
huangapple go评论117阅读模式

Algorithmic way to combine different contact number and emails for same contact



  1. contact <- tribble(
  2. ~name, ~phone, ~email,
  3. 'John', 123, 'john_abc@gmail.com',
  4. 'John', 456, 'john_abc@gmail.com',
  5. 'John', 456, 'john_xyz@gmail.com',
  6. 'John', 789, 'john_pqr@gmail.com'
  7. )


  1. contact_combined <- tribble(
  2. ~name, ~phone, ~email,
  3. 'John', '123;456', 'john_abc@gmail.com;john_xyz@gmail.com',
  4. 'John', '789', 'john_pqr@gmail.com'
  5. )




I have the following tibble,

  1. contact <- tribble(
  2. ~name, ~phone, ~email,
  3. 'John', 123, 'john_abc@gmail.com',
  4. 'John', 456, 'john_abc@gmail.com',
  5. 'John', 456, 'john_xyz@gmail.com',
  6. 'John', 789, 'john_pqr@gmail.com'
  7. )

I'd like to combine the phone numbers and emails if phone or email are the same, the desired output is the following,

  1. contact_combined <- tribble(
  2. ~name, ~phone, ~email,
  3. 'John', '123;456', 'john_abc@gmail.com;john_xyz@gmail.com',
  4. 'John', '789', 'john_pqr@gmail.com'
  5. )

I've tried grouping it first by name and phone and then by name and emails but it's not giving me the expected results. I'm stuck on finding an algorithmic way to solve this problem, could someone please give me an advice?

Note: The collapsing of the values in a column is not the question here. It's about selecting the records for the collapsing.


得分: 10


  1. library(igraph)
  2. # 创建一个矩阵,告诉我们向量元素对是否相等
  3. equal_mat <- function(x) {
  4. outer(x, x, '==')
  5. }
  6. m.adj <- equal_mat(contact$phone) | equal_mat(contact$email)
  7. g <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(m.adj, mode='undir')
  8. t(sapply(split(contact, components(g)$membership), function(group)
  9. sapply(group, function(column)
  10. paste(sort(unique(column)), collapse=';')))) %>%
  11. as_tibble()
  12. # # A tibble: 2 × 3
  13. # name phone email
  14. # <chr> <chr> <chr>
  15. # 1 John 123;456 john_abc@gmail.com;john_xyz@gmail.com
  16. # 2 John 789 john_pqr@gmail.com




  1. components(g)$membership
  2. [1] 1 1 1 2



Graphs can help with this.

  1. library(igraph)
  2. # creates a matrix which tells whether pairs of vector elements are equal or not
  3. equal_mat &lt;- function(x) {
  4. outer(x, x, &#39;==&#39;)
  5. }
  6. m.adj &lt;- equal_mat(contact$phone) | equal_mat(contact$email)
  7. g &lt;- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(m.adj, mode=&#39;undir&#39;)
  8. t(sapply(split(contact, components(g)$membership), function(group)
  9. sapply(group, function(column)
  10. paste(sort(unique(column)), collapse=&#39;;&#39;)))) %&gt;%
  11. as_tibble()
  12. # # A tibble: 2 &#215; 3
  13. # name phone email
  14. # &lt;chr&gt; &lt;chr&gt; &lt;chr&gt;
  15. # 1 John 123;456 john_abc@gmail.com;john_xyz@gmail.com
  16. # 2 John 789 john_pqr@gmail.com

You can think of your original contacts as a graph, i.e. a set of vertices, one for each row in contact, which are connected by edges if two contacts have the same phone number or email. In your case the graph looks like this, plot(g):

Contacts 1–3 form one connected component, while the contact number 4 which has no connections is another component. Each such component should be merged into one contact in the final output.

We create the graph from an adjacency matrix m.adj that tells which vertices (nodes) are connected and the graph components are identified using

  1. components(g)$membership
  2. [1] 1 1 1 2

which tells us exactly what we saw above: contacts 1–3 form component one, contact number 4 is component 2. Now we can just collapse the values within each components.


得分: 7


  1. contact %>%
  2. select(c(2, 3, 1)) %>%
  3. graph_from_data_frame() %>%
  4. decompose() %>%
  5. lapply(function(x) {
  6. aggregate(
  7. . ~ name, get.data.frame(x),
  8. function(v) toString(unique(v))
  9. )
  10. }) %>%
  11. bind_rows() %>%
  12. setNames(names(contact))


  1. name phone email
  2. 1 John 123, 456 john_abc@gmail.com, john_xyz@gmail.com
  3. 2 John 789 john_pqr@gmail.com


  1. contact %>%
  2. relocate(name, .after = last_col()) %>%
  3. graph_from_data_frame() %>%
  4. decompose() %>%
  5. map(~ .x %>%
  6. get.data.frame() %>%
  7. reframe(across(everything(), ~ str_c(unique(.x), collapse = ";")), .by = "name")) %>%
  8. list_rbind() %>%
  9. setNames(names(contact))

I guess igraph would be a good start (by which you can use decompose to cluster connected subgroups)

  1. contact %&gt;%
  2. select(c(2, 3, 1)) %&gt;%
  3. graph_from_data_frame() %&gt;%
  4. decompose() %&gt;%
  5. lapply(function(x) {
  6. aggregate(
  7. . ~ name, get.data.frame(x),
  8. function(v) toString(unique(v))
  9. )
  10. }) %&gt;%
  11. bind_rows() %&gt;%
  12. setNames(names(contact))

which gives

  1. name phone email
  2. 1 John 123, 456 john_abc@gmail.com, john_xyz@gmail.com
  3. 2 John 789 john_pqr@gmail.com

A more tidyverse way (thank @akrun's comment)

  1. contact %&gt;%
  2. relocate(name, .after = last_col()) %&gt;%
  3. graph_from_data_frame() %&gt;%
  4. decompose() %&gt;%
  5. map(~ .x %&gt;%
  6. get.data.frame() %&gt;%
  7. reframe(across(everything(), ~ str_c(unique(.x), collapse = &quot;;&quot;)), .by = &quot;name&quot;)) %&gt;%
  8. list_rbind() %&gt;%
  9. setNames(names(contact))


得分: 4


  1. setDT(contact)
  2. # 设置键
  3. setkey(contact, name, phone, email)
  4. # 对每个唯一键进行自连接,在操作过程中进行筛选和汇总
  5. ans <- contact[contact, c("phone2", "email2") := {
  6. temp <- contact[name == i.name &
  7. (phone %in% contact[name == i.name & email == i.email, ]$phone |
  8. email %in% contact[name == i.name & phone == i.phone, ]$email), ]
  9. email_temp <- paste0(unique(temp$email), collapse = ";")
  10. phone_temp <- paste0(unique(temp$phone), collapse = ";")
  11. list(phone_temp, email_temp)
  12. }, by = .EACHI]
  13. # 最后一步
  14. unique(ans, by = c("name", "phone2", "email2"))[, .(name, phone = phone2, email = email2)]



  1. contact[name == 'John' &
  2. (phone %in% contact[name == 'John' & email == 'john_abc@gmail.com', ]$phone |
  3. email %in% contact[name == 'John' & phone == 123, ]$email), ]


  1. email_temp <- paste0(unique(temp$email), collapse = ";")


  1. phone_temp <- paste0(unique(temp$phone), collapse = ";")




here is s data.table approach

  1. setDT(contact)
  2. # set keys
  3. setkey(contact, name, phone, email)
  4. # self join on each unique key, filter and summarise on the fly
  5. ans &lt;- contact[contact, c(&quot;phone2&quot;, &quot;email2&quot;) := {
  6. temp &lt;- contact[ name == i.name &amp;
  7. (phone %in% contact[name == i.name &amp; email == i.email, ]$phone |
  8. email %in% contact[name == i.name &amp; phone == i.phone, ]$email), ]
  9. email_temp &lt;- paste0(unique(temp$email), collapse = &quot;;&quot;)
  10. phone_temp &lt;- paste0(unique(temp$phone), collapse = &quot;;&quot;)
  11. list(phone_temp, email_temp)
  12. }, by = .EACHI]
  13. # final step
  14. unique(ans, by = c(&quot;name&quot;, &quot;phone2&quot;, &quot;email2&quot;))[, .(name, phone = phone2, email = email2)]
  15. # name phone email
  16. # 1: John 123;456 john_abc@gmail.com;john_xyz@gmail.com
  17. # 2: John 789 john_pqr@gmail.com


  1. # so, for the first row, the variable &#39;temp&#39; is calculated as follows
  2. contact[ name == &#39;John&#39; &amp;
  3. (phone %in% contact[name == &#39;John&#39; &amp; email == &#39;john_abc@gmail.com&#39;, ]$phone |
  4. email %in% contact[name == &#39;John&#39; &amp; phone == 123, ]$email), ]
  5. # name phone email
  6. # 1: John 123 john_abc@gmail.com
  7. # 2: John 456 john_abc@gmail.com
  8. # 3: John 456 john_xyz@gmail.com
  9. # then, put the unique emails together in a string using
  10. # email_temp &lt;- paste0(unique(temp$email), collapse = &quot;;&quot;)
  11. # and do the same for the phones using
  12. # phone_temp &lt;- paste0(unique(temp$phone), collapse = &quot;;&quot;)
  13. # and return there two strings to the columns &quot;phone2&quot; ans &quot;email2&quot;
  14. #repeat for each unique key-combination (.EACHI)


得分: 4


  1. 使用 `powerjoin` 包的不同方法:
  2. contact <- tribble(
  3. ~name, ~phone, ~email,
  4. "John", 123, "john_abc@gmail.com",
  5. "John", 456, "john_abc@gmail.com",
  6. "John", 456, "john_xyz@gmail.com",
  7. "John", 789, "john_pqr@gmail.com") |>
  8. mutate(row_id = row_number())
  9. library(powerjoin)
  10. library(dplyr)
  11. # 检查电话列中的重复条目
  12. phone_check <- contact |>
  13. power_right_join(filter(contact, duplicated(phone)),
  14. by = c("name", "phone"),
  15. conflict = ~ paste(.x, .y, sep = ";")
  16. ) |>
  17. group_by(phone) |>
  18. slice(1) |>
  19. tidyr::separate_rows(row_id) |>
  20. ungroup() |>
  21. select(name, email, row_id)
  22. # 检查电子邮件列中的重复条目
  23. email_check <- contact |>
  24. power_right_join(filter(contact, duplicated(email)),
  25. by = c("name", "email"),
  26. conflict = ~ paste(.x, .y, sep = ";")
  27. ) |>
  28. group_by(email) |>
  29. slice(1) |>
  30. tidyr::separate_rows(row_id) |>
  31. ungroup() |>
  32. select(name, phone, row_id)
  33. email_check |> select(name, phone, row_id) |>
  34. inner_join(phone_check, by = c("name", "row_id")) |>
  35. bind_rows(
  36. contact |>
  37. mutate(phone = as.character(phone),
  38. row_id = as.character(row_id)) |>
  39. filter(!row_id %in% c(phone_check$row_id, email_check$row_id))
  40. ) |>
  41. select(-row_id)
  42. # 一个 tibble:2 × 3
  43. name phone email
  44. <chr> <chr> <chr>
  45. 1 John 123;456 john_abc@gmail.com;john_xyz@gmail.com
  46. 2 John 789 john_pqr@gmail.com

A different approach using the powerjoin package:

  1. contact &lt;- tribble(
  2. ~name, ~phone, ~email,
  3. &quot;John&quot;, 123, &quot;john_abc@gmail.com&quot;,
  4. &quot;John&quot;, 456, &quot;john_abc@gmail.com&quot;,
  5. &quot;John&quot;, 456, &quot;john_xyz@gmail.com&quot;,
  6. &quot;John&quot;, 789, &quot;john_pqr@gmail.com&quot;) |&gt;
  7. mutate(row_id = row_number())
  8. library(powerjoin)
  9. library(dplyr)
  10. # check duplicated entries in phone column
  11. phone_check &lt;- contact |&gt;
  12. power_right_join(filter(contact, duplicated(phone)),
  13. by = c(&quot;name&quot;, &quot;phone&quot;),
  14. conflict = ~ paste(.x, .y, sep = &quot;;&quot;)
  15. ) |&gt;
  16. group_by(phone) |&gt;
  17. slice(1) |&gt;
  18. tidyr::separate_rows(row_id) |&gt;
  19. ungroup() |&gt;
  20. select(name, email, row_id)
  21. # check duplicated entries in email column
  22. email_check &lt;- contact |&gt;
  23. power_right_join(filter(contact, duplicated(email)),
  24. by = c(&quot;name&quot;, &quot;email&quot;),
  25. conflict = ~ paste(.x, .y, sep = &quot;;&quot;)
  26. ) |&gt;
  27. group_by(email) |&gt;
  28. slice(1) |&gt;
  29. tidyr::separate_rows(row_id) |&gt;
  30. ungroup() |&gt;
  31. select(name, phone, row_id)
  32. email_check |&gt; select(name, phone, row_id) |&gt;
  33. inner_join(phone_check, by = c(&quot;name&quot;, &quot;row_id&quot;)) |&gt;
  34. bind_rows(
  35. contact |&gt;
  36. mutate(phone = as.character(phone),
  37. row_id = as.character(row_id)) |&gt;
  38. filter(!row_id %in% c(phone_check$row_id, email_check$row_id))
  39. ) |&gt;
  40. select(-row_id)
  41. # A tibble: 2 &#215; 3
  42. name phone email
  43. &lt;chr&gt; &lt;chr&gt; &lt;chr&gt;
  44. 1 John 123;456 john_abc@gmail.com;john_xyz@gmail.com
  45. 2 John 789 john_pqr@gmail.com

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月18日 01:31:20
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75487491.html



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