
huangapple go评论106阅读模式

How to overlay xy coordinates onto an image


I can help with that. You're looking to create a heatmap visualization of XY coordinates on top of the body image. You've provided a dataset with XY coordinates, and you'd like to use Python, R, or JavaScript for this task. Here's the translated content:



I have a dataset (n=256) with xy coordinates (>10) that have been exported from an online survey that map onto an image of a body. Essentially, participants (n=256) were asked to indicate on the body map where they experience pain (a max of 10 xy pairs).

Now I'm trying to work out how to map these coordinates on top of the image (597 × 597 - image below) to give a "heat map" visual.

I have tried some online tutorials but they are all limited to overlaying coordinates onto a google maps image.

A subset of my data looks like this:

ID	x1	y1	x2	y2	x3	y3	x4	y4	x5	y5	x6	y6	x7	y7	x8	y8	x9	y9	x10	y10
1	467	77	135	121	104	265	135	170	155	481	441	406	488	221	462	279	541	300	390	299
2	495	464	476	520	486	488	129	436	130	468	156	262								
3	133	274	147	259	117	256														
4	132	140	451	89	493	101	123	92	157	89	123	240	155	243	440	296	509	297		
5	156	495	490	499	442	495	121	502	158	269										
6	123	244	151	256	158	151	175	189	434	419	472	496	431	353	394	189	414	149		
7	134	100	135	127	112	163														
8	95	304	509	301	118	271	149	269												
9	136	247	148	148	165	194	153	506	153	320	127	200	132	123	439	533				
10	130	135	177	324	162	294	141	255												
11	146	249	490	307	507	165	411	167	397	239	490	406	444	400	427	300	204	284	54	277
12	440	415	482	415	535	336	454	530	439	527										
13	105	497	177	162	186	195	481	492	420	149	421	191	165	272	158	314	435	283	435	311
14	153	254	100	382	145	76	145	133	197	230	437	195	452	302	466	146				
15	379	331	553	328	218	292	54	296	52	333	227	334	385	299	545	301	443	416		
16	135	113	467	87	131	251	149	262	222	323	209	286	151	139	133	172				
17	121	110	139	109	107	143	172	145	451	137	480	136	140	162	123	165	123	131	147	135
18	131	129	172	152	105	157	151	250	122	252	168	288	110	298	487	136	451	137		
19	448	406	500	153	437	158	472	93	459	307	446	303	431	281	422	293	489	500	452	495
20	145	252	468	143	429	161	506	166	175	145	131	145	466	69	138	74				
21	480	289	116	279	124	271	458	285	472	148	124	148	148	141	157	265				
22	84	313	427	304	503	309	182	309	510	172	412	168	126	232	128	133	493	414	444	414
23	452	110	431	163	440	310	461	316	145	278	137	73	459	90	144	118	159	145	145	313
24	118	277	153	276	130	125	126	84	139	525	458	83	444	507	485	504	441	284	492	274
25	503	287	389	296	546	293	426	287	488	404	447	498	491	497	135	177	500	151	433	151
26	476	397	448	400	109	142	83	228	126	527										
27	150	499	123	503	500	219	432	222	511	177	417	182	451	411	491	411	452	532	489	539
28	441	410	485	408	208	273	63	273	177	158										
29	163	410	148	409	435	415	444	404												
30	446	403	485	407	480	532	447	527	561	341	501	301	113	260	374	336				
31	441	407	153	409	133	255														
33	148	133	492	416	441	412	115	264	498	449	477	443	451	423	495	356	178	150	99	276
34	499	454	497	468	494	479	495	491	144	535	148	524	122	519	134	128	151	257	124	259
35	454	192	457	288	489	503	558	288	323	294	141	272	133	205	131	168	131	508	141	135

body map

Ideally, I'd like to use python, R, or js so I can understand it and use in my script (currently using R).

Massive thanks in advance

Here is the csv bodymap


得分: 2





df <- structure(list(ID = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 
                            13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 
                            29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35),
                     x1 = c(467, 495, 133, 132, 156, 
                            123, 134, 95, 136, 130, 146, 440, 105, 153, 379, 135, 121, 131, 
                            448, 145, 480, 84, 452, 118, 503, 476, 150, 441, 163, 446, 441, 
                            NA, 148, 499, 454), 
                     y1 = c(77, 464, 274, 140, 495, 244, 100, 
                            304, 247, 135, 249, 415, 497, 254, 331, 113, 110, 129, 406, 252, 
                            289, 313, 110, 277, 287, 397, 499, 410, 410, 403, 407, NA, 133, 
                            454, 192), 
                     x2 = c(135, 476, 147, 451, 490, 151, 135, 509, 148, 
                            177, 490, 482, 177, 100, 553, 467, 139, 172, 500, 468, 116, 427, 
                            431, 153, 389, 448, 123, 485, 148, 485, 153, NA, 492, 497, 457), 
                     y2 = c(121, 520, 259, 89, 499, 256, 127, 301, 148, 324, 307, 
                            415, 162, 382, 328, 87, 109, 152, 153, 143, 279, 304, 163, 276, 
                            296, 400, 503, 408, 409, 407, 409, NA, 416, 468, 288), 
                     x3 = c(104, 
                            486, 117, 493, 442, 158, 112, 118, 165, 162, 507, 535, 186, 145, 
                            218, 131, 107, 105, 437, 429, 124, 503, 440, 130, 546, 109, 500, 
                            208, 435, 480, 133, NA, 441, 494, 489),
                     y3 = c(265, 488, 256, 
                            101, 495, 151, 163, 271, 194, 294, 165, 336, 195, 76, 292, 251, 
                            143, 157, 158, 161, 271, 309, 310, 125, 293, 142, 219, 273, 415, 
                            532, 255, NA, 412, 479, 503), 
                     x4 = c(135, 129, NA, 123, 121, 
                            175, NA, 149, 153, 141, 411, 454, 481, 145, 54, 149, 172, 151, 
                            472, 506, 458, 182, 461, 126, 426, 83, 432, 63, 444, 447, NA, 
                            NA, 115, 495, 558), 
                     y4 = c(170, 436, NA, 92, 502, 189, NA, 269, 
                            506, 255, 167, 530, 492, 133, 296, 262, 145, 250, 93, 166, 285, 
                            309, 316, 84, 287, 228, 222, 273, 404, 527, NA, NA, 264, 491, 
                     x5 = c(155, 130, NA, 157, 158, 434, NA, NA, 153, NA, 397, 
                            439, 420, 197, 52, 222, 451, 122, 459, 175, 472, 510, 145, 139, 
                            488, 126, 511, 177, NA, 561, NA, NA, 498, 144, 323), 
                     y5 = c(481, 
                            468, NA, 89, 269, 419, NA, NA, 320, NA, 239, 527, 149, 230, 333, 
                            323, 137, 252, 307, 145, 148, 172, 278, 525, 404, 527, 177, 158, 
                            NA, 341, NA, NA, 449, 535, 294), 
                     x6 = c(441, 156, NA, 123, NA, 
                            472, NA, NA, 127, NA, 490, NA, 421, 437, 227, 209, 480, 168, 
                            446, 131, 124, 412, 137, 458, 447, NA, 417, NA, NA, 501, NA, 
                            NA, 477, 148, 141), 
                     y6 = c(406, 262, NA, 240, NA, 496, NA, NA, 
                            200, NA, 406, NA, 191, 195, 334, 286, 136, 288, 303, 145, 148


Is this real data? Or fake/example data? I&#39;m having trouble getting the data points to &#39;line up&#39; with the expected body parts e.g. pretty sure lots of people have lower back pain, should the &#39;thigh&#39; cluster be higher up?

Here is one potential approach:

Load the example data:
``` r

df &lt;- structure(list(ID = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 
                            13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 
                            29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35),
                     x1 = c(467, 495, 133, 132, 156, 
                            123, 134, 95, 136, 130, 146, 440, 105, 153, 379, 135, 121, 131, 
                            448, 145, 480, 84, 452, 118, 503, 476, 150, 441, 163, 446, 441, 
                            NA, 148, 499, 454), 
                     y1 = c(77, 464, 274, 140, 495, 244, 100, 
                            304, 247, 135, 249, 415, 497, 254, 331, 113, 110, 129, 406, 252, 
                            289, 313, 110, 277, 287, 397, 499, 410, 410, 403, 407, NA, 133, 
                            454, 192), 
                     x2 = c(135, 476, 147, 451, 490, 151, 135, 509, 148, 
                            177, 490, 482, 177, 100, 553, 467, 139, 172, 500, 468, 116, 427, 
                            431, 153, 389, 448, 123, 485, 148, 485, 153, NA, 492, 497, 457), 
                     y2 = c(121, 520, 259, 89, 499, 256, 127, 301, 148, 324, 307, 
                            415, 162, 382, 328, 87, 109, 152, 153, 143, 279, 304, 163, 276, 
                            296, 400, 503, 408, 409, 407, 409, NA, 416, 468, 288), 
                     x3 = c(104, 
                            486, 117, 493, 442, 158, 112, 118, 165, 162, 507, 535, 186, 145, 
                            218, 131, 107, 105, 437, 429, 124, 503, 440, 130, 546, 109, 500, 
                            208, 435, 480, 133, NA, 441, 494, 489),
                     y3 = c(265, 488, 256, 
                            101, 495, 151, 163, 271, 194, 294, 165, 336, 195, 76, 292, 251, 
                            143, 157, 158, 161, 271, 309, 310, 125, 293, 142, 219, 273, 415, 
                            532, 255, NA, 412, 479, 503), 
                     x4 = c(135, 129, NA, 123, 121, 
                            175, NA, 149, 153, 141, 411, 454, 481, 145, 54, 149, 172, 151, 
                            472, 506, 458, 182, 461, 126, 426, 83, 432, 63, 444, 447, NA, 
                            NA, 115, 495, 558), 
                     y4 = c(170, 436, NA, 92, 502, 189, NA, 269, 
                            506, 255, 167, 530, 492, 133, 296, 262, 145, 250, 93, 166, 285, 
                            309, 316, 84, 287, 228, 222, 273, 404, 527, NA, NA, 264, 491, 
                     x5 = c(155, 130, NA, 157, 158, 434, NA, NA, 153, NA, 397, 
                            439, 420, 197, 52, 222, 451, 122, 459, 175, 472, 510, 145, 139, 
                            488, 126, 511, 177, NA, 561, NA, NA, 498, 144, 323), 
                     y5 = c(481, 
                            468, NA, 89, 269, 419, NA, NA, 320, NA, 239, 527, 149, 230, 333, 
                            323, 137, 252, 307, 145, 148, 172, 278, 525, 404, 527, 177, 158, 
                            NA, 341, NA, NA, 449, 535, 294), 
                     x6 = c(441, 156, NA, 123, NA, 
                            472, NA, NA, 127, NA, 490, NA, 421, 437, 227, 209, 480, 168, 
                            446, 131, 124, 412, 137, 458, 447, NA, 417, NA, NA, 501, NA, 
                            NA, 477, 148, 141), 
                     y6 = c(406, 262, NA, 240, NA, 496, NA, NA, 
                            200, NA, 406, NA, 191, 195, 334, 286, 136, 288, 303, 145, 148, 
                            168, 73, 83, 498, NA, 182, NA, NA, 301, NA, NA, 443, 524, 272), 
                     x7 = c(488, NA, NA, 155, NA, 431, NA, NA, 132, NA, 444, NA, 
                            165, 452, 385, 151, 140, 110, 431, 466, 148, 126, 459, 444, 491, 
                            NA, 451, NA, NA, 113, NA, NA, 451, 122, 133), 
                     y7 = c(221, NA, 
                            NA, 243, NA, 353, NA, NA, 123, NA, 400, NA, 272, 302, 299, 139, 
                            162, 298, 281, 69, 141, 232, 90, 507, 497, NA, 411, NA, NA, 260, 
                            NA, NA, 423, 519, 205), 
                     x8 = c(462, NA, NA, 440, NA, 394, NA, 
                            NA, 439, NA, 427, NA, 158, 466, 545, 133, 123, 487, 422, 138, 
                            157, 128, 144, 485, 135, NA, 491, NA, NA, 374, NA, NA, 495, 134, 
                     y8 = c(279, NA, NA, 296, NA, 189, NA, NA, 533, NA, 300, 
                            NA, 314, 146, 301, 172, 165, 136, 293, 74, 265, 133, 118, 504, 
                            177, NA, 411, NA, NA, 336, NA, NA, 356, 128, 168),
                     x9 = c(541, 
                            NA, NA, 509, NA, 414, NA, NA, NA, NA, 204, NA, 435, NA, 443, 
                            NA, 123, 451, 489, NA, NA, 493, 159, 441, 500, NA, 452, NA, NA, 
                            NA, NA, NA, 178, 151, 131), 
                     y9 = c(300, NA, NA, 297, NA, 149, 
                            NA, NA, NA, NA, 284, NA, 283, NA, 416, NA, 131, 137, 500, NA, 
                            NA, 414, 145, 284, 151, NA, 532, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 150, 257, 
                     x10 = c(390, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 54, NA, 
                             435, NA, NA, NA, 147, NA, 452, NA, NA, 444, 145, 492, 433, NA, 
                             489, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 99, 124, 141),
                     y10 = c(299, NA, NA, 
                             NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 277, NA, 311, NA, NA, NA, 135, NA, 
                             495, NA, NA, 414, 313, 274, 151, NA, 539, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 
                             276, 259, 135)), 
                row.names = c(NA, -35L), spec = structure(list(
                  cols = list(ID = structure(list(), class = c(&quot;collector_double&quot;, 
                              x1 = structure(list(), class = c(&quot;collector_double&quot;, 
                              y1 = structure(list(), class = c(&quot;collector_double&quot;, 
                              x2 = structure(list(), class = c(&quot;collector_double&quot;, 
                              y2 = structure(list(), class = c(&quot;collector_double&quot;, 
                              x3 = structure(list(), class = c(&quot;collector_double&quot;, 
                              y3 = structure(list(), class = c(&quot;collector_double&quot;, 
                              x4 = structure(list(), class = c(&quot;collector_double&quot;, 
                              y4 = structure(list(), class = c(&quot;collector_double&quot;, 
                              x5 = structure(list(), class = c(&quot;collector_double&quot;, 
                              y5 = structure(list(), class = c(&quot;collector_double&quot;, 
                              x6 = structure(list(), class = c(&quot;collector_double&quot;, 
                              y6 = structure(list(), class = c(&quot;collector_double&quot;, 
                              x7 = structure(list(), class = c(&quot;collector_double&quot;, 
                              y7 = structure(list(), class = c(&quot;collector_double&quot;, 
                              x8 = structure(list(), class = c(&quot;collector_double&quot;, 
                              y8 = structure(list(), class = c(&quot;collector_double&quot;, 
                              x9 = structure(list(), class = c(&quot;collector_double&quot;, 
                              y9 = structure(list(), class = c(&quot;collector_double&quot;, 
                              x10 = structure(list(), class = c(&quot;collector_double&quot;, 
                              y10 = structure(list(), class = c(&quot;collector_double&quot;, 
                  default = structure(list(), class = c(&quot;collector_guess&quot;, &quot;collector&quot;)), delim = &quot;\t&quot;), class = &quot;col_spec&quot;),
                problems = &quot;&lt;pointer: 0x7fb2892c4200&gt;&quot;, 
                class = c(&quot;spec_tbl_df&quot;, &quot;tbl_df&quot;, &quot;tbl&quot;, &quot;data.frame&quot;))

Load the image, generate the plot, and combine using grid:

img &lt;- readPNG(&quot;~/Desktop/l78U8.png&quot;)
#&gt; Warning in readPNG(&quot;~/Desktop/l78U8.png&quot;): libpng warning: iCCP: extra
#&gt; compressed data

g1 &lt;- df %&gt;%
  pivot_longer(-ID, names_pattern = &quot;([a-z]+)(\\d+)&quot;,
               names_to = c(&quot;coord&quot;, &quot;num&quot;)) %&gt;%
  pivot_wider(id_cols = c(ID, num), names_from = coord, values_from = value) %&gt;%
  ggplot(aes(x = x, y = y, fill = after_stat(density))) +
  geom_hex() +
  scale_fill_viridis_c(option = &quot;C&quot;) +
  theme_void() +
  theme(legend.position = &quot;none&quot;) +
  coord_equal(expand = TRUE)

grid.draw(gList(rasterGrob(img, width = unit(0.8,&quot;npc&quot;), height = unit(1.2, &quot;npc&quot;)), 
#&gt; Warning: Removed 89 rows containing non-finite values (`stat_binhex()`).

如何将xy坐标叠加在图像上<!-- -->

<sup>Created on 2023-05-18 with reprex v2.0.2</sup>


Changing the alpha makes the plot look a bit nicer (i.e. geom_hex(alpha = 0.75)):


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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
