
huangapple go评论112阅读模式

How do I differentiate self-intersection vs. self-touching in shapely?





from shapely.geometry import Polygon
from shapely.affinity import translate
import pylab


points = [[0, 0], [0, 100], [50, 80], [0, 60], [50, 30]]
polygon = Polygon(points)
bounds = polygon.bounds

x, y = polygon.exterior.xy
pylab.plot(x, y, 'b')
pylab.plot(0, 60, 'ko')

points = [[0, 0], [0, 100], [50, 80], [-10, 60], [50, 30]]
polygon = Polygon(points)
polygon = translate(polygon, xoff=70)

x, y = polygon.exterior.xy
pylab.plot(x, y, 'r')




How can I determine if a polygon is self-touching(!) like the blue one, but not self-intersecting like the red one


Vertices for the two polygons shown in the images is here:

from shapely.geometry import Polygon
from shapely.affinity import translate
import pylab


points = [[0, 0], [0, 100], [50, 80], [0, 60], [50, 30]]
polygon = Polygon(points)
bounds = polygon.bounds

x,y = polygon.exterior.xy
pylab.plot(x,y, 'b')
pylab.plot(0, 60, 'ko')

points = [[0, 0], [0, 100], [50, 80], [-10, 60], [50, 30]]
polygon = Polygon(points)
polygon = translate(polygon, xoff=70)

x,y = polygon.exterior.xy
pylab.plot(x,y, 'r')



得分: 1



  • 严格自相交多边形将只有至少一个交点与多边形相交两次
  • 严格自交触多边形将使所有交点与多边形相交三次。


from shapely.geometry import Polygon, Point, LineString
from shapely.affinity import translate
from shapely import STRtree

def get_polygon_points(polygon: Polygon) -> list[Point]:
    x, y = polygon.exterior.coords.xy
    return [Point(xx, yy) for xx, yy in zip(x, y)]

def get_polygon_segments(polygon: Polygon) -> list[LineString]:
    points = get_polygon_points(polygon)
    return [
        LineString([[p1.x, p1.y], [p2.x, p2.y]]) for p1, p2 in zip(points[:-1], points[1:])

def get_intersecting_points(polygon: Polygon) -> list[Point]:
    segments = get_polygon_segments(polygon)
    tree = STRtree(segments)
    intersection_points = set()
    for i, seg in enumerate(segments):
        intersecting_segments_idx = tree.query(seg)
        for idx in intersecting_segments_idx:
            # 检查相交的线段不是连续线段的条件
            if idx != i and idx != (i + 1) % len(segments) and idx != (i - 1) % len(segments):
                intersection = seg.intersection(segments[idx])
                intersection_points.add((intersection.x, intersection.y))

    return [Point(*p) for p in intersection_points]

def self_touching_polygon(polygon: Polygon) -> bool:
    intersection_points = get_intersecting_points(polygon)
    segments = get_polygon_segments(polygon)
    tree = STRtree(segments)

    return all(len(tree.query(p)) == 3 for p in intersection_points)

def strictly_self_intersecting_polygon(polygon: Polygon) -> bool:
    return len(get_intersecting_points(polygon)) > 0 and not self_touching_polygon(polygon)

blue_coords = [[0, 0], [0, 100], [50, 80], [0, 60], [50, 30]]
blue_polygon = Polygon(blue_coords)

red_coords = [[0, 0], [0, 100], [50, 80], [-10, 60], [50, 30]]
red_polygon = Polygon(red_coords)

print(self_touching_polygon(red_polygon), strictly_self_intersecting_polygon(red_polygon))
print(self_touching_polygon(blue_polygon), strictly_self_intersecting_polygon(blue_polygon))


An important remark is that the intersection point on the self touching polygon intersects with polygon segments three times, whereas on the strictly self intersecting polygon, intersection points intersect only twice with the polygon segments.

According to this (hopefully, it generalizes well), we can build a method that get intersection points and then checks how many times this point intersects with the polygon segments:

  • A strictly self intersecting polygon will only have at least one intersection point that intersects twice with the polygon
  • A strictly self touching polygon will have all its intersection points intersecting three times.

To speed up the computation, we can use SRTree (see this post). I also use the polygon to get consecutive segments and points with this post.

from shapely.geometry import Polygon, Point, LineString
from shapely.affinity import translate
from shapely import STRtree

def get_polygon_points(polygon: Polygon) -> list[Point]:
    x, y = polygon.exterior.coords.xy
    return [Point(xx, yy) for xx, yy in zip(x, y)]

def get_polygon_segments(polygon: Polygon) -> list[LineString]:
    points = get_polygon_points(polygon)
    return [
        LineString([[p1.x, p1.y], [p2.x, p2.y]]) for p1, p2 in zip(points[:-1], points[1:])

def get_intersecting_points(polygon: Polygon) -> list[Point]:
    segments = get_polygon_segments(polygon)
    tree = STRtree(segments)
    intersection_points = set()
    for i, seg in enumerate(segments):
        intersecting_segments_idx = tree.query(seg)
        for idx in intersecting_segments_idx:
            # the condition checks that intersecting segments are not consecutive segments
            if idx != i and idx != (i + 1) % len(segments) and idx != (i - 1) % len(segments):
                intersection = seg.intersection(segments[idx])
                intersection_points.add((intersection.x, intersection.y))

    return [Point(*p) for p in intersection_points]

def self_touching_polygon(polygon: Polygon) -> bool:
    intersection_points = get_intersecting_points(polygon)
    segments = get_polygon_segments(polygon)
    tree = STRtree(segments)

    return all(len(tree.query(p)) == 3 for p in intersection_points)

def strictly_self_intersecting_polygon(polygon: Polygon) -> bool:
    return len(get_intersecting_points(polygon)) > 0 and not self_touching_polygon(polygon)

blue_coords = [[0, 0], [0, 100], [50, 80], [0, 60], [50, 30]]
blue_polygon = Polygon(blue_coords)

red_coords = [[0, 0], [0, 100], [50, 80], [-10, 60], [50, 30]]
red_polygon = Polygon(red_coords)

print(self_touching_polygon(red_polygon), strictly_self_intersecting_polygon(red_polygon))
print(self_touching_polygon(blue_polygon), strictly_self_intersecting_polygon(blue_polygon))

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月1日 01:36:00
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76376033.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
