How to start/stop my launch agent in all logged in sessions from a root user process?

huangapple go评论46阅读模式

How to start/stop my launch agent in all logged in sessions from a root user process?



launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.example.MyDaemon.plist


launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.example.MyDaemon.plist





PS. 两个 plist 文件的 RunAtLoadKeepAlive 都设置为 true


I'm writing an installer for my launch daemon, and for a launch agent, that will run in every logged in user session on macOS. The installer will be running as an admin, and thus I can install and start my launch daemon as such:

launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.example.MyDaemon.plist

and stop it as such:

launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.example.MyDaemon.plist

The issue is that I need to run (and stop) my launch agent right after installation (and un-installation) in every logged in user session, as it doesn't seem to happen automatically until I log off and log back in.

I placed my launch agent into:


But how do I start/stop it from a root user process?

PS. Both plists have RunAtLoad and KeepAlive set to true.


得分: 1

我意识到这并不是你直接问题的确切回答,但可能解决了你潜在的问题。看起来你有一个启动守护程序和 N 个用户会话运行的启动代理程序,而且可能这些启动代理程序已经通过某种 IPC 机制(XPC?)与启动守护程序进行了检查。通过这个 IPC 通道,你可以让中央启动守护程序向代理实例发送一条消息,导致它们退出。根据退出代码和启动 plist,launchd 将重新启动它们或不重新启动。确切的逻辑何时发生由你决定,当然你要小心不要陷入重新启动循环。(当然,这并不能解决安装后初始代理启动的问题。)


I realise this is not a direct answer to the exact question you're asking, but may solve your underlying problem. It sounds like you have a launch daemon and N launch agents for N user sessions running, and presumably the launch agents have checked in with the launch daemon via some IPC mechanism (XPC?)? Via this IPC channel, you could have the central launch daemon send out a message to the agent instances which causes them to exit. Depending on the exit code and the launchd plist, launchd will either restart them or not. The exact logic as to when this happens is up to you and you'll want to be careful not to end up in a restart loop of course. (This doesn't solve the initial agent startup after installation though.)

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