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Count open cases with and without time cut-off



df <- data.frame(Person = c('111','334','334','334','334','334','888','888','888','888','888','888','888','888'), 
                 RelevantCase = c(0,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1), 
                 StartDate = c('2017-03-04','2015-11-14','2018-04-26','2020-01-24','2020-01-25','2020-02-29','2015-08-09',
                 EndDate = c('2017-12-12','2022-01-25','2020-03-01','2021-02-24','2020-01-30','2022-02-02','2019-10-20',



I have this dataset with variables Person, RelevantCase, StartDate, and EndDate:

df &lt;- data.frame(Person = c(&#39;111&#39;,&#39;334&#39;,&#39;334&#39;,&#39;334&#39;,&#39;334&#39;,&#39;334&#39;,&#39;888&#39;,&#39;888&#39;,&#39;888&#39;,&#39;888&#39;,&#39;888&#39;,&#39;888&#39;,&#39;888&#39;,&#39;888&#39;), 
                 RelevantCase = c(0,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1), 
                 StartDate = c(&#39;2017-03-04&#39;,&#39;2015-11-14&#39;,&#39;2018-04-26&#39;,&#39;2020-01-24&#39;,&#39;2020-01-25&#39;,&#39;2020-02-29&#39;,&#39;2015-08-09&#39;,
                 EndDate = c(&#39;2017-12-12&#39;,&#39;2022-01-25&#39;,&#39;2020-03-01&#39;,&#39;2021-02-24&#39;,&#39;2020-01-30&#39;,&#39;2022-02-02&#39;,&#39;2019-10-20&#39;,

I want to create two new variables:

  1. A count of the number of relevant open cases per Person. That is, I want to count how many relevant cases have

    1.1. StartDates before the current cases' StartDate and

    1.2. EndDates on or after the current StartDate.

By "relevant case" I mean that I want to only count observations with RelevantCase==1.

  1. A count of the number of relevant open cases per Person that started within the last two years of the current StartDate. So, this is the same as the first new variable, but it will not count relevant open cases with StartDates that are more than two years prior to the current StartDate.

The resulting dataset should look like this:

df2 &lt;- data.frame(Person = c(&#39;111&#39;,&#39;334&#39;,&#39;334&#39;,&#39;334&#39;,&#39;334&#39;,&#39;334&#39;,&#39;888&#39;,&#39;888&#39;,&#39;888&#39;,&#39;888&#39;,&#39;888&#39;,&#39;888&#39;,&#39;888&#39;,&#39;888&#39;), 
                 RelevantCase = c(0,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1), 
                 StartDate = c(&#39;2017-03-04&#39;,&#39;2015-11-14&#39;,&#39;2018-04-26&#39;,&#39;2020-01-24&#39;,&#39;2020-01-25&#39;,&#39;2020-02-29&#39;,&#39;2015-08-09&#39;,
                 EndDate = c(&#39;2017-12-12&#39;,&#39;2022-01-25&#39;,&#39;2020-03-01&#39;,&#39;2021-02-24&#39;,&#39;2020-01-30&#39;,&#39;2022-02-02&#39;,&#39;2019-10-20&#39;,
                 NumberOpenCases = c(0,0,1,2,2,2,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1),
                 NumberOpenCases_2y = c(0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0)


得分: 1

这段代码的功能是通过循环遍历每个分组中的 StartDate 列,并检查所需条件来计算相关的开放案例数量。


This gives the number of relevant open cases by looping over StartDate column within each group and checking for the conditions desired.


df %&gt;% 
  mutate(StartDate = as.Date(StartDate),
         EndDate = as.Date(EndDate)) %&gt;% 
  arrange(Person, StartDate, EndDate) %&gt;% 
  group_by(Person) %&gt;% 
  mutate(NumberOpenCases    = map_int(StartDate, ~sum(StartDate &lt; .x  &amp; 
                                                      EndDate &gt;= .x &amp; 
                                                      RelevantCase == 1)),
         NumberOpenCases_2y = map_int(StartDate, ~sum(StartDate &lt; .x  &amp; 
                                                      EndDate &gt;= .x &amp; 
                                                      RelevantCase == 1 &amp;
                                                      .x - StartDate &lt; 730)))
#&gt; # A tibble: 14 x 6
#&gt; # Groups:   Person [3]
#&gt;    Person RelevantCase StartDate  EndDate    NumberOpenCases NumberOpenCases_2y
#&gt;    &lt;chr&gt;         &lt;dbl&gt; &lt;date&gt;     &lt;date&gt;               &lt;int&gt;              &lt;int&gt;
#&gt;  1 111               0 2017-03-04 2017-12-12               0                  0
#&gt;  2 334               1 2015-11-14 2022-01-25               0                  0
#&gt;  3 334               1 2018-04-26 2020-03-01               1                  0
#&gt;  4 334               0 2020-01-24 2021-02-24               2                  1
#&gt;  5 334               1 2020-01-25 2020-01-30               2                  1
#&gt;  6 334               0 2020-02-29 2022-02-02               2                  1
#&gt;  7 888               1 2015-08-09 2019-10-20               0                  0
#&gt;  8 888               0 2015-08-09 2019-10-30               0                  0
#&gt;  9 888               1 2018-04-10 2018-10-10               1                  0
#&gt; 10 888               0 2019-09-20 2021-10-10               1                  0
#&gt; 11 888               0 2020-06-30 2020-07-20               0                  0
#&gt; 12 888               1 2020-11-01 2022-11-20               0                  0
#&gt; 13 888               0 2021-08-13 2021-11-12               1                  1
#&gt; 14 888               1 2022-11-11 2023-01-01               1                  0

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年4月17日 04:53:04
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76030283.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
