EF Core影子列

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EF Core shadow column


EF Core为你的模型“RidePrice”添加“RideId1”属性的原因是因为在实体类型中存在一个与之冲突的简单名称为“RideId”的属性,但该属性要么未映射,要么已用于另一个关系,或者与关联的主键类型不兼容。这是EF检测到的冲突。





Why does EF Core add the "RideId1" property to my model "RidePrice"? The error message from EF doesn't provide much help: "The foreign key property 'RidePrice.RideId1' was created in shadow state because a conflicting property with the simple name 'RideId' exists in the entity type, but is either not mapped, is already used for another relationship, or is incompatible with the associated primary key type."

I don't understand what conflict EF detected. Interestingly, even if I remove the "RideId" and "Ride" properties from "RidePrice", EF still adds a shadow property, just with a different name.

I assume that the shadow property is derived from "Waypoint", but I can't figure out how to manage such a relationship.

Please help me understand. I don't need this shadow property.

If the property that EF is adding is indeed necessary, I'm willing to include it in my model. However, I want to have a clear understanding of which relationship this property is used for.

Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design Version="7.0.5"<br/>
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools Version="7.0.5"<br/>
Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL Version="7.0.4"

public class Ride
	public Guid Id { get; set; }
	public IReadOnlyList&lt;Waypoint&gt; Waypoints { get; set; }
	public IReadOnlyList&lt;RidePrice&gt; Prices { get; set; }

public class Waypoint
	public Guid Id { get; set; }
	public Ride Ride { get; set; }
	public NetTopologySuite.Geometries.Point Point { get; set; }

public class RidePrice
	// Without own Id

	public Guid RideId { get; set; }
	public Ride Ride { get; set; }

	public Guid FromId { get; set; }
	public Waypoint From { get; set; }

	public Guid ToId { get; set; }
	public Waypoint To { get; set; }

	public decimal Price { get; set; }
modelBuilder.Entity&lt;Ride&gt;(entityBuilder =&gt;
	entityBuilder.HasMany(x =&gt; x.Prices).WithOne(x =&gt; x.Ride)
        .HasForeignKey(x =&gt; x.RideId)
        .HasPrincipalKey(x =&gt; x.Id);

	entityBuilder.HasMany(x =&gt; x.Waypoints).WithOne();

modelBuilder.Entity&lt;Waypoint&gt;(entityBuilder =&gt;
	entityBuilder.HasOne(x =&gt; x.Ride).WithMany(x =&gt; x.Waypoints);

modelBuilder.Entity&lt;RidePrice&gt;(entityBuilder =&gt;
	entityBuilder.HasKey(x =&gt; new { x.FromId, x.ToId });

	entityBuilder.HasOne(x =&gt; x.From).WithMany().HasForeignKey(x =&gt; x.FromId);
	entityBuilder.HasIndex(x =&gt; x.FromId);

	entityBuilder.HasOne(x =&gt; x.To).WithMany().HasForeignKey(x =&gt; x.ToId);
	entityBuilder.HasIndex(x =&gt; x.ToId);

	entityBuilder.HasOne(x =&gt; x.Ride).WithMany()
        .HasForeignKey(x =&gt; x.RideId)
        .HasPrincipalKey(x =&gt; x.Id);
    name: &quot;RidePrices&quot;,
    columns: table =&gt; new
        FromId = table.Column&lt;Guid&gt;(type: &quot;uuid&quot;, nullable: false),
        ToId = table.Column&lt;Guid&gt;(type: &quot;uuid&quot;, nullable: false),
        RideId = table.Column&lt;Guid&gt;(type: &quot;uuid&quot;, nullable: false),
        Price = table.Column&lt;decimal&gt;(type: &quot;numeric&quot;, nullable: false),
        RideId1 = table.Column&lt;Guid&gt;(type: &quot;uuid&quot;, nullable: true)
    name: &quot;FK_RidePrices_Rides_RideId&quot;,
    column: x =&gt; x.RideId,
    principalTable: &quot;Rides&quot;,
    principalColumn: &quot;Id&quot;,
    onDelete: ReferentialAction.Cascade);
    name: &quot;FK_RidePrices_Rides_RideId1&quot;,
    column: x =&gt; x.RideId1,
    principalTable: &quot;Rides&quot;,
    principalColumn: &quot;Id&quot;);


得分: 0



public Guid FromId { get; set; }
public Waypoint From { get; set; }

public Guid ToId { get; set; }
public Waypoint To { get; set; }



RidePrice will need it's own PK declared, whether an identity column I.e. RidePriceId, or a composite key between RideId, FromId, ToId, etc. Either that or consider whether Rides will actually have multiple prices, or should it be a One-to-One in which case RidePrice can use RideId as the PK and EF will happily join these up as a one-to-one.

You will likely also have an issue with the waypoint columns in the RidePrice. Add FK nominations either via attributes or entity configuration:

public Guid FromId { get; set; }
public Waypoint From { get; set; }

public Guid ToId { get; set; }
public Waypoint To { get; set; }

The reason is that EF conventions will link FK properties by Type rather than by property name, so since these are both type "Waypoint" it would be looking for, or creating shadow properties for "WaypointId" and "WaypointId_1".


得分: 0

Oh, how foolish it turned out. I added x => x.Prices to the WithMany operator, and everything started working. I spent about 2 hours trying to do it this way and that. I gave up and posted the question here. The whole day didn't touch this issue, and then I solved it in 3 minutes.


Oh, how foolish it turned out. I added x =&gt; x.Prices to the WithMany operator, and everything started working. I spent about 2 hours trying to do it this way and that. I gave up and posted the question here. The whole day didn't touch this issue, and then I solved it in 3 minutes.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月22日 04:11:36
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