Python中的 “and” 评估顺序

huangapple go评论79阅读模式

python "and" evaluation sequence


问题:为什么像(True and a)这样的表达式不会在括号内完全求值?


在你的示例中,(True and a),由于第一个表达式是True,Python会继续计算第二个表达式a的值,而不会短路。这与你的预期不同,因为你可能期望由于第一个表达式已经为True,所以整个表达式会直接返回True,而不会计算第二个表达式。



I am trying to understand how python keywords and operators interact with object dunder methods and have encounter a situation I don't quite understand.

I created two simple classes with the __bool__ dunder method that I believe should be used when checking for truthy conditions. I have them always return true which should be the same behavior as if the method was not defined on the class, but I have added a print statement so I can see when the method is called.

  1. class ClassA(object):
  2. def __bool__(self):
  3. print('__bool__ check classA')
  4. return True
  5. class ClassB(object):
  6. def __bool__(self):
  7. print('__bool__ check classB')
  8. return True

Test 1:

  1. if a and b: print(True)

The output is what I expected to see:

  1. __bool__ check classA
  2. __bool__ check classB
  3. True

Test 2:

  1. c = (a and b)
  2. print(c)

The output is NOT what I expected to see:

  1. __bool__ check classA
  2. <__main__.ClassB object at 0x0000020ECC6E7F10>

My best guess is that Python is evaluating the logic from left to right, but doesn't call the __bool__ method on the final object until needed. (I don't understand why, but I think that is what is happening)

Test 3:

  1. c = (a and b and a)
  2. print(c)

This output agrees with my assumption.

  1. __bool__ check classA
  2. __bool__ check classB
  3. <__main__.ClassA object at 0x0000026A81FA7FD0>

Test 4:

  1. c = (a and b and a)
  2. if c: print(True)

Further calling if c then evaluates the check on the object.

  1. __bool__ check classA
  2. __bool__ check classB
  3. __bool__ check classA
  4. True

Why doesn't an expression such as (True and a) fully evaluate inside the parenthesis?


得分: 3

表达式 a and b 如果 a 为假,则返回左操作数,如果 a 为真,则返回右操作数。不需要评估 b 的布尔值。

然而,在 if 语句中使用时,有必要检查整个表达式是否产生一个真值。


The expression a and b returns the left hand operand if a is falsy and returns the right hand operand if a is truthy. There is no need to evaluate the boolean value of b.

However, when used in an if statement, it is necessary to check if the entire expression gives a truthy value.

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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
