)*vxA
vy0A = vyA
vx0A = vxA
x0A = xA
y0A = yA
bt = 0
btA = 0
if ball2.pos.y<=ball.pos.y: ##
#Ball2 bounce vector changes
vyB = -sqrt(c)*vyB
vxB = sqrt(c)*vxB
vy0B = vyB
vx0B = vxB
x0B = xB
y0B = yB
bt = 0
btB = 0
if vyA<=0.01:
if vyB<=0.01:
# if ball2.pos.y<=ball.pos.y:
#updates graph and time
K = .5*mA*(vxA**2+vyA**2)
U = mA*g*yA
E = K+U
t = t + dt
btA = btA + dt
btB = btB + dt
bt = bt + dt
#prints time
print("t = ",t ,"seconds")`
# 答案1
**得分**: 1
Your program is way too (overly) complex to make it feasible to figure out what might be going wrong. I urge you to abandon using kinematics formulas to update positions. Here is a much simpler scheme: https://www.glowscript.org/#/user/Bruce_Sherwood/folder/Examples/program/00Demo/edit, where you calculate the net force F on an object and update an object's momentum as ball.p += F*dt and update the object's position as ball.pos += (ball.p/ball.m)*dt. You can detect collisions by finding that the distance between centers of the two balls is less than the sum of their radii. Note that a better place to ask about Web VPython is the forum https://groups.google.com/g/glowscript-users
Your program is way to (overly) complex to make it feasible to figure out what might be going wrong. I urge you to abandon using kinematics formulas to update positions. Here is a much simpler scheme: https://www.glowscript.org/#/user/Bruce_Sherwood/folder/Examples/program/00Demo/edit, where you calculate the net force F on an object and update an object's momentum as ball.p += F*dt and update the object's position as ball.pos += (ball.p/ball.m)*dt. You can detect collisions by finding that the distance between centers of the two balls is less than the sum of their radii. Note that a better place to ask about Web VPython is the forum https://groups.google.com/g/glowscript-users