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Random errors when retrieving data after having inserted them


我尝试构建了一组使用Spring Boot的CRUD REST API。我通过Spring Initializr创建了项目,并使用了spring-boot-starter-data-couchbase依赖。

我在这里上传了项目 https://github.com/RosarioB/spring-boot-rest-api-couchbase-crud/tree/basic_crud 测试类名为CustomerRepositoryTest。


    public List<Customer> findAll() {
        List<JsonObject> jsonObjects = couchbaseTemplate.getCouchbaseClientFactory().getScope()
                .query(String.format("SELECT * FROM %1$s ", keySpace)).rowsAsObject();
        return jsonObjects.stream().map(this::mapJsonToCustomer).collect(Collectors.toList());


    public void testFindAll() {
        Customer alex = new Customer("customer1", "Alex", "Stone");
        Customer jack = new Customer("customer2", "Jack", "Sparrow");
        List<Customer> customerList = List.of(alex, jack);
        Transactions transactions = couchbaseTemplate.getCouchbaseClientFactory().getCluster().transactions();
        customerList.forEach(customer ->
                transactions.run(ctx -> ctx.insert(collection, customer.getId(), customer)
        List<Customer> customers = customerRepository.findAll();
        Assertions.assertEquals(customerList, customers);




I have tried to build a set of CRUD REST APIs using Spring Boot. I have created the project via Spring Initializr with the dependency spring-boot-starter-data-couchbase.

I have uploaded the project here https://github.com/RosarioB/spring-boot-rest-api-couchbase-crud/tree/basic_crud The test class is called CustomerRepositoryTest.

I have implemented some Repository methods using the CouchbaseTemplate. For example:

    public List<Customer> findAll() {
        List<JsonObject> jsonObjects = couchbaseTemplate.getCouchbaseClientFactory().getScope()
                .query(String.format("SELECT * FROM %1$s ", keySpace)).rowsAsObject();
        return jsonObjects.stream().map(this::mapJsonToCustomer).collect(Collectors.toList());

And i have also implemented a test for the above method (with Testcontainers) :

    public void testFindAll() {
        Customer alex = new Customer("customer1", "Alex", "Stone");
        Customer jack = new Customer("customer2", "Jack", "Sparrow");
        List<Customer> customerList = List.of(alex, jack);
        Transactions transactions = couchbaseTemplate.getCouchbaseClientFactory().getCluster().transactions();
        customerList.forEach(customer ->
                transactions.run(ctx -> ctx.insert(collection, customer.getId(), customer)
        List<Customer> customers = customerRepository.findAll();
        Assertions.assertEquals(customerList, customers);

My problem is that even if I perform an insert with 2 items in the database with collection.insert, when I try to recover the items with customerRepository.findAll some times the test fails because it finds just one item of the two.

If I run the test in debug it works. I thought there were some synchronization issue and I've tried to synchronize the methods but I have not solved the problem.

What am I doing wrong?


得分: 3



"List jsonObjects = couchbaseTemplate.getCouchbaseClientFactory().getScope()
.query(String.format("SELECT * FROM %1$s ", keySpace)).rowsAsObject();"




只需明确一点,“couchbaseTemplate.getCouchbaseClientFactory().getCluster()”是您的代码中唯一使用spring-data-couchbase的部分。之后,一切都绕过了spring data couchbase,而是使用Couchbase Java SDK。使用@Transaction不会产生任何效果。

Spring Data模板和仓库提供了它们自己的映射器。不需要提供任何映射器。

关于 https://github.com/RosarioB/spring-boot-rest-api-couchbase-crud/blob/basic_crud/crud.couchbase/src/main/java/com/rosariob/crud/couchbase/repository/CustomerRepository.java - 请参阅try-cb-spring或其他示例应用程序,或者查看spring-data-couchbase测试以定义和使用仓库 - https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-data-couchbase/tree/main/src/test/java/org/springframework/data/couchbase/domain


The query needs to use the query option QueryScanConsistency.REQUEST_PLUS. The issue is that while a kv.get() would immediately/instantaneously find a document inserted with a kv.insert(), the query engine can only find documents that have been indexed - which is not instantaneous. REQUEST_PLUS will cause the query to wait until all documents that needed to be indexed at the time the query request was issued are indexed, and then it will execute. It works in debug because there is enough time for the documents to become indexed.

" List<JsonObject> jsonObjects = couchbaseTemplate.getCouchbaseClientFactory().getScope()
.query(String.format("SELECT * FROM %1$s ", keySpace)).rowsAsObject();"

Why not


You don't have to write any code. (There are also @Scope and @Collection annotations). For the QueryScanConsistency, you could add the method signature (no body required) to the repository and use the WithConistency annotation. see

Just to be clear, "couchbaseTemplate.getCouchbaseClientFactory().getCluster()" is the only thing in your code that uses spring-data-couchbase. After that everything bypasses spring data couchbase, it uses the Couchbase Java SDK. Using @Transaction is not going to have any effect.

Spring Data templates and repositories provide their own mapper. It's not necessary to provide any.

regarding https://github.com/RosarioB/spring-boot-rest-api-couchbase-crud/blob/basic_crud/crud.couchbase/src/main/java/com/rosariob/crud/couchbase/repository/CustomerRepository.java - please see the try-cb-spring or other sample application, or the spring-data-couchbase tests for defining and using repositories - https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-data-couchbase/tree/main/src/test/java/org/springframework/data/couchbase/domain


得分: 0

你的服务类缺少 @Transactional 注解,而且你的仓库类违反了单一职责原则。
如果真的需要额外的配置,你可以通过在你的 '@Configuration' 类中使用 @Bean 注解来注入适当的配置。
请注意,“@Transactional” 注解在类级别只适用于公共方法。
另一个问题是你不必要地实现了你的 "GenericRepository",你应该扩展 JpaRepository。
如果真的需要通用的仓库,可以使用 @NoRepositoryBean 进行注解。

根据JDBC事务,请注意Spring Data的save和saveAndFlush方法之间的差异。

有许多示例可以展示如何正确使用Spring Rest和Spring Data来实现项目。


You are missing @Transactional annotation in your service class,<br>
and you are breaking single responsibility principle in your repository classes.<br>
For a data transformation, create mapper class (@Component) and use them in your service class.<br>
And if really needed any extra configuration,<br>
you can do so injecting appropriate one by using a @Bean annotation in your '@Configuration' class(es).<br>
And be aware, that "@Transactional" annotation at class level applies only to a public methods.<br>
Another issue is unnecessary implementation of "GenericRepository" of yours, you should extend JpaRepository.<br>
And if really needed generic one, annotate it using @NoRepositoryBean.

According to JDBC transactions be aware of differences between
Spring Data save and saveAndFlush methods.

There are many examples how to properly implement a project using Spring Rest and Spring Data.
Maybe one of many:

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月21日 16:48:26
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76299023.html



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