CodeHS 8.3.8: Word Ladder 无法通过自动评分器。

huangapple go评论86阅读模式

CodeHS 8.3.8: Word Ladder not passing the auto grader


在这个CodeHS任务中,你需要创建一个“Word Ladder”程序,用户需要输入一个单词、一个索引和一个字母。程序将替换单词中指定索引位置的字母。如果索引超出范围或字符是大写字母,它应该打印一个错误消息。


  1. 输入一个单词:cat
  2. 输入一个索引(-1退出):1
  3. 输入一个字母:o
  4. cot
  5. 输入一个索引(-1退出):2
  6. 输入一个字母:g
  7. cog
  8. 输入一个索引(-1退出):5
  9. 无效的索引
  10. 输入一个索引(-1退出):-3
  11. 无效的索引
  12. 输入一个索引(-1退出):0
  13. 输入一个字母:L
  14. 字符必须是小写字母!
  15. 输入一个字母:l
  16. log
  17. 输入一个索引(-1退出):-1


  1. def get_index(word):
  2. while True:
  3. try:
  4. index = int(input("输入一个索引(-1退出):"))
  5. except ValueError:
  6. print("无效的索引!")
  7. continue
  8. if index > len(word) - 1:
  9. print("无效的索引!")
  10. elif index < -1:
  11. print("无效的索引!")
  12. else:
  13. return index
  14. def get_letter():
  15. while True:
  16. letter = input("输入一个字母:")
  17. if len(letter) != 1:
  18. print("必须正好是一个字符!")
  19. continue
  20. elif letter.upper() == letter:
  21. print("字符必须是小写字母!")
  22. continue
  23. return letter
  24. word = input("输入一个单词:")
  25. while True:
  26. index = get_index(word)
  27. if index == -1:
  28. exit(0)
  29. letter = get_letter()
  30. word = word[:index] + letter + word[index+1:]
  31. print(word)



  1. 仔细检查代码,确保没有拼写错误或语法错误。
  2. 与其他学生或老师讨论,看看他们是否遇到了类似的问题,以获取更多建议。
  3. 阅读CodeHS的文档和评分规则,确保你的代码符合他们的要求。
  4. 尝试将代码中的文本消息与示例输出中的文本消息进行一一比对,确保它们一致。
  5. 如果仍然无法解决问题,考虑与CodeHS的支持团队联系,他们可能能够提供更多帮助或澄清评分标准。



> In this CodeHS assignment, you are to create a "Word Ladder", where the the user is supposed to input a word, an index, and a letter. The program will then replace the new letter into the word at that index. If the index is out of range, or the character is uppercase, it should print an error message.

This is the example output they gave:

  1. Enter a word: cat
  2. Enter an index (-1 to quit): 1
  3. Enter a letter: o
  4. cot
  5. Enter an index (-1 to quit): 2
  6. Enter a letter: g
  7. cog
  8. Enter an index (-1 to quit): 5
  9. Invalid index
  10. Enter an index (-1 to quit): -3
  11. Invalid index
  12. Enter an index (-1 to quit): 0
  13. Enter a letter: L
  14. Character must be a lowercase letter!
  15. Enter a letter: l
  16. log
  17. Enter an index (-1 to quit): -1

This is the code I wrote:

  1. def get_index(word):
  2. while True:
  3. try:
  4. index = int(input(&quot;Enter an index (-1 to quit): &quot;))
  5. except ValueError:
  6. print(&quot;Invalid index!&quot;)
  7. continue
  8. if index &gt; len(word) - 1:
  9. print(&quot;Invalid index!&quot;)
  10. elif index &lt; -1:
  11. print(&quot;Invalid index!&quot;)
  12. else:
  13. return index
  14. def get_letter():
  15. while True:
  16. letter = input(&quot;Enter a letter: &quot;)
  17. if len(letter) != 1:
  18. print(&quot;Must be exactly one character!&quot;)
  19. continue
  20. elif letter.upper() == letter:
  21. print(&quot;Character must be a lowercase letter!&quot;)
  22. continue
  23. return letter
  24. word = input(&quot;Enter a word: &quot;)
  25. while True:
  26. index = get_index(word)
  27. if index == -1:
  28. exit(0)
  29. letter = get_letter()
  30. word = word[:index] + letter + word[index+1:]
  31. print(word)

When I tested the code with the exact input that was given in the example, it worked flawlessly.

However, this is what the auto grader returns:
CodeHS 8.3.8: Word Ladder 无法通过自动评分器。

My output is the exact same, except for a "something is wrong with code" thing added at the bottom of my supposed output. Because of this, the auto grader does not accept it. I think has to do with CodeHS itself, or my solution is just one that they were not expecting.

What can I do to solve this? I don't want to just copy and paste another solution and be done with it.


得分: 0

I would rewrite the while loop to remove the exit(0) statement as follows:

  1. while True:
  2. index = get_index(word)
  3. if index == -1:
  4. break
  5. letter = get_letter()
  6. word = word[:index] + letter + word[index+1:]
  7. print(word)

While I have no way to prove this theory, in reviewing your code I would rewrite the while loop to remove the exit(0) statement as follows:

  1. while True:
  2. index = get_index(word)
  3. if index == -1:
  4. break
  5. letter = get_letter()
  6. word = word[:index] + letter + word[index+1:]
  7. print(word)

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年3月23日 09:53:51
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