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C# fields: mandatory initialization but still accessible to deserializer


I'm only providing the translated content without any additional information or answers:


  1. 我绝对不希望我的类的最终用户在构造时忘记初始化某些字段。
  2. 我希望一个反序列化器能够实例化该类并填充字段,而不会被私有设置器“阻塞”。
  3. 我不希望留下任何未初始化的字段(例如,必须构造列表,不允许null)。

这不是与这个旧问题相同的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10794346/how-to-make-a-property-required-in-c

  1. 它没有涉及到要求 #2(暴露字段以进行反序列化)。
  2. 它已经有10年了,C#自那时以来发生了很大的变化。


public class MyClass {
     public bool Field1 {get; set;}
     public IEnumerable<bool> Field2 {get; set;} = default!;

注意:不要过于关注= default!这部分,在这里我只是让编译器高兴(它检测到未初始化的字段),以便继续核心问题。

如果我只需要满足要求 #1,那么我不会这样做:

var o = new MyClass() {
             Field1 = true
             // 哎呀,我忘记Field2了


public class MyClass {
     public bool Field1 {get; private set;}
     public IEnumerable<bool> Field2 {get; private set;}

     public MyClass(bool field1, IEnumerable<bool> field2) {
         Field1 = field1;
         Field2 = field2;

对于只有要求 #3,我会这样做:

public class MyClass {
     public bool Field1 {get; private set;}
     public IEnumerable<bool> Field2 {get; private set;} = new List<bool>();

     public MyClass(bool field1) {
         Field1 = field1;

// ...


不会这样做,因为尽管保护了字段免受篡改,但不能保证要求 #1

public class MyClass {
     public bool Field1 {get; init;}
     public IEnumerable<bool> Field2 {get; init;} = new List<bool>();

但现在我必须满足要求 #2。这是一个问题,因为反序列化器不能填充protectedprivate字段。


string json = @"{ ""Field1"": true, ""Field2"": [] }";
var o = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<MyClass>(json);
Assert(o.Field1 == true); // 失败


public class MyClass {
     public bool Field1 {get; private set;}
     public IEnumerable<bool> Field2 {get; private set;} = new List<bool>();

     [JsonConstructor] // <-- 使其无懈可击!
     public MyClass(bool field1, IEnumerable<bool> field2) {
         Field1 = field1;
         Field2 = field2;

string json = @"{ ""Field1"": true, ""Field2"": [] }";
var o = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<MyClass>(json);
Assert(o.Field1 == true); // 成功



许多关于这个主题的答案都已有10多年了。C#在各个方向都取得了巨大的进步。理想情况下,我希望得到**.Net6(C# 10)**的答案,并且可能还有关于更近期C#(C# 11+)的答案。


I'm facing a dilemma that's very common in C# (and other OO languages) where I'm trying to meet 3 competing requirements :

> 1. I absolutely don't want the end-user of my class to forget to initialize some of the fields, at construction time.
> 2. I want a deserializer to be able to instantiate that class and populate the fields without silently being "blocked" by a private setter.
> 3. I don't want any non-initialized fields left hanging (e.g. a list has to be constructed, no loose null in there!)

> This is NOT the same question as this old one : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10794346/how-to-make-a-property-required-in-c
> for two reasons :
> 1. It doesn't deal with requirement #2 (expose fields for deserialization)
> 2. It's 10 years old, and C# has evolved a lot since then.

So, let's say that this is my class :

public class MyClass {
     public bool Field1 {get; set;}
     public IEnumerable&lt;bool&gt; Field2 {get; set;} = default!; 

Note : don't obsess over the = default! bit, here I'm just making the compiler happy (it detects non-initialized fields) to move on to the core of the issue.

if I needed to meet requirement #1 only then I would NOT do this :

var o = new MyClass() {
             Field1 = true
             // Uh oh, I forgot Field2

Instead I would do this :

public class MyClass {
     public bool Field1 {get; private set;}
     public IEnumerable&lt;bool&gt; Field2 {get; private set;}

     public MyClass(bool field1, IEnumerable&lt;bool&gt; field2) {
         Field1 = field1;
         Field2 = field2;

For requirement #3 only I would do this :

public class MyClass {
     public bool Field1 {get; private set;}
     public IEnumerable&lt;bool&gt; Field2 {get; private set;} = new List&lt;bool&gt;();

     public MyClass(bool field1) {
         Field1 = field1;

// ...


I would NOT do this because despite protecting the fields from tampering, it does not guarantee requirement #1 :

public class MyClass {
     public bool Field1 {get; init;}
     public IEnumerable&lt;bool&gt; Field2 {get; init;} = new List&lt;bool&gt;();

But now I have to fullfil requirement #2 . That's a problem because the deserializer cannot populate protected or private fields.

Which means that this would NOT work, as Field1 would remain false :
(note: we're assuming that the deserializer is properly configured : no upper-case/lower-case nonsense or whatnot)

string json = @&quot;{ &quot;&quot;Field1&quot;&quot;: true, &quot;&quot;Field2&quot;&quot;: [] }&quot;;
var o = JsonSerializer.Deserialize&lt;MyClass&gt;(json);
Assert(o.Field1 == true); // fails

The only solution I'm aware of to fulfill all 3 requirements is a constructor that has ALL the fields :

public class MyClass {
     public bool Field1 {get; private set;}
     public IEnumerable&lt;bool&gt; Field2 {get; private set;} = new List&lt;bool&gt;();

     [JsonConstructor] // &lt;-- to make it air-tight!
     public MyClass(bool field1, IEnumerable&lt;bool&gt; field2) {
         Field1 = field1;
         Field2 = field2;

string json = @&quot;{ &quot;&quot;Field1&quot;&quot;: true, &quot;&quot;Field2&quot;&quot;: [] }&quot;;
var o = JsonSerializer.Deserialize&lt;MyClass&gt;(json);
Assert(o.Field1 == true); // succeeds

even that solution is not perfect, because if I add a field "Field3" to the class then I might forget to add it to the exhaustive constructor, and the deserialization would silently ignore it. Fail!

My question :

Is there an elegant way of achieving this in modern C#?
Many answers about this topic are 10+ years old. C# has made a ton of progress in every direction since then.
Ideally, I'd like an answer for .Net6 (C# 10) AND possibly an answer for more recent C# (C# 11+)


得分: 1

For C# 11 - there is feature introduced to specifically support such scenarios - required modifier which allows your to do something like (also note the usage of init keyword which declares an init-only setter which allows to assign a value to the property only during object construction):

public class MyClass 
     public required bool Field1 {get; init;}
     public required IEnumerable&lt;bool&gt; Field2 {get; init;}

The last option can also be reduced to using records (available since C# 9):

public record MyClass(bool Field1, IEnumerable&lt;bool&gt; Field2);


Note that required modifier is also considered by System.Text.Json, so marking property with it will make the corresponding JSON property required in the JSON payload.


For C# 11 - there is feature introduced to specifically support such scenarios - required modifier which allows your to do something like (also note the usage of init keyword which declares an init-only setter which allows to assign a value to the property only during object construction):

public class MyClass 
     public required bool Field1 {get; init;}
     public required IEnumerable&lt;bool&gt; Field2 {get; init;}

The last option can also be reduced to using records (available since C# 9):

public record MyClass(bool Field1, IEnumerable&lt;bool&gt; Field2);


Note that required modifier is also considered by System.Text.Json, so marking property with it will make the corresponding JSON property required in the JSON payload.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月17日 17:35:29
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76270627.html



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