如何循环以下 group_by

huangapple go评论52阅读模式

How to loop following group_by


Here's the translated R code to generate the desired output:

# 我有以下数据框,其中有3列。
# 数据框代码:

df <- data.frame(
  "inst" = rep(c('a','b','c','d'),4),
  "swi"  = c(rep(0.05,4), rep(0.10,4), rep(0.15,4), rep(0.20,4)),
  "val"  = c(10,12,8,15,11,14,10,15,11,15,13,15,11,15,16,15)

# 数据框输出:
# # A tibble: 16 x 3
# # Groups:   inst [4]
#    inst    swi   val
#    <fct> <dbl> <dbl>
#  1 a      0.05    10
#  2 b      0.05    12
#  3 c      0.05     8
#  4 d      0.05    15
#  5 a      0.1     11
#  6 b      0.1     14
#  7 c      0.1     10
#  8 d      0.1     15
#  9 a      0.15    11
# 10 b      0.15    15
# 11 c      0.15    13
# 12 d      0.15    15
# 13 a      0.2     11
# 14 b      0.2     15
# 15 c      0.2     16
# 16 d      0.2     15

# 我想为每个唯一的 'inst' 找到 'swi' 值,其中当前 'swi' 值的 'val' 值等于下一个 'swi' 值。
# 如果对于一个 'inst',不满足此条件,则输出应为 '-1'。

# 换句话说,我想计算/生成以下内容:

inst  swi
 a    0.1
 b    0.15
 c    -1
 d    0.05

# 如何生成这个输出?

# 你可以使用以下代码生成所需的输出:


result <- df %>%
  arrange(inst, swi) %>%
  group_by(inst) %>%
  mutate(next_val = lead(val)) %>%
  filter(val == next_val | is.na(next_val)) %>%
  summarise(swi = ifelse(all(is.na(next_val)), -1, unique(swi)))


这段代码会生成所需的输出,其中 'inst' 列包含唯一的 'inst' 值,而 'swi' 列包含对应的 'swi' 值。


I have the following data frame, which has 3 columns.

Data-frame code:

df &lt;- data.frame(
  &quot;inst&quot; = rep(c(&#39;a&#39;,&#39;b&#39;,&#39;c&#39;,&#39;d&#39;),4),
  &quot;swi&quot;  = c(rep(0.05,4), rep(0.10,4), rep(0.15,4), rep(0.20,4)),
  &quot;val&quot;  = c(10,12,8,15,11,14,10,15,11,15,13,15,11,15,16,15)

Data-frame output:

# A tibble: 16 x 3
# Groups:   inst [4]
   inst    swi   val
   &lt;fct&gt; &lt;dbl&gt; &lt;dbl&gt;
 1 a      0.05    10
 2 b      0.05    12
 3 c      0.05     8
 4 d      0.05    15
 5 a      0.1     11
 6 b      0.1     14
 7 c      0.1     10
 8 d      0.1     15
 9 a      0.15    11
10 b      0.15    15
11 c      0.15    13
12 d      0.15    15
13 a      0.2     11
14 b      0.2     15
15 c      0.2     16
16 d      0.2     15

I want to find for each unique 'inst' the 'swi' value, where 'val' value for the current 'swi' value is equal to next one. If this condition is not satisfied for an 'inst', then the output should be '-1'.
In other words, I want to calculate/generate the following:

inst  swi
 a    0.1
 b    0.15
 c    -1
 d    0.05

How can I generate this output?


得分: 1

使用dplyr的另一种方法。使用reframe函数,针对每个inst,选择第一个val的差异为零的swi。如果对于给定的inst不存在这种情况,将显示NA - 您可以将其替换为-1。


df %>%
    swi = swi[diff(val) == 0][1],
    .by = inst
  ) %>%
  replace_na(list(swi = -1))


  inst   swi
1    a  0.10
2    b  0.15
3    c -1.00
4    d  0.05

Another approach using dplyr. Using reframe take the first swi where the difference of val is zero, for each inst. When this is not present for a given inst, there will be NA - you can replace this with -1.


df %&gt;%
    swi = swi[diff(val) == 0][1],
    .by = inst
  ) %&gt;%
  replace_na(list(swi = -1))


  inst   swi
1    a  0.10
2    b  0.15
3    c -1.00
4    d  0.05


得分: 0



df %>%
  group_by(inst) %>%
  mutate(next_val = lead(val)) %>%
  filter(next_val == val) %>%
  summarize(ret_swi = min(swi))


# A tibble: 3 × 2
  inst  ret_swi
  <chr>   <dbl>
1 a        0.1 
2 b        0.15
3 d        0.05



The following code fulfills the main part of the solution (which is to find the minimum/first 'swi' value, for which the corresponding 'val' value is equal to the one of the next 'swi' value):

df %&gt;%
  group_by(inst) %&gt;%
  mutate(next_val = lead(val)) %&gt;%
  filter(next_val == val) %&gt;%
  summarize(ret_swi = min(swi))

This one produces the following output:

# A tibble: 3 &#215; 2
  inst  ret_swi
  &lt;chr&gt;   &lt;dbl&gt;
1 a        0.1 
2 b        0.15
3 d        0.05

What is missing is setting 'ret_swi' value to '-1' if there are 'inst's which do not fulfill the condition above.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月7日 05:16:50
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76191184.html



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