Firebase Firestore监听器触发多次

huangapple go评论57阅读模式

Firebase Firestore Listener Fires Multiple Times


我正在使用Firebase Firestore用于iOS应用程序。





任何指导都将不胜感激。我尝试通过 DispatchQueue.asyncAfter 延迟重新附加监听器,观察到监听器触发的次数减少,所以问题可能与网络调用的延迟在Firestore中反映/执行有关吗?

更新:我将批处理操作拆分为单独的操作,包括写操作和删除操作。在其中一个写操作的完成处理程序中,我完成了承诺函数。这似乎提供了对我的问题的一种解决方法...但让我担心其他地方的批处理操作,是否有更好的解决方案... :/

private var listener: ListenerRegistration?

func writeTo(ids: [String]) -> Promise<Void> {

toggleListener(isActive: false)

return Promise.value(ids).thenMap { id in
    Promise<String> { resolver in

        let batch = self.db.batch()

        let refOne = self.db.collection(collectionOne).document(id)
        let refTwo = self.db.collection(collectionOne).document(id).collection(collectionTwo).document()

        batch.setData(["x": "x"], forDocument: refOne)

        batch.setData(["x": "x"], forDocument: refTwo)

        batch.commit { error in

.done { uids in

    toggleListener(isActive: true)

func toggleListener(isActive: Bool) {

if isActive {

    listener = db.collection(collectionOne).addSnapshotListener { snapshot, error in


} else {

    listener = nil

I am using Firebase Firestore for an iOS app.

I have a promise function I run that loops through an array and writes a document for each array item via a Firestore batch query.

In parallel, I have a listener on the collection which my function writes documents under.

To avoid having the listener fire repeatedly, I remove the listener prior to running the promise function. Once the promise function is complete, I reattach the listener in the promise function's completion handler.

My problem is, despite having done this, I notice that the listener fires repeatedly after attaching instead of just firing once.

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. I tried delaying reattaching the listener via DispatchQueue.asyncAfter and have observed the number of times the listener fire go down, so perhaps the issue relates to a delay in the network call being reflected/executed in Firestore?

> Update: I split the batch operation into individual operations, which
> included both write and delete operations. In one of the write
> operations' completion handlers, I fulfill the promise function. This
> seems to offer a workaround for my issue...but does have me worried
> about other batch operations I have elsewhere and wonder if there is
> altogether better solution... :/

private var listener: ListenerRegistration?

func writeTo(ids: [String]) -&gt; Promise&lt;Void&gt; {

toggleListener(isActive: false)

return Promise.value(ids).thenMap { id in
    Promise&lt;String&gt; { resolver in

        let batch = self.db.batch()
        let refOne = self.db.collection(collectionOne).document(id)
        let refTwo = self.db.collection(collectionOne).document(id).collection(collectionTwo).document()
        batch.setData([&quot;x&quot;: &quot;x&quot;], forDocument: refOne)
        batch.setData([ &quot;x&quot;: &quot;x&quot;], forDocument: refTwo)
        batch.commit { error in
.done { uids in
    toggleListener(isActive: true)

func toggleListener(isActive: Bool) {

if isActive {
    listener = db.collection(collectionOne).addSnapshotListener{ snapshot, error in
} else {
    listener = nil


得分: 1


问题在于批量写操作被发送到Firestore作为一个单一请求,但Firestore会独立处理批次中的每个写入操作。这意味着如果一个写入成功而另一个失败,监听器可能会被触发多次 - 对每个成功的写入都会触发一次。



func writeTo(ids: [String]) -> Promise<Void> {
    toggleListener(isActive: false)

    return Promise.value(ids).thenMap { id in
        self.db.runTransaction { transaction -> String in
            let refOne = self.db.collection(collectionOne).document(id)
            let refTwo = refOne.collection(collectionTwo).document()
            transaction.setData(["x": "x"], forDocument: refOne)
            transaction.setData(["x": "x"], forDocument: refTwo)
            return id
    }.done { uids in
        toggleListener(isActive: true)

func toggleListener(isActive: Bool) {
    if isActive {
        if listener == nil {
            listener = db.collection(collectionOne).addSnapshotListener { snapshot, error in
    } else {
        listener = nil




The issue is that the batched writes are sent as a single request to Firestore, but Firestore processes each write in the batch independently. This means that if one write succeeds and another fails, the listener could be triggered multiple times - once for each successful write.

So a better approach would be to use a transaction that ensures that all writes are processed together, atomically, so the listener will only be triggered once. This is why using a transaction instead of a batch write can help you avoid multiple listener triggers.

Here I have use Transactions instead of batch writes:

func writeTo(ids: [String]) -&gt; Promise&lt;Void&gt; {
    toggleListener(isActive: false)

    return Promise.value(ids).thenMap { id in
        self.db.runTransaction { transaction -&gt; String in
            let refOne = self.db.collection(collectionOne).document(id)
            let refTwo = refOne.collection(collectionTwo).document()
            transaction.setData([&quot;x&quot;: &quot;x&quot;], forDocument: refOne)
            transaction.setData([&quot;x&quot;: &quot;x&quot;], forDocument: refTwo)
            return id
    }.done { uids in
        toggleListener(isActive: true)

func toggleListener(isActive: Bool) {
    if isActive {
        if listener == nil {
            listener = db.collection(collectionOne).addSnapshotListener { snapshot, error in
    } else {
        listener = nil

Here, we're using runTransaction instead of a batch write. The transaction ensures that the writes to refOne and refTwo are applied atomically, so the listener will only be triggered once.

Reference : Batched writes and Updating data with transactions

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月24日 09:23:49
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