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Why are all errors now fatal errors?


Seemingly after updating nothing, suddenly I now get a fatal error ("R encountered a fatal error") for any error in RStudio. Very strange that this has come out of nowhere and now affects all projects and RStudio sessions.


I tried upgrading R and RStudio and downgrading, but the issue persists.


I am on an Intel Mac.

我使用的是Intel Mac。

Any ideas how I can resolve this?


Edit: I think this is only when I'm using Shiny / launching a Shiny app in the browser. Even clicking "Stop" in RStudio to close a Shiny app creates the fatal error. Before, it would just kill the app (but not the entire R session).

编辑:我认为只有在我使用Shiny / 在浏览器中启动Shiny应用程序时才会出现这种情况。甚至在RStudio中单击“停止”以关闭Shiny应用程序也会导致致命错误。以前,它只会关闭应用程序(但不会关闭整个R会话)。

I've tried updating packages (update.packages(ask = FALSE, checkBuilt = TRUE)) as per this post.

我已经尝试更新包(update.packages(ask = FALSE, checkBuilt = TRUE)),参考这个帖子。

Edit 2:

The RStudio log shows this error:


2022-09-15T12:14:07.241348Z [rdesktop] ERROR Main window closed
unexpectedly; LOGGED FROM: auto
rstudio::desktop::MainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *)::(anonymous
class)::operator()(QVariant) const
src/cpp/desktop/DesktopMainWindow.cpp:524 2023-03-21T19:32:46.342Z
ERROR connect ENOENT rstudio

2022-09-15T12:14:07.241348Z [rdesktop] 错误 主窗口意外关闭;记录自:auto
rstudio::desktop::MainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *)::(anonymous
class)::operator()(QVariant) const
src/cpp/desktop/DesktopMainWindow.cpp:524 2023-03-21T19:32:46.342Z
错误 connect ENOENT rstudio


Seemingly after updating nothing, suddenly I now get a fatal error ("R encountered a fatal error") for any error in RStudio. Very strange that this has come out of no where and now affects all projects and RStudio sessions.

I have no idea how this has happened and I can't debug anything now, RStudio just crashes every time there is something to debug.

I tried upgrading R and RStudio and downgrading, but the issue persists.

I am on an Intel Mac.

Any ideas how I can resolve this?

Edit: I think this is only when I'm using Shiny / launching a Shiny app in the browser. Even clicking "Stop" in RStudio to close a Shiny app creates the fatal error. Before, it would just kill the app (but not the entire R session).

I've tried updating packages (update.packages(ask = FALSE, checkBuilt = TRUE)) as per this post.

Edit 2:

The RStudio log shows this error:

> 2022-09-15T12:14:07.241348Z [rdesktop] ERROR Main window closed
> unexpectedly; LOGGED FROM: auto
> rstudio::desktop::MainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *)::(anonymous
> class)::operator()(QVariant) const
> src/cpp/desktop/DesktopMainWindow.cpp:524 2023-03-21T19:32:46.342Z
> ERROR connect ENOENT rstudio


得分: 0


.GlobalEnv 处理对象 'objectname'

.GlobalEnv 处理对象 'objectname'



Found it, finally! This was really obscure. I noticed on opening a new session (but not project) I would get two warnings:

> Warning: namespace 'rstan' is not available and has been replaced by
> .GlobalEnv when processing object 'objectname'
> Warning: namespace 'brms' is not available and has been replaced by
> .GlobalEnv when processing object 'objectname'

I reinstalled these packages and now the issue has stopped!

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月11日 04:28:15
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76222321.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
