Android Studio Flamingo Debug Console not working.

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Android Studio Flamingo Debug Console not working


Recently, I updated my Android Studio to Android Studio Flamingo 2022.2.1. Also, in some projects, I upgraded the AGP dependency from 7.4.2 to 8.0.0.

从那时起,我无法使用调试控制台。控制台屏幕仅显示“打开 Logcat...”和“已连接...”,如下图所示。我在物理和虚拟设备上进行了一些测试,结果都相同。

我认为问题与将 AGP 依赖项从 7.4.2 升级到 8.0.0 无关,因为一些项目仍在使用之前的版本 7.4.2,但调试控制台出现了完全相同的问题。


Recently I updated my Android Studio to Android Studio Flamingo 2022.2.1. Also, in some projects, I upgrade AGP dependency from 7.4.2 to 8.0.0.

From that point, I am not able to use Debug-Console. The Console screen is showing only "Open Logcat..." and "Connected..." as the image below shows. I did some tests on Physical and Virtual devices with the same result.

I think the problem is not related to the upgrade AGP dependency from 7.4.2 to 8.0.0 because some projects using the previous version 7.4.2 and the Debug-Console has exactly the same issue.

Android Studio Flamingo Debug Console not working.


得分: 3

我在M1 Mac上使用Flamingo,也遇到了调试问题,但与您的问题不同。我的gradle版本是7.3.3。在模拟器和一些物理设备上调试没有问题,但其他一些物理设备无法正常工作。调试会启动,但断点永远不会触发。非常奇怪。回退到Electrical Eel,问题解决了。


I'm using Flamingo on M1 Mac and I'm also facing debugging issue, but different from yours. My gradle version is 7.3.3. I have no problem debugging on emulators and some of my physical devices, but some other physical devices do not work. Debug will launch, but brake points will never be reached. Super weird. Reverted back to Electrical Eel and problem fixed.


得分: 1


正如Qikai Gao建议的那样,下载Android Studio Electric Eel 2022_1_1 Patch 2




  1. dependencies {
  2. // classpath ''
  3. classpath ''


  1. #android.defaults.buildfeatures.buildconfig=true
  2. #android.nonTransitiveRClass=false
  3. #android.nonFinalResIds=false


  1. #distributionUrl=https\://
  2. distributionUrl=https\://

The Full solution:

As Qikai Gao suggests download the Android Studio Electric Eel 2022_1_1 Patch 2.

However, if you already upgrade AGP dependency from 7.4.2 to 8.0.0 you have to revert the version to 7.4.2 otherwise you end up with multiple errors.

Revert AGP to 7.4.2

1, build.gradle

  1. dependencies {
  2. // classpath ''
  3. classpath ''


  1. #android.defaults.buildfeatures.buildconfig=true
  2. #android.nonTransitiveRClass=false
  3. #android.nonFinalResIds=false

3, Gradle.wrapper-properties (Mac)

  1. #distributionUrl=https\://
  2. distributionUrl=https\://


得分: 0



try clicking on the emulator link to go to Logcat or click on Logcat

Android Studio Flamingo Debug Console not working..


得分: 0

安装 NDK 修复了我的问题。我追踪到问题出在调试类型的“自动检测”设置上。如果我将其设置为“仅 Java”,就可以正常工作。所以检测一定选择了“双重(Java + Native)”。我安装了 NDK 25.2.9519653,现在可以正常工作了。


Installing NDK fixed it for me. I tracked it down to the Debugger setting of Detect Automatically for Debug Type being the issue. If I set it to Java Only, it worked fine. So the detection must be selecting Dual (Java + Native). I installed NDK 25.2.9519653 and it is now working.


得分: 0

我尝试了上面列出的解决方案,但都没有起作用。然后我尝试了"Invalidate Caches"选项,这对我有效。步骤如下:

  1. 在Android Studio中,转到文件->使缓存失效...
  2. 会打开“使缓存失效”窗口,选择要清除的缓存类型
  3. 点击"使失效并重启"按钮。

这将清除缓存并重新启动Android Studio。

后来我在IntelliJ IDEA网站上找到了以下内容,点击“使缓存失效”窗口的帮助按钮:

> 当你使缓存失效时,IntelliJ IDEA会删除当前版本的IDE中所有项目的缓存文件。这些文件将在你下次打开这些项目时重新创建。如果使用IntelliJ IDEA的本地构建器构建项目,IDE还会重新构建这些项目。<br><br>
>- 直到你重新启动IntelliJ IDEA之前,缓存不会被删除。<br>
>- 打开和关闭项目而不使缓存失效不会删除任何缓存文件。<br>
>- 除非你在“使缓存失效”对话框中明确启用了此选项,否则使缓存失效时不会删除本地历史记录。但请注意,默认情况下,本地历史记录保留期为5个工作日。


I tried the solutions listed above, but none of them worked. Then I tried the "Invalidate Caches" option, which worked for me. The steps are as follows:

  1. In Android Studio go to File->Invalidate Caches...
  2. Invalidate Caches window will open, select which caches you want to clear
  3. Click "Invalidate and Restart" button.

This will clear caches and restart the Android Studio.

Later I found below in IntelliJ IDEA site clicking the help button of Invalidate Caches window:

> When you invalidate the cache, IntelliJ IDEA removes the cache files for all projects ever run in the current version of the IDE. The files will be recreated the next time you open these projects. The IDE also rebuilds the projects if they are built with the native IntelliJ IDEA builder.<br><br>
Note the following before you proceed:<br>
>- The caches will not be deleted until you restart IntelliJ IDEA.<br>
>- Opening and closing a project without invalidating the cache does not result in deleting any cached files.<br>
>- Local History is not deleted when you invalidate the cache unless you explicitly enable this option in the Invalidate Caches dialog. However, mind that Local History has a retention period of 5 working days by default.


得分: 0



在那里的评论中,Android Studio的开发人员表示Logcat现在是查看调试日志的预期方式。



You can be forgiven for being confused or thinking there's a bug or configuration issue, since this wasn't communicated to the community in release notes or other typical channels, but there was an intentional decision to remove the debug console's functionality in Flamingo.


In the comments there, Android Studio developers say that Logcat is the intended way to view debug logs now.

To preserve the convenience of the old debug consoles behavior, in edit run/debug configurations Logcat can be set to open automatically at app launch. In the logcat filter box, use package:mine to view only logs from your app.


得分: 0

在我的情况下(使用第三方模拟器 Nox Player),在 Flamingo 下,我无法同时调试我的应用程序并使用 Logcat 工作。

所以,如果你正在寻找解决办法,可以尝试切换回旧版 Logcat,方法是取消勾选默认启用的设置->实验性->Logcat->启用新 Logcat 工具窗口标志。

但如果你需要调试你的应用程序,切换回新版 Logcat,然后通过视图->工具窗口->调试来打开调试面板。


如果你使用的是 Android Studio Giraffe,切换到旧版 LogCat 的可能性已经消失。因此,你可以参考ADB 无法连接到 Nox。我发现这个这个回答对我很有用。


In my case (using third-party emulator Nox Player) I was not able to debug my apps and to work with Logcat at the same time under Flamingo.

So, if you are looking for that, the one more solution found without any downgrading.

If you need logging your app just switch to old-styled Logcat by unchecking the flag Settings->Experimental->Logcat->Enable new Logcat tool window that is checked by default.

But if you need debuging your app just back to the new-styled Logcat and then open Debug panel by View->Tool Windows->Debug

It is strongly inconvenient way but this solved my issue.

If you are using Android Studio Giraffe there is disappeared the switching to old-styled LogCat possibility. So you may look at ADB can't connect to Nox. I found useful for me of this and this answers.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年4月19日 16:16:10
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