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xcodebuild ignores testPlan when using test-without-building


考虑这个示例项目:https://github.com/stremsdoerfer/TestPlan。这只是一个Hello World,有两个测试计划:TestPlanUnit 仅运行单元测试,TestPlanUI 仅运行 UI 测试。

在使用 Xcode 14.3 运行以下命令时,我期望运行 TestPlanUI,但实际上只运行了默认的 TestPlanUnit

xcodebuild -scheme TestPlan -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,id=<sim_id>' -testPlan TestPlanUI test-without-building

在 Xcode 14.2 中正常工作。
使用 test 而不是 test-without-building 也正常工作。



Consider this sample project: https://github.com/stremsdoerfer/TestPlan. This is just a Hello World that has two test plans: TestPlanUnit that only runs unit tests and TestPlanUI that only run UI tests.

Running the command below with Xcode 14.3, I'd expect TestPlanUI to be run, but instead only TestPlanUnit is run which is the default.

xcodebuild -scheme TestPlan -destination &#39;platform=iOS Simulator,id=&lt;sim_id&gt;&#39; -testPlan TestPlanUI test-without-building

It works fine with Xcode 14.2.
Using test instead of test-without-building also works fine.

Any thoughts?


得分: 3

报告了相同的问题给苹果。当传递 test-without-building 时,似乎会忽略 testPlan 参数。


Having the same problem and reported an issue to Apple. The testPlan parameter seems to be ignored when test-without-building is passed.


得分: 3

我也向苹果报告了testPlan ignored when using xcodebuild test-without-building。苹果回应:已经确定潜在修复方法 - 会在未来的操作系统更新中解决


I also reported testPlan ignored when using xcodebuild test-without-building to Apple.
Apple responded with: Potential fix identified - For a future OS update.


得分: 2



确保你的运行变体都已构建。我遇到了一个问题,之前复制了我的Schemes,其中一个Scheme的运行 / 诊断设置与一个TestPlan的_运行时Sanitization_不同。因此,当我在关闭Sanitization的情况下在CI中运行测试时,该Scheme希望在Variant-NoSanitizers中有一个二进制文件。


Not a solution, but a potential work-around until Apple fixes it. If you make a copy of your Scheme and then set the default TestPlan for that Scheme to be the test you want to run, test-without-building will pay attention to the default test in the Scheme.

I've tested with fastlane and directly using xcodebuild and both worked this way. I don't love it, especially because my schemes are fairly complex. However, I did have success getting my tests to run.

Make sure your Run variants are all built. I ran into a problem where I'd copied my schemes a while back and one scheme diverged by the Run / Diagnostics settings for the Runtime Sanitization for a single TestPlan. As such, that scheme wanted a binary in the Variant-NoSanitizers when I ran my tests in CI with sanitization turned off.


得分: 1

I got a working soloution that does not require any hacks 🔥

The first invocation of xcodebuild will create a xctestrun file:

xcrun xcodebuild build-for-testing -workspace &lt;project_root&gt;/&lt;project_name&gt;.xcworkspace -scheme &lt;scheme&gt; -destination &#39;platform=iOS Simulator,id=2253C0D7-C198-44AD-A98B-11301FD88F30&#39;

This file will be located in the DerivedData folder and be named like this:


An example would be MyScheme_Screenshots_iphonesimulator16.4-arm64.xctestrun

The second invocation of xcodebuild then uses this file to run the tests. It is not allowed to specify any of [-project, -scheme, -workspace] when using -xctestrun:

xcrun xcodebuild test-without-building -destination &#39;platform=iOS Simulator,id=2253C0D7-C198-44AD-A98B-11301FD88F30&#39; -xctestrun ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/&lt;build_folder&gt;/Build/Products/&lt;scheme&gt;_&lt;test_plan_name&gt;_&lt;device_type&gt;&lt;ios-version&gt;-&lt;architecture&gt;.xctestrun

Hope this helps you folks 👍

PS: Here you can find the Pull Request for my command line tool Snap that integrates this fix. Snap creates screenshots using Xcode TestPlans. Super useful for CI 🔥


Actually I got a working soloution that does not require any hacks 🔥

The first invocation of xcodebuild will create a xctestrun file:

xcrun xcodebuild build-for-testing -workspace &lt;project_root&gt;/&lt;project_name&gt;.xcworkspace -scheme &lt;scheme&gt; -destination &#39;platform=iOS Simulator,id=2253C0D7-C198-44AD-A98B-11301FD88F30&#39;

This file will be located in the DerivedData folder and be named like this:


An example would be MyScheme_Screenshots_iphonesimulator16.4-arm64.xctestrun

The second invocation of xcodebuild then uses this file to run the tests. It is not allowed to specify any of [-project, -scheme, -workspace] when using -xctestrun:

xcrun xcodebuild test-without-building -destination &#39;platform=iOS Simulator,id=2253C0D7-C198-44AD-A98B-11301FD88F30&#39; -xctestrun ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/&lt;build_folder&gt;/Build/Products/&lt;scheme&gt;_&lt;test_plan_name&gt;_&lt;device_type&gt;&lt;ios-version&gt;-&lt;architecture&gt;.xctestrun

Hope this helps you folks 👍

PS: Here you can find the Pull Request for my command line tool Snap that integrates this fix. Snap creates screenshots using Xcode TestPlans. Super useful for CI 🔥

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年4月11日 02:18:43
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75979633.html



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