用.c替代.h进行包含 – MISRA C

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Include .c instead of header(.h) - MISRA C


#include "component.c" 被认为是不良做法吗?是否违反了任何 MISRA 标准规定?(可能是规则 3-3-1)


MISRA 规则 3-3-1 规定具有外部链接的对象或函数应在头文件中声明。


Is using #include "component.c" considered bad practice or is there any misra standard rule violation? (potentially rule 3-3-1)

So far, I understand that it is a commonly categorized as bad practice but can be used in certain scenarios, would it be any particular concern for safety-critical applications?

Misra rule 3-3-1 states that Objects or functions with external linkage shall be declared in a header file


得分: 1



  • 它将更多的源代码放入单个翻译单元中。这有助于优化,类似于链接时优化的工作原理,因为编译器实际上可以看到其他C文件中函数的源代码。

  • 项目文件中的混乱较少(较少的头文件),因此重复较少。

  • 构建大大简化;即使项目中有许多文件,构建可能只需构建一个文件。


  • 对于使用更常见实践的同事来说,理解起来更困难。

  • 无法在C文件中使用非常通用的名称定义静态变量,因为该C文件可能是更大翻译单元的一部分。你将得到更冗长的变量名称。

  • 它通常会减慢构建速度。构建系统(如make)可以通过仅重新编译对所有更改具有依赖关系的内容来加快编译速度。如果将事物合并到单个翻译单元中,那么每次更改都需要构建整个东西。在大型项目中,这将导致构建期间的内存消耗增加。

  • 无法并行构建。






When you write a program like that, it is called a unity build. A good example of such a program is the compiler for the Odin programming language. So it can be done, but like anything else, there are tradeoffs.


  • It puts more source into a single translation unit. This can help optimization, similar to how link-time-optimization works since the compiler can actually see the source from functions in other C files.

  • Less clutter in project files (less headers), and therefor, less repetition.

  • A greatly simplified build; It may be as easy as building only one file even if many files are in the project.


  • Harder to understand for co-workers who use more common practices.

  • You can no longer define a static variable with a very generic name in a C file, because that C file could be part of a bigger translation unit. You will wind up with more verbose variable names.

  • It will generally slow down the build. Build systems (like make), can speed up compilation by only re-compiling what is dependent on all changes. If you are combining things into a single translation unit, the whole thing will need to build for every change. In a big project, this will lead to more memory consumption during the build.

  • You cannot parallelize the build.

Does this violate MIRSA?

I don't actually know, but it doesn't violate the rule you posted:

>Misra rule 3-3-1 states that Objects or functions with external linkage shall be declared in a header file

By including a C file, you know longer have external linkage because they are in the same translation unit.


得分: 1

你在引用的是MISRA C++标准,而不是MISRA C标准。在MISRA C++标准中,规则3-1-1并不限制你在其他C文件中使用#include,因为任何C文件都可以相互包含,并且不声明任何东西具有外部链接。这个规则/要求是关于外部链接的,而不是关于C文件包含的。我认为,如果他们要添加一个关于包含其他C文件的规则,那会在“源文件包含”规则16-2-X下,但我刚刚检查了一下,没有关于包含其他C文件的内容。就我个人而言,我不介意包含其他C文件,因为我把#include看作是一种复制和粘贴操作,可以根据需要使用。


You are referencing the MISRA C++ standard not the MISRA C standard. In the MISRA C++ standard rule 3-1-1 does not restrict you from #include-ing C files in other C files, because any C file may include one another and not declare anything as having external linkage. The rule/requirement is about external linkage, not about C file inclusion. I believe that if they were to add a rule for including other C files it would be under section "Source file inclusion" rules 16-2-X, but i have just checked and there is nothing about including other C files. Personally, i dont mind including other C files because i see #include as just a copying and pasting operations to be used however you see fit.


得分: 0



It is also a matter of security in terms that you might not want to provide your code, so you just give the header and the object files


得分: 0

使用 #include "component.c" 被认为是不良实践吗









> Is using #include "component.c" considered bad practice

Generally speaking, yes.

Usually, the preprocessor's file-inclusion feature is reserved to support factoring common declarations into their own files, so that they don't need to be duplicated in multiple sources. Such factoring provides huge benefits for maintainability in all but the smallest projects, and it is a near-requirement for libraries to be usable. A file containing only such declarations is conventionally called a "header", and is conventionally named with a .h suffix. In this sense, then, the issue is partially about file naming and programming patterns.

On the other hand, C source files containing function or object definitions (as opposed to declarations) are conventionally named with a .c suffix. The C language forbids multiple external definitions of the same identifier (function or variable name) in the same program, so such .c files cannot be #included into more than one translation unit contributing to a program, and if they are included into even one, then they must not also be compiled directly. The usual way to build a program from multiple .c files is to compile them independently and then link them together.

Provided one is sure to avoid duplicate definitions, it is not inherently wrong to #include one .c file into another. But this makes sense only as a special-purpose arrangement. It creates extra risk, and it provides no particular advantage as far as the language specification goes. Also, because it runs contrary to convention, it tends to surprise and confuse developers -- maybe even more experienced future you.

> is there any misra standard rule violation? (potentially rule 3-3-1)

It does not inherently violate MISRA rule 3-3-1, but it makes it less painful to write code that does violate that rule. That is by making it feasible to have all the needed external declarations in a single .c file plus its inclusions, instead of providing a separate header.

I don't see any other MISRA-2012 rule that such an inclusion would violate. But that would not hold much water with me in code review.


得分: 0

规则 3-1-1 是 MISRA C++:2008 规则

适用的 MISRA C:2012 指南可能是规则 20.2 和 20.3 - 这并不禁止使用 .c 扩展名。

在 MISRA C:2004 中,规则 8.5 禁止在头文件中包含源代码(假设为 .h 文件)。这个规则在 MISRA C:2012 中被取消,以允许使用 inline 函数。

个人而言,我认为 #include 一个 .c 文件是一个不好的主意 - 这表明对语言、编译器和链接器的理解存在误解。




Rule 3-1-1 is a MISRA C++:2008 rule

The applicable MISRA C:2012 guidelines are (probably) Rules 20.2 and 20.3 - which do not prohibit the use of .c extensions.


In MISRA C:2004, Rule 8.5 prohibited source code in a header file (assumed to be a .h file). This Rule was dropped for MISRA C:2012 to permit the use of inline functions.


Personally, I think #include-ing a .c file is a bad idea - it suggests a mis-understanding of the language, the compiler and the linker.

If you do so, the expanded file would count as a Single Translation Unit for analysis purposes...

(see profile for Affiliation)

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