
huangapple go评论70阅读模式

How to build a self-contained Python venv?


Is that possible to build a self-contained Python virtual environment? By self-contained, I mean that all needed files to execute the program are there, including Python.

I'm using Poetry to manage venvs. Looking at venvs I created using poetry install I see that the dependencies are actually copied, but Python is symlinked.

For example:

>> ls -lah my-venv/bin/
python -> /Users/my-user/.pyenv/versions/3.11.2/bin/python

Also, I tried the virtualenvs.options.always-copy Poetry config, which translates to --always-copy virtualenv configuration, but it didn't copy Python.

Since an expected answer would be "use containers," I say in advance that it's not an option for the given use case.

This question aims to a solution that an "all-in" directory/file can be uploaded to a Linux server and just run without using depending on any system-installed software.


Is that possible to build a self-contained Python virtual environment? By self-contained, I mean that all needed files to execute the program are there, including Python.

I'm using Poetry to manage venvs. Looking at venvs I created using poetry install I see that the dependencies are actually copied, but Python is simblinked.

For example:

>> ls -lah my-venv/bin/
python -> /Users/my-user/.pyenv/versions/3.11.2/bin/python

Also, I tried the virtualenvs.options.always-copy Poetry config, which translates to --always-copy virtualvenv configuration, but it didn't copy Python.

Since an expected answer would be "use containers", I say in advance that it's not an option for the given use case.

This question aims to a solution that an "all-in" directory/file can be uploaded to a Linux server and just run without using depending on any system-installed software.


得分: 2

If you want something that does not need a Python interpreter to be preinstalled then: PyInstaller as already mentioned, briefcase also might work, PyOxidizer, or something like Nuitka. I recommend you read this section of documentation "Bringing your own Python executable" as well.


If you want something that does not need a Python interpreter to be preinstalled then: PyInstaller as already mentioned, briefcase also might work, PyOxidizer, or something like Nuitka. I recommend you read this section of documentation "Bringing your own Python executable" as well.


得分: 1


 1. 使用conda/mamba来管理依赖项。它有一个实际安装Python的优势,对于问题用例很有用。
 2. 使用[conda-pack][1]来打包一个`venv`,每个Python用户都知道如何使用。

为什么这种方法解决了问题?因为我们最终得到了一个包含实际二进制文件而不是符号链接的`venv`。所以我们不能只将其共享为`tar.gz`文件,除了项目开发人员之外,**没有人需要学习新技术(每个普通的Python开发人员都可能知道`venv`)。** 它只是工作的:
# 在源/CI机器上
$ conda pack -n my_env -o my_env.tar.gz

# 在用户/服务器机器上
$ mkdir -p my_env
$ tar -xzf my_env.tar.gz -C my_env
$ source my_env/bin/activate



The simplest solution I found:
 1. Use conda/mamba to manage the dependencies. It has the advantage of actually installing Python, which is useful for the question use case.
 2. Use [conda-pack][1] to pack in a `venv` every Python user knows how to use.

Why this approach solves the problem? Because we end up with a `venv` including actual binaries, instead of symblinks. So we can&#39;t just share it as `tar.gz` file and **no one (other than the project developers) has to learn new technologies (every average Python developer is likely to know `venv`).** It just works:
$ conda pack -n my_env -o my_env.tar.gz

$ mkdir -p my_env
$ tar -xzf my_env.tar.gz -C my_env
$ source my_env/bin/activate

A note:
I tried using like PyInstaller and other tools people wrote in answers and comments. Honestly, they try to reinvent the wheel. For example, PyInstaller goes recursively over the imports and tries to build from the discovered imports. On my first try it didn't work for PyArrow *.pyx dependencies, for example. Maybe I used it wrong. But, why invent the wheel and discover the imports if we can go explicit with major tools like standard venv, Poetry, and Conda/Mamba.


得分: 0




I think you could use a tool like PyInstaller. From documentation:

> PyInstaller bundles a Python application and all its dependencies into a single package. The user can run the packaged app without installing a Python interpreter or any modules.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月7日 21:57:45
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