I'm trying to debounce a button in c++ for an atmega 328p microcontroller but nothing seems to be working

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I'm trying to debounce a button in c++ for an atmega 328p microcontroller but nothing seems to be working





    now++; //每1毫秒增加
PCICR = 0b00000010;
PCIFR = 0b00000010;
PCMSK1 = 0b00000100;// 在PCINT10上触发中断

uint8_t A2 = 0b00000100;
uint32_t A2_time = 0;
uint32_t buttons;
uint32_t oldb = 0;
uint32_t newb;

ISR(PCINT1_vect) {
    newb = PINC;
    int changed = oldb ^ newb; // changed为1表示按钮已更改
    if (changed & A2) {
        if ((now - A2_time) > 10) { // 10毫秒去抖动
            // 新的S1_A1按下
            A2_time = now;
            if ((oldb & ~newb) & A2) {
                buttons |= A2;

if ((PINC & A2) == 0) { //如果A2被按下
    current_state = Pause;



I'm still at a beginner level in C++. I need to debounce a button (PCINT10) using an interrupt and a timer. I'm using an atmega328p microcontroller and a HW-262 shield. Currently using timer0 to increment time by 1ms.

This is part of my code so far:

    now++; //increment by 1ms
//interrupt setup
    PCICR = 0b00000010; 
    PCIFR = 0b00000010;
    PCMSK1 = 0b00000100;// interrupt on PCINT10

//global variables
uint8_t A2 = 0b00000100;
uint32_t A2_time = 0;
uint32_t buttons;
uint32_t oldb = 0;
uint32_t newb;

ISR(PCINT1_vect) {
    newb = PINC;
    int changed = oldb ^ newb; // changed is 1 for buttons that have changed
    if (changed & A2) {
        if ((now - A2_time) > 10) { // 10 ms debounce
            // new S1_A1 press
            A2_time = now;
            if ((oldb & ~newb) & A2) {
                buttons |= A2;

//calling button to change states (not part of the ISR)
if (((PINC & A2) == 0)) { //if A2 pressed
                    current_state = Pause;

The ISR has had no effect on the button. Still detecting multiple button presses.


得分: 3


相反,您需要在定时器ISR内进行去抖动。对于大多数开关,它应该最多每5毫秒触发一次。 (您可以通过插入电压到开关并使用示波器测量来精确测量抖动。)

因此,取消PIN C中断,并将代码从那里移至定时器ISR。将当前读取与之前的读取进行比较,并等待两者相同时,是去抖动的最简单形式,在大多数情况下通常足够。



You shouldn't place the switch on an interrrupt-triggered pin, because it will trigger for each bounce (and on other forms of EMI noise as well).

Instead you need to do the debouncing from inside the timer ISR. And for most switches it should trigger at most once every 5ms or so. (You can measure the bounce exactly by plugging in a voltage to the switch and measure with an oscilloscope.)

So drop the PINC interrupt and move the code from there to the timer ISR. Comparing the current read with the previous and waiting until both are the same is the simplest form of de-bouncing and usually sufficient in most cases.

Also note that all variables shared between an ISR and the main program should be declared volatile or you might run into problems with an optimizing compiler generating incorrect code.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年3月31日 17:53:16
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