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Why does the `Binding<Bool>` in XUIView does not see the updated value?


The code you provided is in Swift and contains technical details related to SwiftUI and UIKit integration. Here's a translation of the code comments and some key parts:






// 这里是示例代码,包括一些打印调用以查看发生的情况。

Please note that the translation retains the technical terms and code structure, but the code itself is unchanged. If you have any specific questions about the code or need further assistance, please let me know.


Why does the Binding&lt;Bool&gt; in XUIView does not see the updated value?

I have a SwiftUI XView which wraps an XUIView. In the XUIView I have a Binding&lt;Bool&gt;, which is initialised with the @Binding... of the XView. In the XUIView I have a UIButton with which I toggle the customFlag using the "Binding" property in XUIView. That propagates nicely into the SwiftUI View, as the Text updates properly. However, the UIButton's title is not updated properly. The XUIView._update method does not "see" the new value.

What am I missing here?

Do I have to assign the customFlag in the updateUIView method to make that work?

Sample code with some print calls to see what's going on:

import SwiftUI

struct UIKitBindingView: View {
    @State private var customFlag: Bool = false
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Text(&quot;customFlag: \(customFlag ? &quot;ON&quot; : &quot;OFF&quot;)&quot;)
            XView(customFlag: $customFlag)
                .frame(width: 200, height: 100)

struct UIKitBindingView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {

struct XView: UIViewRepresentable {
    typealias UIViewType = XUIView
    typealias Context = UIViewRepresentableContext&lt;XView&gt;
    @Binding var customFlag: Bool
    init(customFlag: Binding&lt;Bool&gt;) {
        self._customFlag = customFlag

    func makeUIView(context: Context) -&gt; XUIView {
        Swift.print(&quot;XView: \(#function)&quot;)
        let v = XUIView(frame: .zero, customFlag: $customFlag)
        return v

    func updateUIView(_ uiView: XUIView, context: Context) {
        Swift.print(&quot;XView: \(#function)&quot;)
        // uiView.customFlag = $customFlag
        Swift.print(&quot;XView: \(#function): customFlag: \(customFlag) \n--\($customFlag)&quot;)

class XUIView: UIView {
    weak var button: UIButton?
    var customFlag: Binding&lt;Bool&gt;
    init(frame: CGRect, customFlag: Binding&lt;Bool&gt;) {
        self.customFlag = customFlag
        super.init(frame: frame)
        Swift.print(&quot;XUIView: \(#function)&quot;)
    required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
        self.customFlag = Binding(get: { true }, set: { v, t in })
        super.init(coder: coder)
        Swift.print(&quot;XUIView: \(#function)&quot;)
    deinit {
        Swift.print(&quot;XUIView: \(#function)&quot;)
    func _update() {
        Swift.print(&quot;XUIView: \(#function): \(customFlag.wrappedValue)\n--\(customFlag)&quot;)
        button?.setTitle(&quot;BUTTON:&quot; + (customFlag.wrappedValue ? &quot;ON&quot; : &quot;OFF&quot;), for: .normal)
    private func _configure() {
        backgroundColor = .yellow
        let b = UIButton()
        button = b
        b.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
        let cons = [
            self.centerXAnchor.constraint(equalTo: b.centerXAnchor),
            self.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: b.centerYAnchor),
        b.setTitleColor(.systemBlue, for: .normal)
        b.addAction(UIAction(handler: { action in
            Swift.print(&quot;XUIView: \(#function): button action ***&quot;)
        }), for: .touchUpInside)

Console output after tapping the button:

XUIView: __preview___configure(): button action ***
XView: __preview__updateUIView(_:context:)
XView: __preview__updateUIView(_:context:): customFlag: true 
--Binding&lt;Bool&gt;(transaction: SwiftUI.Transaction(plist: []), location: SwiftUI.LocationBox&lt;SwiftUI.Binding&lt;Swift.Bool&gt;.(unknown context at $10594f2e0).ScopedLocation&gt;, _value: true)
XUIView: __preview___update(): false
--Binding&lt;Bool&gt;(transaction: SwiftUI.Transaction(plist: []), location: SwiftUI.LocationBox&lt;SwiftUI.Binding&lt;Swift.Bool&gt;.(unknown context at $10594f2e0).ScopedLocation&gt;, _value: false)


得分: 1

Binding&lt;Bool&gt; 作为字面量并未记录为 Binding 的已记录用法。

Binding 应该作为 @Binding 属性包装器使用。


还要注意,Binding 符合 DynamicProperty,因此它应仅在符合 DynamicPropertyViewstruct 中使用。


您可以使用 updateUIView 从 SwiftUI 通信到 UIKit,从 UIKit 到 SwiftUI 可以使用完成处理程序、共享的真相源、委托等。


Binding&lt;Bool&gt; as a literal isn’t a documented used of Binding.

Binding should be used as an @Binding property wrapper.


It is also important to note that Binding conforms to DynamicProperty therefore it should only be used in a View or a struct that also conforms to DynamicProperty.

> The view gives values to these properties prior to recomputing the view’s body.

You can communicate from SwiftUI to UIKit using updateUIView and from UIKit to SwiftUI using completion handlers, a shared source of truth, a delegate, etc.


得分: 0


将 XUIView 的 _update() 调用(删除该方法)替换为直接在 updateUIView(_ uiView: XUIView, context: Context) 中进行更新:

func updateUIView(_ uiView: XUIView, context: Context) {
    uiView.button?.setTitle("BUTTON:" + ($customFlag.wrappedValue ? "ON" : "OFF"), for: .normal)

Instead of calling the _update() of the XUIView (remove that method), make the update directly in the updateUIView(_ uiView: XUIView, context: Context):

func updateUIView(_ uiView: XUIView, context: Context) {
        uiView.button?.setTitle(&quot;BUTTON:&quot; + ($customFlag.wrappedValue ? &quot;ON&quot; : &quot;OFF&quot;), for: .normal)


得分: 0


func updateUIView(_ uiView: XUIView, context: Context) {
    uiView.customFlag = _customFlag



You forgot to update the UIView with the new binding value, e.g.

func updateUIView(_ uiView: XUIView, context: Context) {
    uiView.customFlag = _customFlag

Note it is a little bit lazy to just pass the binding along. It would be better to set your own closure. Binding is basically a pair of get and set closures, but your coordinator is only interested in a set closure, so could just create a didChangeCustomFlag and pass a closure that sets the representable's binding. See Fruta's PaymentButton.swift for an example of this pattern.


得分: 0

我认为问题出在 Binding 类型的不正确使用,XUIView 中的 BindingBool> 无法看到更改后的值。在初始化自定义标志时,需要将 XUIView 更改为 'self.$_customFlag'。

let v = XUIView(frame: .zero, customFlag: self.$_customFlag)

在 updateUIView 函数中,可以删除有关更新绑定变量的注释行。

uiView.customFlag = $_customFlag

I think the issue is the Binding type was used improperly, the BindingBool> in the XUIView was unable to see the changed value. You need to change the XUIView when initializing the custom flag you need to declare it as 'self.$_customFlag'.

func makeUIView(context: Context) -&gt; XUIView {
        Swift.print(&quot;XView: \(#function)&quot;)
        let v = XUIView(frame: .zero, customFlag: self.$customFlag)
        return v

also in the updateUIView function, you can remove the comment line for updating the binding variable.

uiView.customFlag = $customFlag

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月21日 16:29:32
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76298953.html



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